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XGS Che Guevara

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About XGS Che Guevara

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  1. XGS Che Guevara

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Very good to hear.
  2. XGS Che Guevara

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    While I completely understand where you're coming from Grim, I'd rather not have a mod close the only thread dedicated to the console version of ArmA2. PLEASE stop being confrontational with teh modz.
  3. XGS Che Guevara

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Just because BIS took 'next gen consoles' off the listed platforms on their site doesn't mean they canceled production of the console version. Maybe they were sick and tired of getting e-mails asking when the console versions would be finished. Maybe they took it off because the console versions won't be released until late next year. Who knows? But BIS has stated a desire to make a console port on several occasions in several interviews, and unless BIS makes an official announcement that confirms that the console versions have been scrapped I will continue to wait for a console port of ArmA 2. /rant
  4. XGS Che Guevara

    Need ArmA Song Info. Please Help.

    Do you happen to know where I can buy/download the ArmA soundtrack?
  5. XGS Che Guevara

    Need ArmA Song Info. Please Help.

    I'm trying to find a particular song online. I know it was the theme song for the original OFP, but this version sounds different, like its newer and possibly higher quality. Maybe its the theme song from ArmA1, I don't know. I'd appreciate it if someone could tell me the song title and what game its from and i'd REALLY appreciate it someone could provide me with a download link. Anyway, here's the song I'm looking for :
  6. XGS Che Guevara

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Don't worry about it. They can't formally comment about a console port until they've found a publisher for the console port. Apparently they haven't. As soon as they do they will let us know.
  7. XGS Che Guevara

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    That makes me happy in the pants.
  8. XGS Che Guevara

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I played OFP: Elite with a few friends of mine. I wasn't in any group so to speak.
  9. XGS Che Guevara

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I was just talking shit whilst masquerading as a mainstream gamer and throwing in an Aliens reference for good measure ('cause Aliens rocks). Apparently it worked very well. :) Don't get me wrong. I played the original OFP on PC along with Red Hammer and Resistance AND OFP: Elite on XB. And I can't express how much I valued teamwork in versus and co-op. I guess I was just bored. I'm so sick of run-and-gun mainstream shooters and I DESPERATELY need ArmA 2 (preferably for XB360).
  10. XGS Che Guevara

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I want the game to get a publisher and be released for the XB360 SO FUCKING BAD! Its been years since I've played the original OFP and I needz mah fix! When ArmA 2 does eventually come out for XB360, I'm gonna pwn so many noobz. I don't mean to brag, but I AM the ultimate badass.
  11. XGS Che Guevara

    Can I play as an guerilla/insurgent/"terrorist"?

    True. But you also have to take into account the Iraqi freedom fighters/guerrillas/insurgents that AREN'T targeting civilians (even if they're a minority).
  12. XGS Che Guevara

    Can I play as an guerilla/insurgent/"terrorist"?

    This thread is epic. @ The OP : You can do just about anything with the mission editor. Concerning the terrorist vs freedom fighter debate : IMO, A terrorist is someone who uses acts of violence against anyone and everyone (including civilians) in order to instill fear to achieve their goal. A freedom fighter is someone who uses acts of violence against government forces/military forces (who are oppressing the civilian population) in order to achieve their goal (which is to make the quality of life for the civilian population better).
  13. XGS Che Guevara

    I'm Now 100% Onboard With ArmA 2

    I agree completely.
  14. I'm sure most of you have heard recently that OFPDR will not have free look and will have stereotypical red explosive barrels placed around the game. I'm sure you've also heard that the damage system allows you to take a direct head shot without major damage. I just found this and my hopes and dreams for OFPDR are near death. http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showpost.php?p=5291889&postcount=52
  15. XGS Che Guevara

    I'm Now 100% Onboard With ArmA 2

    This vid has single-handedly convinced me that ArmA 2 will be the best shooter for the next decade simply because of how epic it is.