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Everything posted by ZiRo

  1. or at least, put together a list of some useful textures / trees / roads / objects etc -ZiRo
  2. ZiRo

    Help with respawn

    this script should help dont ask me how to use it, i didnt make it, instructions are in the header.... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">;Universal Weapons Respawn Script v1.03 (March 18, 2003) ;Required Version: 1.85 ;by toadlife ;toadlife@toadlife.net ;intialize like this: ["unitname",0] exec "thisscript.sqs" ;       Or this: ["unitname",1] exec "thisscript.sqs" ; ;  "unitname" = The name of the player the script runs on (must be enclosed by quotes! ; * 0/1 = method of repleneshing weapons ;  **if method is 0, the player gets the same weapons he stated out with every time ;  **if method is 1, the player gets the same weapons he had when he died requiredVersion "1.85" _name = _this select 0 _method = _this select 1 _unit = call format["%1",_name] ?(_method  == 0):_guns = weapons _unit;_mags = magazines _unit;_guncount = count weapons _unit;_magcount = count magazines _unit #checklocal _unit = call format["%1",_name] ?local _unit:goto "respawnloop" ~(1 + (random 3)) goto "checklocal" #respawnloop @!alive _unit ?(_method  == 1):_guns = weapons _unit;_mags = magazines _unit;_guncount = count weapons _unit;_magcount = count magazines _unit @alive call format["%1",_name] _unit = call format["%1",_name] _unit removemagazines (magazines _unit select 0) _unit removeweapon (weapons _unit select 0) _c = 0 while "_c <= (_magcount - 1)" do {_unit addmagazine (_mags select _c); _c = _c + 1} _c = 0 while "_c <= (_guncount - 1)" do {_unit addweapon (_guns select _c); _c = _c + 1} @(count weapons _unit) == count _guns player selectweapon primaryweapon player goto "respawnloop" <span id='postcolor'> -ZiRo I'd like to make it clear that i am against the banning of toadlife, i only bring this up becasue he is my friend and only just relised he wrote this script. he was banned from posting for stating he knew of the existence of a way of by-passing the cd check. doesnt everyone know that cd-bypasses exist? Everyone knows they exist, you know what they are and what they do even if you've only been gaming for a week or so... they are common place in most pc games, you cant ban someone for saying they know they exist...
  3. ZiRo

    Ofp2 set in vietnam

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...so i'm asking BIS to include it in OFP2 as a standard feature. <span id='postcolor'> Then people who dont want this, will have a b*tch of a time gettin around it. ill have a go at making you the script today. -ZiRo
  4. ZiRo

    Ofp2 set in vietnam

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">...so i'm asking BIS to include it in OFP2 as a standard feature. <span id='postcolor'> Then people who dont want this, will have a b*tch of a time gettin around it. ill have a go at making you the script today. -ZiRo
  5. ZiRo

    Ofp2 set in vietnam

    ok i havent read the last 2 pages but here are my thoughts. i dont see any referance to the real cold war at all in ofp to be honest, for a start there wsant really any fighting between the USA and Russia themsleves during the cold war(apart from spies). which is rather a clever move by BIS, without specifying a single type of conflict, they left room for more types of mods than if they had created a game in the vietnam conflict. Id prefur to see a fictional conflict so it leaves more room for imeadiate expansion. I see sense in creating a game based on a real conflict but then it could come under critism from people feeling discriminated and inacuracies in events or situations could be seen as also hinder peoples opinions about the game. a fictional story solves many problems but also creates them for people hoping for a real conflict based game. But if they wish to recreate their conflict sure they can go ahead, but it complicated things a bit if the entire game is based mainly on a singular conflict. variety is sure to attract more people. if BIS keep playing it cool and clever, they will keep the engine relitivly the same in the way it treats addons, mods and maps etc. so we can use the same tools to modify and manipulate ofp to create the effects we want. If they do im sure they could include the utilities with the game too. Online games sell more than single player only games, Games that can be modified easily sell more than games that cant, thats a fact (apart from a few anomalies). I think BIS wont change the way the game works much for the worse, they can only make modding easier, because they KNOW modding is a big part of ofp and helped sell copies. Another thing i think they need to do next time round is help people who don't know much about modding learn how to modify ofp(2). Not so people release small poor addons, but to encourage the creation of larger quality addons. the release of ofp2 would also give BIS the chance to implement a way to organise addons more effectivly than trying to do it near ofp's ascendant being released. Maybe making a custom editing utility to enforce the "tagging" of addons. this could be further protected by using some kind of authorization key to protect the "tag" but i dont see that as particularly nessecary. ofp is a great game, ive been playing it for a long time (well, not compared to some other people ) and i havent stopped since i opened the cd drive to put the cd in my resistance cd rarley leaves my drive and it has no scratches on it because i would die if it didnt work anymore. I only see great things for ofp2, im sure they will impliment easy ways to do things we have been trying to do with ofp for a long time, particularly things like CoC (Code of Conduct) have been trying to do. They are my views, some information may be incorrect but such is life. Well done BIS, i hope to see greater things in the future. -ZiRo
  6. ZiRo

