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Everything posted by zonekiller

  1. New Update -=LOST=- V2.3 -- Complete Server package - added server keys to iBuild - added action to reload flares in vehicles - added if you have a radio you can have upto 9 AI in your group - added AI in your group can not kill you or each other - lots of touch ups and fixes to the code - added -=LOST=- and addons to Steam workshop Steam Links ZKs_Items ZKs_iBuild ZKs-=LOST=- Tanoa ZKs-=LOST=- Altis
  2. _veh = vehicle player; _turret = [-1]; _veh removeWeaponTurret ["CMFlareLauncher", _turret]; _veh addMagazineTurret ["120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine", _turret]; _veh addWeaponTurret ["CMFlareLauncher", _turret];
  3. Looking Good Auss the Wilcannia hospital stairs on the outside seems to have an issue near the top my player got stuck every time and threw me off the stairwell :( also lots of buildings do not have building positions Just a heads up Looking forward to the next release
  4. today its Zks -=LOST=- Altis RC_64
  5. Hi All I am also running a 64Bit -=LOST=- Server V1.68 and I think it runs even better with a bigger view distance you can have the stable and the 64Bit on the same PC and switch between them using the BIS Game_Updater RELEASE CANDIDATE 1.68Testing: Update 1.68 Access code: Arma3Update168RC
  6. only while I was rebooting it with the Altis Map as that seems to be the favoured Map :)
  7. I will do Namalsk this weekend
  8. As I played I found issues too I will give this one a miss, So guys which Map for the week Australia. Tanoa. Altis.
  9. well it should be done now added the function
  10. function that at least makes the AI jump to your position - this could be done :)
  11. Ported -=LOST=- to a new Island Bornholm and running on my server for the next few days -=LOST=- Bornholm -- Server Details Server: Zks -=LOST=- Bornholm Address: Country: Map: Bornholm Mission: -= LOST=- Mods: ZoneKillers Items ZKs_iBuild Bornholm v1.6
  12. @Auss If you have a Weapons ModKit and Bullet Casings and you are in a Gunner seat you get an action to add a Magazine to that turret.(Bullet Casings deleted after 1 use). press F to select the turret gun you wish to rearm @Vengeance ZK, thanks for the Delete info, not sure if this is normal but when i deleted my "Foundations" and removed my Workbench so i could build bigger (start over) I lost much of my "Nails" and "Wood"? Like 75% of them. when you say 75% was that what was in your workbench or what you used to build your base if it was whet you used to build your base - yes its normal as you dont get it all back if it was what was in your workbench at the time -- one should empty it before they delete it -- how much did you have in it as a groundweaponholder can only hold so much. @Kremator i will look into the ASM, I would have to go through a lot of code to work out how to change the action buttons, remember I did not make iBuild Im just finishing what Nerdmod started
  13. I will reboot the server and going back to Altis to check if the bug is in Australia or LOST PS would it be possible to CHANGE the user action key, as I've found that action 1 and action 2 are used very frequently (*for instance tab is used for targetting :( ) You can set your action keys to what ever you want TAB & Q are just the recommended but you can use anything
  14. go to the workbench hit tab when the build menu comes up hit escape hold shift and look at what you want to delete an action appears use that to delete what your looking at including foundations when you have deleted everything you can the use the action to pack up your work bench if you hit ctrl+tab there are basic instructions there too
  15. New Update and Servers Back online - fixed building backups - added new textures. - added water proof roofs - added railings - small touch up and fixes to the code BaseBuilding With Friends -=LOST=- V2.2
  16. It should not disappear I'm looking into that edit I checked the logs and there is no record of it - Did Kremator pack up his base ?
  17. Is there a command or function that will let you add Scripted Weapons With Attached Items To AmmoBox or Vehicle. There is this command for retrieving the weapon and attachment from a ammobox _array = (weaponsItemsCargo _weaponholder); That gives you something like this _array = [["arifle_MXM_khk_F","muzzle_snds_H","acc_pointer_IR","optic_DMS",["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30],"bipod_01_F_blk"], ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","","","",["6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder",6],""], ["hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","","","",["6Rnd_45ACP_Cylinder",6],""]]; This is great for backing up to the InIDBi2 database The Issue is how to but it back into a vehicle or ammobox from the database as there is no addweaponsItemsCargo command Anyone got any ideas ??
