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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. In the department of AI I'm sure 2 weeks is pretty much over-night. I don't think any of us here realize the true complexity of programing a good and dynamic AI. Also, about the stable patches thing - since 1.54 the only bug that the beta patches have introduced which hasn't yet been fixed is the chopper one, and it's hardly major. If it bugs you so much, set their speed to Normal and use flyInHeight. They won't lose too much altitude as they travel, and even if they do, they're always going to fly higher above the ground. Criticism is welcome so long as a) it's constructive and b) it isn't perpetual. Currently you're doing b). You've already been given this: on radar but no ETA for now on fix, there is more to it ... wip
  2. I recommend that the next time you look to buy a game from eBay you should do research as to whether or not people have experienced issues doing so. It's more than likely that you are suffering from FADE if you're buying it second hand across such a service as eBay, as the person you bought it from probably has not uninstalled it properly, if at all. The only way to fix this is to buy a copy from official distributors. Might I ask, out of curiosity, why you chose eBay instead of the latter method? There have been countless tales of issues buying games from eBay.
  3. And it's simply getting annoying with you harping on about it despite being told that they know of the issues you've referred too, most specifically the chopper bug. These things can't be fixed over-night. You expect that from the time you first mentioned the chopper bug to now it would have been fixed? What are BIS? Super-computers? No where else in the industry today do you get devs that communicate with their community as much as BIS, so for you to say that they don't communicate is nothing more than misguided. For the record I wouldn't be surprised if BIS were super-computers. :p
  4. Zipper5

    Idea for BIS

    I think this idea of releasing each DLC on a DVD is pretty stupid and against the purpose of DownLoadable Content, but as I said - waiting for all of them to be released and then combining it with OA, and possibly even Arma 2, would be probably one of the best buys in gaming, up there with The Orange Box. One kickass Gold/GOTY Edition.
  5. Cutscene functionality, or perhaps a means of getting the ID of one specific object that you can't find otherwise.
  6. Zipper5

    Idea for BIS

    I would support it so long as it's only released once all planned DLCs for OA have been released. Imagine an Arma 2 GOTY edition then. Arma 2, OA, BAF DLC, PMC DLC, Czech DLC, and more. That would be one feature-packed buy! :D
  7. You do realize that the changes listed aren't always the only changes made in the betas, yes? ;)
  8. Yes, I agree, but at the very least it's development created SSAO, and I'm sure the fact it was the first to crack DX10 helped other developers do the same from then on.
  9. I've been making a mission for my campaign in which you have to utilize an artillery strike to take out a Takistani T72 before it's safe for you and other elements to attack a town. Originally I used the Simple Support Module to accomplish this, but that was far too... Simplistic. So I decided to create my own artillery script (see below) to accomplish it better and allow me to have voice acting for it. Unfortunately, it would appear the explosives might be broken again, or at least for some types. I'm using the 125mm HE shell and even with 4 of them (I did that when I realized 1 wasn't having any effect) spawning in the same place they don't even seem to hurt infantry, even if the artillery hits one directly. I even tried using a GBU and it didn't do any damage. Despite the randomness of where they land they do fall within a radius many times that I would usually expect to destroy the T72 if the player guides it properly. I can't see any errors with the script itself, and none of the units are allowDamage false'd, but if anyone has an ideas please let me know. If anyone else manages to reproduce the same thing I'll create a ticket for it on the CIT if no one else has by then. This is all done with the latest beta patch, 1.54.74123, and only vanilla Combined Operations. Command to call the artillery: hint "Use your map to guide the artillery strike."; onMapSingleClick {[_pos] execVM "arty.sqf"}; Artillery script: _artyPos = _this select 0; "arty" setMarkerPos _artyPos; "arty" setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "arty" setMarkerBrush "DiagGrid"; "arty" setMarkerSize [50,50]; _artyShells = 0; _shell = "Sh_125_HE"; sleep 1; aP sideRadio "requestArty"; sleep 7; usArty1 sideRadio "confirmArty"; sleep 10; usArty1 sideRadio "shot"; sleep 25; usArty1 sideRadio "splash"; sleep 2; underAttack = true; while {_artyShells < 15} do { _arty1 = _shell createVehicle [((_artyPos select 0) + (random 50) - (random 50)), ((_artyPos select 1) + (random 50) - (random 50)), (_artyPos select 2)]; _arty2 = _shell createVehicle position _arty1; _arty3 = _shell createVehicle position _arty1; _arty4 = _shell createVehicle position _arty1; sleep (3 + (random 3)); _artyShells = _artyShells + 1; if (_artyShells == 15) then { deleteMarker "arty"; //Artillery shells damage broken? This will have to do until it's fixed... if (alive takT1 || (takT1C in takT1 && alive takT1C) || (takT1G in takT1 && alive takT1G) || (takT1D in takT1 && alive takT1D)) then { killT72 = _shell createVehicle position takT1; sleep 1; takT1 setDamage 1; {_x setDamage 1} forEach units (group takT1C); }; }; };
  10. Thanks for moving this, mods. Can't believe I didn't realize I posted it there. :o And thanks for the script, Carl. It's exactly what I needed. I'll go about getting it how I want it to be in the mission.
  11. I'd say that Crysis was pretty innovative technology-wise, and was PC-only. It was the first to really use DirectX10, and it's development also created SSAO, which even OA uses now (and looks fantastic). The rest of the game was as unoriginal as unoriginality gets. :p
  12. Zipper5

