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  1. Zerg

    CTI Arena: World conflict

    We are open for business! From today the sides can challange eachother for a game and the result will influence the island`s ownership on the live map and the sides` score. Also from today points for islands holding begin to be added to the score! Remember the side with the highest score 100 days from now, or on the day that one of the three sides is eliminated from the map completely, wins! New players can continue to sign up for the Conflict of course.
  2. Zerg

    CTI Arena: World conflict

    <span style='color:red'>3 days until CTI Arena: World Conflict start </span> Today is February the 1st. Which means World Conflict starts in three days (February the 4th). Start cleaning your weapons!
  3. Zerg

    CTI Arena: World conflict

    Unfortunatley no. This was part of the idea. To mix players around a bit so as to make things a little fresher... It is also needed for good team balance.
  4. Zerg

    CTI Arena: World conflict

    Here: http://cr-ofp.dyndns.org/?page=list&id=40 The link can otherwise be found "On How to Register" section (http://cr-ofp.dyndns.org/ctiarena/?page=registerguide), to make the people read it.
  5. Zerg

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    I think hating is part of the game. It`s a war simulator, you are supposed to hate people in war, esspecialy those trying to kill you. What`s with all this love thy camper campaign?
  6. Zerg

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    Anybody that disses Rambo didn`t read First Blood.
  7. Zerg

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    Ah yes the mighty smoke grenades. They certainly do come in handy when you want your beach party to get that cheery psychedelic flavor, but I stil much prefer to pack a Carl Gustav instead just in case I happen to cross paths with the odd T-80 or five. But not to say I am not open minded, I would be most interested in learning of ways to dispose of a tank with smoke grenades. You see yourself highly enough to have the right to establish THE game rules? And anyone who doesnt abide by your "rules" is a camping asshole... Quite the opposite. If you cared to read what I acctually wrote instead of raging against constructs of your imagination you would see I acctually implied that camping isn`t against the rules of the game, but is against the spirit of the game. Of course reading what I acctually write would require you get off your tacticaly sound high horse and that might be too much to ask of you. And yes I think little of people that play unsportive and make little secret of it both in game and outside of it. Think about not patronising people you know next to nothing about. It does little to dispend with the snobbish image. Since you find it appropriate to throw tactical advice left and right giving as detailed instructions as the loadouts setup and in not a hugely respectful manner, then proceed to dispel considerations of other players as stupid, idiotic or emberassing I would be interested in hearing the reason for your confidence. I mean the way you talk you must have played at least several dozen PvP MP matches right? Probably also won a few competitions, yes? And spent countless hours measuring skill in public games against other players? Anybody that ambushes my ride on the road approaching the town will have my compliments. Anybody that picks me off from a distance with a sniper rifle from the outskirts of the town after waiting calmly for dozens of minutes will have my congratulations. Anybody that sets up his AIs to have me caught in fire from all sides the moment I enter a town will have my admiration. But anybody that sets himself up in a building with a tiny window then proceeds to set himself in position from which he can see absolutley nothing but the town flag and a few metres surronding it then wait for the opposition knowing they must come to it and stand next to it for 20 seconds in order to take the town is a camper, is playing unsportive and is exploiting the limitation of the mission to simulate town control which is a fairly abstract term in itself better. And no it is not a case of a poor mission making, any other abstraction is going to be even more exploitable.
  8. Zerg

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    As for the whole what is wrong with camping if it is effective and plausible thing... Anybody that doesn`t think camping is lame has a very distorted view on the nature of PvP MP. For nearly anyone playing PvP MP games they aren`t about reinactment of Dieppe Raid nor of the Iranian Embassy Siege. They are not about playing soldier and mimicking real life millitary operations. And they are definetley not a polygon for development of millitary tactics for real life. What they are to a huge overwhelming majority of players is an entertainment, a recreation or a sport. Now in many sport there are tactics that while don`t represent cheating are lame and unsportive. In football one of those is called a proffesional foul (intentionaly fouling an opponent in a goalscoring opportunity). Now proffesional foul isn`t cheating since the player isn`t trying to hide it, plus (since the 1980s) he will be cauntioned or a sent off for it and jet it is considered extremley lame and very unsportive. And this is on proffesional level. It is so lame it is absolutley untinkable of anybody intentionaly fouling in a pastime game of football. It is the same with camping in PvP. It isn`t cheating but it definetly also isn`t sportive. There is definetley something wrong with exploiting the mission in such a cynical way that it kills all the fun for every other participant. Esspecialy so when it is done just so you boost your kill count which isn`t even the objective of the game (at least proffesional fouling is done for the scoreline and not for own perverse pleasure). And finally it isn`t even hard. It takes no special skills. Any moron can find a good camping spot and proceed to rack up the kills killing all the fun for every other player. Its just that mayority of us aren`t assholes and like to play in accordance to the spirit as well as the rules of the game.
  9. Zerg