  18. _array = (weaponsItemsCargo _weaponholder); _dude = player; { _gun = _x select 0; _wep_items = _x - [_gun]; _dude addWeaponGlobal _gun; {_dude addWeaponItem [_gun, _x]} forEach _wep_items; } foreach _array; works like a charm - Thanks
  19. unit addWeaponItem [weaponName, [itemName, ammoCount, muzzleName]] I will test this but not sure it will do tripod and flashlight -- hmmmm _type = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _gun >> "Type"); switch (_type) do is a good idea :) thankls
  20. @serena, Top marks that is how I have done it. except (no simulation) the unit needs to complete the animation to add the items I was hoping there was a simpler way. Here's the code if anyone's interested _myloadout = { params ["_myunit","_WEAPONS"]; _x = _WEAPONS; _armed = 0; _gun = _x select 0; _item_1 = _x select 1; _item_2 = _x select 2; _item_3 = _x select 3; _item_4 = ""; _item_5 = ""; _item_6 = ""; if (count _x > 4) then { if (typename (_x select 4) == "ARRAY") then [{if !(_myunit canAdd (_x select 4)) then {_armed = 4}else{_myunit addMagazine (_x select 4)}},{_item_4 = (_x select 4)}]; }; if (count _x > 5) then { if (typename (_x select 5) == "ARRAY") then [{if !(_myunit canAdd (_x select 5)) then {_armed = 5}else{_myunit addMagazine (_x select 5)}},{_item_5 = (_x select 5)}]; }; if (count _x > 6) then { if (typename (_x select 6) == "ARRAY") then [{if !(_myunit canAdd (_x select 6)) then {_armed = 6}else{_myunit addMagazine (_x select 6)}},{_item_6 = (_x select 6)}]; }; if (_armed > 0) then {if (backpack _myunit == "") then {_myunit addBackpack "B_AssaultPack_blk";_myunit spawn {sleep 2;removeBackpack _this}};_myunit addMagazine (_x select _armed);_armed = 0}; _type = ""; if (_gun != "") then { _myunit addWeaponGlobal _gun; _namesound = gettext(configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _gun >> "nameSound"); if ((_namesound == "rifle") or (_namesound == "mgun")) then {_type = "r"}; if ((_namesound == "aalauncher") or (_namesound == "atlauncher")) then {_type = "s"}; if (_namesound == "Pistol") then {_type = "h"}; }; _items = [_item_1,_item_2,_item_3,_item_4,_item_5,_item_6]; for "_i" from 0 to 5 do { _myitem = _items select _i; if ((_myitem != "") && (_type == "r")) then {_myunit addPrimaryWeaponItem _myitem}; if ((_myitem != "") && (_type == "s")) then {_myunit addSecondaryWeaponItem _myitem}; if ((_myitem != "") && (_type == "h")) then {_myunit addHandgunItem _myitem}; }; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [_Module,_items,_myloadout] spawn { params ["_VEH","_items","_myloadout"]; _centre = createCenter East; _grp = createGroup east; _dude = objnull; _pos = [0,0,0]; _dude = _grp createUnit ["O_Soldier_unarmed_F", _pos, [], 0, ""]; _dude allowdamage false; removeheadgear _dude; removeAllAssignedItems _dude; removeBackpackGlobal _dude; _dude unassignItem "NVGoggles"; _dude removeItems "NVGoggles"; removeAllItems _dude; {_man removeMagazine _x} forEach magazines _dude; removeAllWeapons _dude; _dude disableAI "MOVE"; _dude disableAI "FSM"; _dude disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; _dude addBackpack "B_AssaultPack_blk"; _dude setVariable ["READY", false, false]; _dude addEventHandler ["AnimDone", {(_this select 0) setVariable ["READY", true, false];}]; {if (count _x > 2) then { [_dude,_x] call _myloadout; sleep 1; _dude action ["DropWeapon", _VEH, (_x select 0)]; sleep 1; waituntil {_dude getVariable "READY"}; _dude setVariable ["READY", false, false]; sleep 1; }else{ _VEH addItemCargoGlobal _x; }} foreach _items; sleep 5; deletevehicle _dude; };
  21. I will have to look into that one
  22. There has been an iBuild Update Re-download it ZKs_iBuild V2.11
  23. This is Australia sometimes you get a sweet deal but more than often you dont :) There is a F-#$ it button (respawn) and start again , depends on how hard core you are are Keep in mind this is not a novice mission. (we are here to help) This is not a kill all you can mission (all tho we are watching :)) This is not a given all you need mission (what we have noticed is the hardest thing to find is what you need) This is a (Shit, bugger me, oh god, where did that come from, wtf, How do i Survive this, Why Me, Bastards got me again, Rocks! what Rocks) kinda mission The more you play the better you get (when you can survive a whole day your getting good) work as a team to achieve your goals (Rambo's suck) AI are set to as stupid as i can make them over all Loving Australia and will be hosting it for the near future
  24. -=LOST=- Australia -- Server Details Server: Zks -=LOST=- Australia Address: Country: Map: Australia Mission: -= LOST=- Mods: ZoneKillers Items ZKs_iBuild Australia V5.08
  25. Hi T.Smith and Everyone Else -=LOST=- Australia -- Server Details Server: Zks -=LOST=- Australia Address: Country: Map: Australia Mission: -= LOST=- Mods: ZoneKillers Items ZKs_iBuild Australia V5.08 Download From the link in this post