    Let's Play Eagle Wing!

    Nice one, mate. Enjoyed watching both parts. Looking forward to watching the rest! :D
  13. Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Spawning them higher does seem to make them do more damage. Did BIS take the round's velocity into account or something? Your idea of smoke trails is a great one, Carl, but I'm quite green when it comes to particle scripting. Could you perhaps point me in the right direction to achieve such an effect with the method I already have? Thanks. :o Perhaps PM would be the best place to do this as we can consider this issue closed. :p
  14. Zipper5

    ARMA 2: 1.07 Patch Released!!!

    I like how you're looked down upon for having the default HUD elements enabled. Stop being so elitist. :rolleyes: I think what wipman has done here is great, but he should really consider using the CIT if he wants to get it directly to BIS.
  15. Zipper5

    How to enjoy ArmA 2 MP?

    Really the only way you're going to get good MP at the moment is playing with a clan. Public MP is a mess in it's current state, sadly. :(
  16. Zipper5

    Lost Planet 2

    I have little hatred towards console games, just cash-ins. Unfortunately that includes much of the console game market at the moment, but still, Lost Planet 2 looks very average, and reviews call it very average.
  17. Zipper5

    You have been Kicked Out. Arma2.

    Since you had errors I presume they were about a file called missions_e.pbo? If you haven't already downloaded and installed the fix for that, get it here. That should help. ;) Edit: Never mind, saw it was about the 1.07 patch. It's odd that you got errors with that, I never did. Perhaps a reinstall is in order?
  18. Zipper5

    Lost Planet 2

    It's not even that great of a console game. I'll pass.
  19. Zipper5

    British armed forces question

    I have this idea in the back of my mind that we may have been successfully trolled... :butbut:
  20. What would be left for modders to do, then? ;) I'm of the opinion that BIS want to take an approach that doesn't restrict the creativity of their community, as they have admitted that the community is what they are most proud of. They'll lay the ground work and let us do whatever we want with it. Always. If they do it before us, which I'm sure in some cases is entirely possible for them to do, then I could see it demotivating those working to achieve the same end result on their own, striving for their own sense of achievement as well as providing something special for us.
  21. Zipper5

    British armed forces question

    Guys, it's expensive. Expansive has a totally different meaning, which I poked fun at in my first post. :p
  22. Zipper5

    British armed forces question

    No, you can't, and being the one complainer about it won't make it change. ;) Edit: Ninja'd by Daniel.
  23. Zipper5

    British armed forces question

    You realize BAF Lite is deliberately lower quality because 1) they're placeholder units for when you buy the DLC and 2) they're free? :rolleyes: Most missions using the BAF DLC should work with BAF Lite.
  24. You just on a complaining rampage, danny? :rolleyes: Did they say what would be given for free in the patches? Perhaps the Lite versions of the DLCs were what they were referring to? If so, we're getting free content.
  25. Zipper5

    British armed forces question

    Of course it's very expansive! It expands quite a long on the Armaverse for its size! It adds all the BAF units along with some PMCs, a new island, and new SP & MP content! All for just $10! No, there is no way to disable it. Why would you want to? At least with it you can play missions in both SP & MP using Brit units. You just don't want to play those at all?