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Everything posted by wolffy.au

  1. Download - http://creobellum.org/node/176 Summary: The 1.54 patch fixed the BIS Ambient Civilian (Expansion) module, so that it works fine in multiplayer now and that by default will delete ambient civilians that are more than 1200m away from playable units. Attached is a inhabited Zargabad and Takistan demo using ALICE2 and SILVIE. The settings in the INIT.SQF are commented, so I suggest playing around with the values until you are happy with them. Bear in mind, if you walk into a town, it will preload the civvies, so it will look pretty natural. When you first spawn or if you teleport, it can take up to 2 minutes for the civvies to become active. I did a recent experiment to see if BIS had finally fixed the Ambient modules in MP. To my surprise, they have and they work really well. Things that I was surprised to see were: no memory leaks, the removal of AI units after you've exited the spawn zone and I've even seen ambient civilians drive ambient vehicles without any custom code. Created by: (AEF)Wolffy.au [CTB] Visit us a http://creoBellum.org Change Log: Version 0.5 - Initial Release
  2. They are a separate module exclusive to OA. As mentioned above, their improvements do not work on Chernarus or Utes at this point. It raises a good point - why didn't BIS just fix the original ALICE module?
  3. Tophe, feel free to merge my code into your next release, so there is only one version of the script floating around. I didn't realise you released another version for A2 until Gnarly_Rider pointed it out to me. Maybe I should at least look next time! :) The only additional features I did was for static objects, to place ammo crates in building positions, etc and also static position of units. Along with Gnarly's idea of combining Guard Post and this script, it would be an awesome utility. Thanks for all your work Tophe!
  4. ALICE2 doesn't work unfortunately on Chernarus or Utes. Vote here to get it fixed - http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14252 Sorry TRex :cryy:
  5. I've logged a ticket to fix ALICE2 on Utes and Chernarus. Vote for it here: http://dev-heaven.net/issues/14252
  6. I've confirmed ALICE2 does not work on Chernarus or Utes in Combined Operations. If you use ALICE (v1), the civs spawn but don't de-spawn once you leave the area. I'll try killing a civ tonight and see what happens, although I have run a few over and didn't notice anything.
  7. Make sure you give it a few minutes to initialise. I'll give it a go on Chernarus tonight and post here what the results were.
  8. One for the entire map. The module create a civilian group at each CityCenter location object, and spawns "DISMISSED" civilians when you are within range of the CityCentre. The number of civilians is a formula based on the number of doorways I believe. Most of it is customisable - look at http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Civilians and http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Civilian_Vehicles
  9. No, not at all. The reason I left them grouped was because I'm lazy. :) But no, grouping has no effect on them.
  10. Ok, I gave it a test yesterday and here are the results. You should know first, that the Inhabited mission contains only Civilian slots. In this case, the civilians are everywhere, they're walking around, rarely they'll drive, and they often run into each other and talk - it looks great. But, when you put guys with guns into the mix, everyone freaks out. Most hide and go prone. The number of civvies you actually see is about half to a third of what you'd see in a civilian only mission. This has an advantage, because you might as well reduce the spawn distance and/or number of AI, because they are not going to be visible anyway. The mission I tried yesterday worked pretty well, and using the AI count logging, I was able to ensure I maintained < 100 units at most times. Additional changes to reduce the number of civilian AI were: - BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["spawnDistance",500]; - BIS_alice_mainscope setvariable ["civilianCount","round (2 * (sqrt %1))"]; Another thing I've learnt over the last few days, if you drop an Civlian Ambulance or Repair Truck and add a Support waypoint, civilians will actually call them (on a dedicated server too) to heal and repair. Refuel doesn't work as well, but I have seen it work once - not sure why its bugged. EDIT: If you want to add OA motorcycles and bicycles to ambient civilian vehicles: BIS_silvie_mainscope setvariable ["vehicleRarity",["TT650_TK_CIV_EP1",0,"Old_bike_TK_CIV_EP1",0,"Old_moto_TK_Civ_EP1",0]];
  11. I haven't as yet, although I have a mission ready to be tested. If I get a chance to test this weekend, I'll post here with the results.
  12. I agree, so I've reduced the number by a third usng this command: BIS_silvie_mainscope setvariable ["vehicleCount","round ((sqrt %1) * 1.0)"]; Check out http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Civilian_Vehicles for more settings.
  13. Sorry, should have stated that up front - yes, all testing was on a dedicated server.
  14. So I'm led to believe that Ambient Civilian module in OA 1.54 is MP friendly, although I haven't tried it. At a minimum, I still believe the traffic code would be required even if it was fixed. TRexian, are you still working on JTD ACT module?
  15. That waitUntil line is checking for the Functions module existing in the editor. Drop a Functions module down and see if it fixes the issue. If it doesn't, I'm not really sure how they're related.
