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About Zanzibar

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Zanzibar

    Terrible Performance 1.14 w/ 8800 GTS 640 MB

    I can confirm that the Vista Patch worked for me on vista 32, 8800GT on a core2duo. No stuttering and improved FPS.
  2. Zanzibar

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    Just a generic comment for all Vista 32 & 8800GT* users, and yes I may be repeating similar topics already, sorry: Since 1.14 I (also) had this stuttering and drop in FPS. I did see the suggestion to install Vista Patch 1. It really fixed the job. Totally stuttering free and improved FPS.
  3. Also getting these odd freezes from time to time lasts for about 2 seconds, game becomes unplayable now in 1.12. Patch 1.11 was much smoother, had great performance Specs: Intel Core2Duo 2Gb Ram Nvidia Geforce 8800GT 512Mb VISTA32 Drivers up2date Didnt occur since 1.05 anymore. Changing details to low/medium has no impact.
  4. Zanzibar

    Freeze after 10 - 25 minutes play

    Not sure if it will add anything, but for the record: - If I had a crash, graphics in other programs are corrupt & if I run DXDIAG, DirectX tests all fail. Something with 16 bit color. Only a reboot will help - Low or non complicated graphics/textures in Arma seem to hold longer - In between SHIFT + FLUSH do not solve the problem - In 1.05 and before I used to have this LOD thing ater 5-25 miniutes where it kept reloading the textures evere second, continuesly. Strangly enough in 1.07 the reboot or freeze happens at a similar moment in time. If more players share details we may be able to give BIS some idea's to solve this issue.
  5. Zanzibar

    7950 users

    It used to run fine as of patch 1.05 on medium/high settings, beautifull. With very high settings it became slow. In patch 1.07 performance has improved. Since patch 1.07 (both beta's) I unfortunately crash between 5-25 minutes, with an occaisional D3D9.DLL, 16 color desktop or a reboot. But there is a seperate topic on this in the troubleshoot section.
  6. Zanzibar

    Freeze after 10 - 25 minutes play

    Whenever it's not auto rebooting, I get back into the desktop with a D3D9.DLL message. Something with DirectX? Occassionally with a 16 color desktop that hardly responds. Updated to the new (beta) 91.24 NVIDIA drivers with no impact. Did anyone log this as an official bug in the buglist so that BIS is able to find a solution?
  7. Zanzibar

    Freeze after 10 - 25 minutes play

    Similar problem: After 8-15 minutes, black screen followed sometimes by a Win XP message, but most of the time a freeze and need a reboot. - Win XP up-to-date - Nvidia latest stable - GF 7650 GT - AMD 3800 XP - Arma 1.07 VII
  8. Zanzibar

    1.7 beta impressions

    Almost back to that OFP feeling again. Hardly LOD's anymore, smoother graphis. HELO's are better to control. Small performance improvements. Xp 3800 X2 - 7950 GT - Win XP 1GB
  9. Zanzibar

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    I'm missing Placebo already now.
  10. Zanzibar

    P CZ 1.02 Armored movements

    Think I need to kick this myself: Put a stryker in the town of Corazol, moving from west to east just a few meters before the main bridge crossing that town. Even if you put yourselve as a driver the max speed falls even below walking speed. As soon as you touch the bridge element the stricker doesnt move anymore. No problems with other vehicles. Anyone else able to reproduce this? (Game runs much smoother after 1.0.2)
  11. Thanks BIS for releasing this patch so quickly. Experienced some improvements. Not sure if anyone has similar problems. None of my strykers seem to be able to cross bridges anymore. M113's and tanks have no issues. This did not occur in 1.01. Just before or on a bridge they halt and move very slow (tried full speed as well in the editor). I Apologize if this should have been part of the scripting topic. Am I doing something wrong?
  12. Zanzibar

    To the people who are playing ArmA, how is it?

    Have been playing for almost two weeks now with the English patched CZ version. I have reported bugs and "most likely bugs" as well as "need to haves". Touched the old OPF one time to see the difference. Funny thing is, for me Arma is just so much better. The graphics and sound (i can run High & Very High) are so realistic. This game needs patching but,  wow... I feel I'm really part of a realistic war playing Arma. It can only get better with  patching I'm convinced that Arma has such a great potential.
  13. Zanzibar

    Stuck at 3rd mission in Campaign

    I my case one of the AI's did not wanted to return to the 4x4. I have waited for about 20 minutes making a few meters progress. That Ai  did not wanted to return to the 4x4. The solutions I had were: - Shooting the guy - End mission tweak (that is not a real option) Experienced similar in other mission as well as crazy driving AI (but if you drive yourselve in fast mode this is also way too fast). Still love the game and I'm sure it will get better and better. However it seems that BIS may have released it to early. Even personal created missions with the editor have similar problems.
  14. Zanzibar

    Arma bugs

    I know I may be duplication but just as an FYI this also happens with my config (see sig). Have CZ version patched to 1.01 modded to English version. Positive: Major improvement compared to OFP. This games feels and sounds like a real battlefield. With some quick and good patches (as BIS always does) this game will become my favourite. The "super natural" and sometimes "stupid" AI are holding me back to start playing more. Missing the proven and less complex OFP. Still, great work BIS I'm confident you will make this a number one successor! Bugs: - First shot is "under water" - Driving inside BDRM show "grey" air as opposed to blue through windows - When getting out of HMMV I occasionally end up above on AI that also gets out - In Campaign & missions AI is not able to get in cars because they are stuck somewhere or just do not move - Boats "drive" on land - Cars & armoured just move to fast in "fast†mode" - AI drives like "hell" - Tanks & heli sounds can be heard from a great distance - After 20 minutes each mission has the "lagged" effect that OFP had. Stuttering motion every 5 seconds even is you do not move. Restarting Arma (or sometimes only restarting mission) solves the problem Not sure Bugs but irritating: - Load/Auto Load & retry seems only loads last save (- save mission tweak has no impact) - Even in Regular mode (with setting novice) the AI is almost not to beat - AI can see through grass (as mentioned several times) - Interior of Shilka & vulcan similar (drivers position) - Large formations not able to split into groups/teams - AI fires from a great distance and seem to be super natural - With 5.1 sound the rear speakers are not used properly (to soft) Performance: - With a 7950GT 512 playable at High settings - With a 7600GT 256 Medium
  15. I also did what the readme said, i.e. started patch.bat first and then patch2-cz.bat, Then no campaign anymore. Btw love your efforts here!