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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Mod Folder improvements

    He requested it un-sticky'd as no one follows it anymore. :rolleyes:
  2. Zipper5

    coop missions disappeared

    Public MP has been this way since the introduction of JIP in ArmA.
  3. You were expecting something other than lies from Codemasters? :rolleyes:
  4. Some game apparently trying to pass itself off as OFP. Pretty funny stuff. :rolleyes:
  5. Zipper5

    ARMA2 and Kinect

    God, that still makes me cringe... Anyone notice the jump rope clipping through the tiger?
  6. Meh, no one cares anymore. Not even the people who post on their forum. :rolleyes:
  7. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    I made a rather unfortunate choice with the name but... c'est la vie... :rolleyes:
  8. Zipper5

    The new industry standard, SUE HACKERS

    This should be in offtopic, but I greatly support any developer taking up such a crusade against hackers. The hackers ruin the experience for their customers, so it's nice to see them finally take some legal action to shut them down.
  9. No, the BAF campaign is SP only, but you can play mission 3 in MP. I believe it's called something along the lines of "Heat" when you're selecting a MP mission to launch.
  10. Nah mate, this was a trailer I have had for a while now. I just kept it as a backup in case something happened with yourself, so when I saw your post on the previous page, I decided to release this one. Reason I didn't get in touch after was the campaign still isn't finished. Offer is still definitely standing if you're in a situation to make one when the campaign gets closer to release. :D Yup, it was also sort of an experiment to see if I could fit a Coldplay song to such a subject matter, but it seemed to work in my opinion. Hope it was the same for others too. :p
  11. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    COD4's is definitely better than every game I've played, including MOH. Best representation of NVGs to date. To me they seemed as realistic as OA's. I don't recall if they glowed on the ground when they touched. Those were definitely heavily scripted, and the part in which the player had to spam 3 M249 boxes at a MG (and STILL didn't kill the gunner) until the bomber flattened it was ridiculous, especially since the MG had an armor shield and the M249 rounds seemed to just bounce off of it. That's subjective I guess. There are rumors I've heard that they were done by actual military personnel. I've heard better in many other games, including the original Ghost Recons. Hell no, games like Far Cry 2, Crysis, Killzone do a much better job. In fact, the SP visuals for MOH are really inconsistent. Some of the character and weapon models look really good, but then you have animations that are very jerky and explosions that look very low-res and 2D. Yeah, full auto M16A4s... So yeah, nothing done originally, or at least better than the competition if it's already been done. The game will fade into oblivion over the next two or so months because of it. They had such an opportunity and blew it by trying to rush it out before Black Ops.
  12. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    Nope, been working at a constant pace since it was announced. It's just a lot of work. ;)
  13. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    When it's ready. ;) It is a teaser trailer after all, though I just realized it's actually a pretty long one. :p
  14. Figured I might as well post this here as well: WS9mSkMoy4g
  15. Zipper5

    Zipper5's Missions

    I've prepared a little something special for you guys: WS9mSkMoy4g Enjoy! :D
  16. Zipper5

    ARMA 2 (OA) : DLC discussion thread

    Misread. Please delete.
  17. Zipper5

    New Medal of Honor game trailer

    Name one thing it's done that hasn't been done before, and better.
  18. Last time I tried this the SCAR sounds were not replaced. Don't know if they haven't been gotten around to yet, or if there's a config error, or something, but as far as I know there are still no replacements for the SCARs.
  19. Some people recognize Arma 2 is still a game at it's heart. ;) Unless you want to get pwned in PvP...
  20. That's a shame Litos. :( But as always, real life comes first. Good luck with whatever you've got going on!
  21. Lol, that is awesome! The ultimate revenge! :D Well, at this time, Arma 2 doesn't have much of a physics engine per-say, but it gets the job done for the most part. Who knows, with PhysX supposedly coming to VBS2 (it might actually be there already now that I think about it), we might see the same thing happen with Arma 3 or whatever is coming after Arma 2. :p
  22. Zipper5

    ARMA2 and Kinect

    Still, Kinect is intended to use the entire body, not just the head, therefore from what I've seen I doubt the precision of it only monitoring your head will ever be able to surpass TrackIR, a tool made specifically for tracking head motion. And this is eliminating Kinect's stupid price tag and its contribution to the prolonging of this motion control fad akin to the current (and useless) 3D fad.
  23. If you notice it's only rocks on OA's new islands. From my experiences no other map suffers the same issue.
  24. Zipper5

    ARMA2 and Kinect

    Do not want. Motion control will not work until they find out a way to give physical feedback for your actions. Kinect is nothing more than a gimmick that costs way too much.