  16. Dr Eyeballs Merlin has a copy and paste text field to import and export scenarios. Any chance you could implement this, it would make regular scenario training so much easier.
  17. v1.0a - Updated with Seize Construction Site
  18. Download: http://creobellum.org/node/55 Description: A UN sponsored AH-6X (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) deployed to track troop movements, has crashed in the northern deserts of Takistan. A reconnaissance unit has been deployed to locate the downed UAV. You will infiltrate using civilian vehicles and ensure our local contact and civilians in the region come to no harm. This mission is completely randomised - objective locations and defenses, squads sizes, motor patrols and weather will always vary. The mission should play out differently everytime. Enjoy! Mission concept by Delta 51 Mission design by Wolffy.au Addons: Operation Arrowhead - None Thanks to: Briefing text by Abize/Kebab_the_Lamb Patient mission testers from cB and AEF Random Group Spawn code by Odin Team Status Dialog by Dr Eyeball CEP Unit Caching by Myke CreateComposition by ArmaTec Weapons on Respawn/Splash Screen by Xeno Improved AI Driving by Sakura Chan Improved taskDefend and taskPatrol by Binesi On-the-fly GFX Changer by Deadfast Missions Conditions Selector - F2 MP Framework Simple Vehicle Respawn Script by Tophe of Östgöta Ops Random Group Generation, JIP Briefing, Player weapon loadout and Hide Bodies found at http://creoBellum.org Visit Combat Team Bravo at http://www.aef-hq.com.au Change Log: Version 1.6 - Added Call Support Medic - Added Call Support Vehicle Repair - Added BIS First Aid Fix - Added Saku AI Driver Improvement - Added custom Ambient Civilians - Added Ambient Civilian Vehicles - Added random house positions - Added BIS Injury System - Changed CTB Branding - Changed for Operation Arrowhead - Changed default to medium grass - Changed Waypoint patrol based on CityCenters - Fixed JIP Time Sync issue - Fixed CEP Caching to ignore civilians - Removed AAW and ACE dependencies - Removed custom loadout Version 1.2a - Rebranded as Combat Team Bravo - Added AAW Units and Weapons Version 1.0 - Initial Release Developer notes: Here is a list of nifty components to be found in this mission. Random Group Spawn code by Odin - This piece of code has turned out to be the most important piece of my future mission making. Using GameLogic objects, this code will spawn random enemy groups of Infantry, Motorised, Mechanised, Armour and Air. In conjunction with Binesi's taskDefend and taskPatrol code, randomised mission making has never been simpler. CEP Unit Caching by Myke - This code is originally from Myke's ARMA I Coop Essentials Pack. I have heavily modified it and it now supports vehicle units. Considering this mission spawns 250+ AI units from the start, this would not have been possible without this code. CreateComposition/CreateCompositionLocal by ArmaTec - If you don't know what compositions are yet, make sure you find out. I modified this code to spawn aesthetic objects locally on the client and mounted objects (MG Nests, etc) on the server so the AI can man them. It cut down the server workload by 90%. Extremely handy code if you use lots of compositions. - If you want to create your own compositions (this mission has an RU checkpoint), CreateCompositionLocal will use custom composition code. Weapons on Respawn by Xeno - Another scripting legend, I've only used one of Xeno's masterpieces in this mission. Improved taskDefend and taskPatrol by Binesi - Binesi posted these improved BIS functions around the same time I was asking myself the same question. Placing patrols and defensive squads has never been simpler. On-the-fly GFX Changer by Deadfast - Simple graphical viewdistance and terrain control. Very slick interface, although I've hardcoded the terrain detail in this mission, as I didn't think it was fair on the AI. Missions Conditions Selector - F2 MP Framework - Another handy script, I modified it slightly for JIP client time setting, but it works a treat otherwise. creoBellum scripts: Here are some of my own scripts, which you are free to use with credits intact. Aerial Patrol (AerialPatrol.sqf) - A quick script that spawns an aerial patrol for your Area of Operation, who will happily engage if they spot you. I've had units successfully patrol for over 3 hours into a mission. A new group will respawn if you destroy the current patrol. JIP Briefing (JIPBriefing.sqf) - JIP Briefings are a real pain. This is my current model for consecutive objectives which is JIP compatible. Enemy weapon reload (RUStaticRearm.sqf) - This script will scan ammo levels across all static enemy DSHKM, AGS, D30, and MG Nests, and re-arm them to keep up the fire fight. JIP Markers (JIPMarkers.sqf) - If you create markers dynamically (not in the editor), you'll find that JIP clients will not get them. This is a bit of code to get around that issue. Player Weapon Loadout (PlayerInit.sqf) - Sets up weapon loadout based on mission selector and unit model. Works for human and AI playable units. Hide Bodies (cB_HideCorpses.sqf) - Inspired by Mr Murrays code, this one liner will remove dead bodies from the mission with no additional triggers or objects. Just add the script to your Init.sqf - very simple. LocationsZone.sqf - Identify map locations within a rectangular marker - handy for randomising enemy composition locations. WaypointPatrol.sqf - Uses markers to patrol vehicles randomly from one marker to another. Excellent to ensure all parts of your Area of Operation are patrolled.
  19. wolffy.au

