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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    patch 1.55

    This should be posted in the existing 1.55 issues thread.
  2. I would totally associate that channel background with Operation Flashpoint.
  3. I would say, looking at the Codemasters forum and then other places, like the comments section on the CVG article for it, that not many people outside of the CM forum seem to like the new trailer. Seems people actually like gameplay in their game trailers. :p
  4. Zipper5

    [REQ] v1.54 downgrade patch

    When patching you accept that once patched you cannot roll back to previous versions unless you reinstall. It is a pop-up you have to accept in order for the patch to install. If you wish to downgrade to 1.54, then that is what you'll have to do.
  5. We recognize that. We're simply pointing out that the HUD comes in at the end, so perhaps we might have gotten to see some ingame footage if CM actually had more than 2 brain cells to rub together. It seems to be in a state where ingame footage is at least presentable as we already have those two COD-like pictures.
  6. Some people could take that as "Sorry, we're too ashamed to let you see what our game actually looks like, we're going to cut away before you see too much". :p
  7. Well, here's a little something interesting... I'm presuming their intentions were to make that cool, but perhaps someone should inform Codemasters that... Nothing at all happened in that trailer. Even as their transport was taking fire, the guys still very calmly "prepared" for what we didn't even get to see. Nice to know their priorities are in the right place - spending money on actors, props, CGI, film equipment, and even the rights to use Cash's music... Rather than on the game itself. Gotta make it look good somehow, right? :rolleyes:
  8. Zipper5

    Arma 2 official website

    Still there for me. You sure you're using this address: http://www.arma2.com/?
  9. Or it could be PLA. Just so BIS can do something else better than Codemasters. It's funny looking at those pictures. Face 112 is an Asian Jan, 117 appears to be an Asian Dsylecxi (now with a receding hairline), and 129 is an Asian Karel, I think. :p
  10. Zipper5

    Battle of Wanat, Afghanistan July 13, 2008

    My God... Did it change? :p Nice find walker. Quite the interesting read.
  11. Don't forget that 1.55 actually upped the quality of the BAF Lite content. ;)
  12. Wrote a little article on this. Needless to say, it looks exactly how I thought it would. :rolleyes:
  13. Guess CM have an affliction with lens flaring.
  14. Guys, this is Takko you are talking about. An obvious troll if there ever was one, and not someone worth getting all fired up about. No matter if he is a contributor to VTE he's been permanently banned here and will remain that way, as will any duplicate account he creates. So please cease this offtopic arguing. You have been warned. Edit: Thread cleaned up.
  15. Zipper5

    New patch issues

    Use existing threads, please.
  16. Zipper5

    ARMA 2:OA beta patch 75666

    Posts removed, infractions given. Please, if you're going to criticize, do so constructively. Don't spam the thread. Thanks.
  17. The only thing that kept their game afloat (barely) and they want to lock it out. If that doesn't show they're going for the Activision mentality of game production, I don't know what does.
  18. Well, BIS' games come with DRM (granted, it gets removed after a while) but it doesn't restrict modders' abilities to play with the game. Given how Codemasters were stupid enough to lock out modding with an official patch, I wouldn't have put it past them to do that at release. Well, they technically still did, just people found a way of getting around it. I'm pretty sure Red River will lock you guys out entirely.
  19. Zipper5

    Role of India in the Anti-terror campaign

    I'll take this opportunity to stop the likely derailing of this thread that's emerging. Please stay on topic.
  20. There's a fine line to walk in the area of DRM, but Codemasters didn't even walk it. They just threw DR to the wolves unprotected, literally. Even Steam uses its own DRM, in a sense. DR used nothing outside of a CD key. If that doesn't say you couldn't give less of a crap about your game, I don't know what does.
  21. If they're complaining about rampant piracy they should be releasing their games with at least some form of DRM. :rolleyes: That, or start making good games.
  22. Some of them are the old ones, some of them are new (or at least, I've never seen them), and they're all in higher resolution. Pictures 3, 4 and 5 are the older ones.
  23. Oh look, it's MW2! Oh wait... MW2 didn't have Marines. And I thought DR's target renders were off.
  24. Well I'd hardly consider the OFP games being made by Codemasters to be of the same family (or same species for that matter) as OFP.