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    It's funny how you co-oppers and CTI players feel so much above the rest just because you kill mindless bots and buy tanks and choppers. Richard Dean Anderson is hardly a representative of CTI players. But yes I noticed this snobbery you mention in alot of co-oppers myself. Infact one example just very recently.
  10. Zerg

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    Maybe if you don`t know squat it aint proper for you to diss people you obviously know nothing about so you can feel all superior because you can run from a bush to bush. Telling a DK about tactics lol.
  11. Zerg

    New Gang In Town To Clean Up Campers!

    A self-righteous gang on a holly quest of extermination? Priests of justice bent on killing? The hands of God raining death and destruction upon the ville and the wicked? Sounds like a dream come true! Like a proper kamikaze without without the tinniest semblance of patience and caution I have always hated the campers with an undying intensity. And as rare as it happens managing to kill one of those Satan`s apprentices always fills me with an immense sense of accomplishment. However it is a mystery to my why do you wish to limit this fine crusade to only four knightly warriors and aim it at just the leaning scum of CTF. When justice calls the righteous to arms all that call themselves good should swarm to its side! And in the holly struggle we should not hamper our efforts by placing limitations on them, but should strike wherever there is evil. A CTF in ArmA, a CTI in OFP, or a game of Cowboys and Indians on the plains of Nebraska it makes no difference. These evil creatures should know no respite and should be smitten into shambles wherever they dare practice their malicious trade! What is needed is not a company, but a whole auxiliary corps of volunteers. A Corps like no other before it. A Corps not held together by ranks and discipline, but only by the righteousness of its cause! Name: Anti-Camper Auxiliary Corps Distinguishing mark: Red bandana tied to the head (to show the campers we know no fear!) Battle Cry: Come out and fight me like a man! Credo: My cause is my shield, my zeal is my ammo. Tactics: Make up for the poor accuracy with the number of shots fired. Make up for the lack of common sense with zeal. Make up for the poor tactics with sheer numbers. Remember it is a great honor to fall in the service of justice! Modus Operandi: Mercilesly targeting and pursuing all variations of campers with an intent to kill wherever they are encountered. Providing them with the Coup de Grace after the kill by disgracing their bodies to ensure the salvation of their souls.
  12. Zerg

    MFCTI in Arma

    Why not make an alpha version w/o the JIP for now?
  13. Zerg

    CTI in ArmA

    It is obvious you don`t know a first thing about realistic warfare. Making a "landing zone" isn`t realistic at all, every beach (beach not coast) can be LST`s "landing zone" withouth any prior preparation of the beach.
  14. Zerg

    shooting while running?

    Fire needs to be reasonably accurate if it is to suppress anyone. An enemy won`t feel pinned down when you`re spraying bullets in the general direction of his village.
  15. Ah what we have here is a person telling us about team matches based on his experiences in playing against AI. ___ As for the rest the price can balance only so much. While a T-72 can be made to cost only 1/3 of an M1, your enemy can drive one M1 all by himself while you can`t drive 3 T-72s simultaneously and AI controlled ones don`t have an effect against most players in M1. (And you can`t lower T-72 price into infinity or you start to unbalance the price in comparison to light armor and you cant lower light armor prices not to unbalance infantry prices and you can`t push infantry prices down or they become free of charge... Plus you can`t increase the M1 cost into infinity, as that pushes the price of helicopters into the sky meaning they become near absent from games...) I guess once ArmA comes out a T-90 addon will be in great demand. (And the remarks about artifical balance are uncalled for as a T-90 is stil a very different (in capabilities) machine from an M1 not to mention it is an acctuall existing Russian-made weapon.)