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Everything posted by wolffy.au

  1. I leave them friendly to all for testing purposes. Make them enemy if you want them to fight! :) Thanks Highhead - I've downloaded it and will take it apart to see what you've done. If there is anything I'd like to include in the distribution, I'll send you a PM. For anyone else who has modifed MSO and added new components - SR5 IEDs, Norrin's Revive, etc - please PM me with a link, and I'll try to add to the distribution. Now that the majority of my work is done, I can focus on Community Input to make this MSO truely awesome! ---------- Post added at 00:21 ---------- Previous post was at 22:26 ---------- If anyone is being teleported to the Terrorist Cells, I've left a debug line enabled. enemy\modules\crb_terrorists\main.sqf Line 481 - change: //DEBUG: player setPos _spawn; to //DEBUG:player setPos _spawn;
  2. *** DRUMROLL PLEASE *** [1:40:36 AM] Wolffy.au: 3.4beta2 - http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/files - now with Terrorist Cells!!
  3. Just search for 'MSO' in the mission filter field - I believe most custom versions still maintain 'MSO' in their mission names. Quick update - finished convoys and enemy populater today. Just Terrorist Cells to performance tune and we're good to go! Very close boyz, very close!
  4. I've always wanted to do an MSO TvT - anyone got any suggestions for units/islands? Right now, I'm playing around with USMC vs RU on Lingor. Somthing with armour, fast air, attack heli's, some good AAV - and as many players as I can get on there! I've got to have a look at ACE units too - see whats available.
  5. Nice work Tupolov!! Looking forward to spending some time in da' Qom!
  6. I have never seen this problem. Can you confirm it is present in the current release of MIP and provide a repro mission is its the case by logging a ticket on Dev-heaven?
  7. I was in discussions with Shezan and the problem lies in the building types that are used in that map. It was a while ago, so I don't remember the specifics. There were a few workarounds mentioned, but I haven't tried any of them. More info here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1878961#post1878961
  8. Do you know what the faction names are for VC or NVA? Use BIS_fnc_getFactions to list them out, and then populate MSO_FACTIONS with those values. Likewise, if you want to be OPFOR and play against BLUFOR, you change the factions to: ["USMC", "CDF", "BIS_US", "BIS_CZ", "BIS_GER", "BIS_BAF"]
  9. Check your difficulty settings on your server, change the AI Skill to 0.9 and AI Precision to 0.4 - see if that make life more fun! Yes, common issue with previous caching system. v3.4 should be fixed from that bug!
  10. Yep, thats exactly right. Working on it right now.
  11. Ok, lets start with my disclaimer: If you wish to experiment, it should be very simple to merge modules together (that's the whole point). MSO v3.4alpha3 Download: http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mso/files Massive thanks to Jaynus and Nou for patiently explaining perFrame to me and allowing immense performane improvements in the MSO. mso-core: Is the pure bare bones core componets of MSO. Every MSO will probably need all these components. AI unit caching Debug console Multiplayer rights NOMAD View Distance/Terrain Settings Time and Weather mso-ambience: Is the combination of core and modules that immerse you into the MSO world. There are no enemy in this category, but there are things that may kill you. Ambient civilians and traffic (cars) Flocks of crows Packs of wild dogs (Big Daddy's Blitzy scripts) Civilian emergency services (ambulance, police and repairs) Swarms of flies Sandstorms Shepherds and their herds Call to prayer mso-support: Is the combination of core and modules that assist in making your military life easier. Again, there are no enemy in this category. After Action Reports Close Air Support Flippable Vehicles JIP Markers Logbook R3F Logistics AI Recruitment and Dr Eyeball's Team Status Rommel's Revive JIP Tasks Tyre Changing You will find other modules in these downloads - they currently bugged or don't work at all. If they are not mentioned in the list above, please don't worry about testing them for bugs. You will find other modules in these downloads - they currently bugged or don't work at all. If they are not mentioned in the list above, please don't worry about testing them for bugs. Want to know what modules are still on the way:
  12. So many questions, so little time! :) Try adding additional factions to MSO_FACTION array, but I'm not sure what the effect will be on AI caching and them running into each other on server utilisation ie will they fight to the death and kill server performance while they do it. I will try to get those RC's released ASAP.
  13. If you guys are wondering why you can't just sent bandwidth settings to maximum to ensure its fully utilised, the problem causes is your server CPU gets hammered really hard. 512kb per user assists in ensuring that you only allocate as much bandwidth and CPU usage as required, without going completely overkill and killing the server.
  14. Not in the release candidates. I'lll see what I can do for the full release.
  15. Ok, tell me if this is a good idea? As I've said previously, I've broken up the MSO in 4 or 5 major components. Of those, I have 3 ready for release candidates. Would you like early access of those release candidates to see what the new setup looks like?
  16. Its really simple - text search for all instances of: _debug = true; and replace with: _debug = false; Then all the icons on the map will disappear (and you'll probably get a performance improvement :) ).
  17. Have a look at the BIS Module Improvement Project (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=116246) - it has a demo mission with civs on Isla Duala.
  18. I left the debug markers on so you can look and confirm whats going on. In Chernagorsk, I see 56 people (check the number next to the flag in middle of town). If you can't see them walking around, they may be hiding. The markers should show you everything. If a town has no people, its it likely it is not covered by a CityCenter spawn radius. There are 3 options: 1 - get the map maker to include one next release 2 - increase the spawn radius, which will increase the number of people all over the map 3 - manually add a citycenter (see here - http://creobellum.org/node/183)
  19. Sorry dude - been trying to make it by 31 Mar, but unfortunately... I finished testing all the ambience stuff today. Its working well on both Takistan and Chernarus, with good performance. Hopefully over the next week (or two :( ), Terrorist Cells and Enemy Populator will be completed. If you want access to the testing missions, get onto Skype Instant Messenger.
  20. Can we look forward to this in a future A2/OA patch?
  21. Thanks guys. As I need to fix stuff for the MSO, I submit it here. I'm thinking SOM, but it might be a while yet.
  22. Second Release - MIP20110331.ZIP http://dev-heaven.net/projects/mip/files Module Improvements New improvments to the modules are: Garbage Collector Added dedicated server support to Garbage Collector Added optional auto scavenger every 5 minutes using: BIS_GC setVariable ["auto",true]; Installation Instructions If a mission maker wishes to use this replacement code, here are the instructions. Simply copy the CA directory into your mission folder to over-ride the default BIS modules. Place a BIS Garbage Collector module in the mission editor and add the following to your Garbage Collector module INIT to auto scavenge for dead bodies and destroyed vehicles every 5 minutes. BIS_GC setVariable ["auto",true];
  23. Jump on Skype and I'll give you what I have.
  24. I thought we fixed that yesterday?
  25. wolffy.au

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79224

    Multiple missions or the same mission? Can we get a look at the mission to try and reproduce it?