    Ofp2 set in vietnam

    ok i havent read the last 2 pages but here are my thoughts. i dont see any referance to the real cold war at all in ofp to be honest, for a start there wsant really any fighting between the USA and Russia themsleves during the cold war(apart from spies). which is rather a clever move by BIS, without specifying a single type of conflict, they left room for more types of mods than if they had created a game in the vietnam conflict. Id prefur to see a fictional conflict so it leaves more room for imeadiate expansion. I see sense in creating a game based on a real conflict but then it could come under critism from people feeling discriminated and inacuracies in events or situations could be seen as also hinder peoples opinions about the game. a fictional story solves many problems but also creates them for people hoping for a real conflict based game. But if they wish to recreate their conflict sure they can go ahead, but it complicated things a bit if the entire game is based mainly on a singular conflict. variety is sure to attract more people. if BIS keep playing it cool and clever, they will keep the engine relitivly the same in the way it treats addons, mods and maps etc. so we can use the same tools to modify and manipulate ofp to create the effects we want. If they do im sure they could include the utilities with the game too. Online games sell more than single player only games, Games that can be modified easily sell more than games that cant, thats a fact (apart from a few anomalies). I think BIS wont change the way the game works much for the worse, they can only make modding easier, because they KNOW modding is a big part of ofp and helped sell copies. Another thing i think they need to do next time round is help people who don't know much about modding learn how to modify ofp(2). Not so people release small poor addons, but to encourage the creation of larger quality addons. the release of ofp2 would also give BIS the chance to implement a way to organise addons more effectivly than trying to do it near ofp's ascendant being released. Maybe making a custom editing utility to enforce the "tagging" of addons. this could be further protected by using some kind of authorization key to protect the "tag" but i dont see that as particularly nessecary. ofp is a great game, ive been playing it for a long time (well, not compared to some other people ) and i havent stopped since i opened the cd drive to put the cd in my resistance cd rarley leaves my drive and it has no scratches on it because i would die if it didnt work anymore. I only see great things for ofp2, im sure they will impliment easy ways to do things we have been trying to do with ofp for a long time, particularly things like CoC (Code of Conduct) have been trying to do. They are my views, some information may be incorrect but such is life. Well done BIS, i hope to see greater things in the future. -ZiRo
  7. i want to make a script that the user can define how many times it loops, im trying to do this in a single script, but cant work it out? also does addaction HAVE to execute a script? and will my arrays carry over? -ZiRo
  8. I have a script that has a global array. It looks like this: - Script MAIN SCRIPT - Script - Script I defined a global array in MAIN SCRIPT (vehicle name) for use in the 3 secoundry scripts, after each of the secoundry scripts has finished, they refur back to the main script. My script works perfectly, but i have the problem of running 2 instances of the script, having both scripts effect the same vehicle... Any ideas on how i can allow myself to use more than one instance of the script at the same time without conflict? i cant move all into one .sqs cus i used 3 addactions.. any input welcome, if you need more info or the files please tell me and i will add them... -ZiRo
  9. ZiRo

    Mf conquer the island

    MF, nice work here, great work even, its really annyoing when admins reassign just when hours of trying to destroy their mhq just payed off.... ZiRo's Top Mf cti tip: MF has tried to put some kind of harvesting in to accumulate resources, (think of Dune, C&C series (gold)), the salvage vehical was the only really conveivable ofp way of doing this. It pays well, seriously, try it, ah-64's bring in around 1600 thousand, its a cheap way of accumulating resources, especially if the enemy is sending choppers or tanks at your base constantly... -ZiRo
  10. ZiRo

    Ecl barracuda gunboat released!

    *cough* to you too yeah i was giving a bit of advice, but telling you it was quite important at the same time, changing screenshots gives people a faulse look at your model/addon so i advise you dont edit them. -ZiRo
  11. ZiRo

    Ecl barracuda gunboat released!

    yeah, make it blue, not turquoise..... and dont play with the britness feature in photoshop cus it makes ur addons look different from how they really are... -ZiRo