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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    Arma 2: Combined Operations includes Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead. If you bought it, your old Arma 2 is now obsolete and you can uninstall it. If you're patching Combed Operations the only patch you need is the Operation Arrowhead patch, which will first patch OA files to 1.55, then Arma 2 files to 1.08, then BAF DLC files (if you have the BAF DLC) to 1.01. You don't need to use any other patch. This is what I did with my installation, and I've never had any problems: Used my DVD to install Arma 2 Used my Sprocket-downloaded OA installation exe - automatically combined my old Arma 2 and new OA installations into CO Used my Sprocket-downloaded BAF DLC installation exe Ran the OA 1.55 patch First it updated my OA files to 1.55, then ran a second updater bringing Arma 2 to 1.08, then a third one which brought my BAF DLC files up to 1.01.
  2. But that's not the issue this thread was created about. Apparently his game freezes when he clicks MP. :confused:
  3. Just loaded up MP in Arma 2 for the first time in months and everything was working completely fine on my end. What exactly are the issues you expect the patches to fix in this regard?
  4. Mod tools and a mission editor are officially confirmed to not be coming for any version of the game, therefore don't expect any modding to be done of any sort.
  5. Improved dub. :p Unfortunately, even that song is copyrighted by the WMG, so the audio on my actual video was disabled. :( Edit: This made me die a little inside. He remembers the voice as that pointless guy from DR, not Berghoff from OFP.
  6. CQB is already "allowed" in Arma 2... What do you mean? :confused:
  7. This is what I immediately thought of after watching that trailer for the first time. Thanks go to Cole for making it. :D Edit: New gameplay trailer is up.
  8. Zipper5

    Call of Duty 7: Black Ops Trailer...

    Yeah, I saw that a little while ago. Wrote an article on it. It's pretty scary to think that they actually designed it as no more than a movie with some first person shooter aspects...
  9. Zipper5

    Knife proposal

    Okay, it's obvious this thread has run its course.
  10. Lol, the article's name has been changed to "This Operation Flashpoint Will Make Fans See Red". Seems IGN know more than Codemasters. :p
  11. To me it looks more like it's trying to be the new Medal of Honor than Call of Duty or Battlefield, especially the 1st person scenes of the player sprinting with a SAW. If I didn't know any better I'd say that was MOH at first glance.
  12. New IGN preview. Does it make anyone else cry a little inside hearing Berghoff speak in such a stereotypical "America! Fuck yea!" style? :( I didn't even bother reading the rest of the preview. Just your typical hype-driving dribble.
  13. Zipper5

    European Geared ArmA 2 CO/OA

    Well, from what I understand your post to be about, you currently have the included Czech and KSK units, along with the BAF DLC representing European forces, none of which are really using "old" equipment, and more could very well be on the way. And with Arma 2's content you get Russians and the fictional Chernarussian Defense Forces. Lots of European hardware at your disposal. Therefore, locking this rather pointless thread.
  14. Definitely not saying it's probably the biggest issue, just one of them. Sure, more can be done, and I agree that things like the ingame admin should be fixed (don't know why it hasn't been yet. Perhaps BIS have a reason?), but I'm simply stating it's unlikely that they'll ever compromise the scripting potential for cheater-free MP. Again, I'm only stating what I think is going on, not what is going on. Frankly I'm surprised people are still hacking these games. Surely they'd get more of their much-sought-after lulz from bigger, more popular multiplayer games...
  15. Zipper5


    Could have sworn I did all of this. Oh well, guess this flu bug is getting to my head. :p Properly locked and all links removed this time.
  16. Zipper5


    Thread closed and link removed until drug can provide proof that he was given permission to release this.
  17. Zipper5

    Splendid Game Old Chaps, But

    Alright, time to close this before it gets out of hand. Still, I stand by my statement earlier - this is one of the best threads I've had the pleasure of reading in a long time. ;)
  18. Well, to quote that age old saying - pics or it didn't happen. For now, I call viral marketing scheme on this one.
  19. Zipper5

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    I use it for both. :cool: But that's because I was trained by Celery.
  20. Zipper5

    Splendid Game Old Chaps, But

    I must say, best thread I've seen on these forums in a long time.
  21. Zipper5

    Dslyecxi's MH-6 Practice Scenario

    A fellow mouse and keyboard pilot. Awesome. :D
  22. I don't see this as the most logical of polls myself. It should be more along the lines of "If you had one choice, what would you want to see in future patches?" and not have the multiple choice that is currently there. I for one don't want to prioritize any of those over each other if I don't have to, and I'd like to see all of those in future patches.
  23. One of the biggest reasons as to why Arma 2 is so vulnerable, as are all of BIS' games, is due to the robust and open-source scripting abilities the game comes with by default. They'd have to remove these in order for most of these cheats to go away, and that's never going to happen due to the huge modding community their games have. For now, BattlEye and signature checks are the way to go. Anyone know what happened to Dolittle? :confused:
  24. They share the same name therefore it is logical for them to be compared. As CM are very well aware, no such comparisons would be drawn if they dropped the name. They chose to keep it.
  25. Please search before posting. This should have been posted in here.