    CO20 Op. Golden Retriever v1.0a

    Cheers Pauld We played the mission last night and there was no negative scoring. I suggest you keep an eye on the enemy and confirm they are not surrendering. Also, the amount of enemy was nothing spectacular but all appeared to be in all the right places.
  20. wolffy.au

    CO20 Op. Golden Retriever v1.0a

    I'll play it tonight and see if anything broke between the last time I played it and its release. Re negative score, I'm still trying to work that out. The only thing I can think of is the Surrender module, so when I give it a try I'll make sure the guys aren't surrendering before I kill them Re double deaths, someone told me it the BIS medic system - can anyone confirm?
  21. Download: http://creobellum.org/node/170 Addons: None Summary: This mission is to demonstrate the use of multiplayer compatible Call Support functionality. You can direct any AI unit(s), who will mount up, move to, and dismount, to any location on the map. Usage: Drop an unit or group and provide a name e.g. for a repair truck, REPAIR. To initialise the code and action item for team leaders, add the following to your INIT.SQF file. Code: f_initCallSupport = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "crB_scripts\crB_initCallSupport.sqf"; [player, REPAIR, "Repair Truck"] call f_initCallSupport; setGroupIconsVisible [true, false]; // this line is optional but useful in tracking where the units are on the map. Parameters: player - applies to all players loading the mission REPAIR - this is the AI unit name "Repair Truck" - a description used to identify the unit Created by: (AEF)Wolffy.au [CTB] Visit us a http://creoBellum.org Change Log: v0.2 - Initial release TODO: - override the menu Call Support option if possible (if you know how, please let me know) - add support for helo's (I already have the code for this, just need to integrate it)
  22. You'll need to modify the crB_initCallSupport.sqf so that it doesn't add an action to the TL's. That script will initialise all the code, and then all you have to do is run the crB_callSupport.sqf command as found in the addAction command to call in a dynamically created vehicle.
  23. In the demo, I've added a Rifleman to every vehicle, who should mount and dismount when the vehicle moves. Maybe the mount/dismount code is broken - if you can PM how to replicate the fault, I'll see what I can do.
  24. wolffy.au

    CO20 Op. Golden Retriever v1.0a

    Not sure if I've understood your issue. The description does say: As for enemy numbers, its randomised, so sometimes you get heavy resistance, other times its light. I haven't coded any minimum level of resistance in it, although as you said, it took you a few hours anyway, so with 12 to 24 players, you should knock it over in an hour easily. Still good feedback, happy to hear more if you play it again.
  25. wolffy.au

    cB COOP 16 Op Boer's Plain - v1.0

    Updated some minor fixed to v1.7e. So eager to release it, I haven't done the changelog, but it should be more stable. EDIT: Sorry, just reading through your comments - yes, I could go for revive, but its a case that I take so long to release these missions that I prefer to keep it as vanilla as possible. Happy for anyone to make a Revive version of it, just don't have the time personally unfortunately.