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About WDC4402

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  1. WDC4402

    Official Perfect Guide

    This 'GETALLGEAR' cheat does not seem to work (in version 1.14).
  2. I am looking forward toward it off course HOWEVER what should defenitly be INCLUDED in ARMA2 is more detailed training. The way it now is, ITS JUST NOT FUN ANYMORE. You keep trying and trying, eventually quiting to unlock all of your equipment, and thus never even opening the total game. What ARMA2 needs for this huge problem is mission-walkthrough-book were it clearly states the equipment, the soldiers, the positions, the commands, etc. needed to achieve missionsucces. In ghost recon this came in the golden box edition in a 200pages book titled: Official Perfect Guide. THIS is EXACTLY what ARMA(2) is in desperate need of!!! This or vastly improved trainingmodule in game. I dont see the last of this options happening ... yet. gr
  3. WDC4402

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    i was sold illegal version; no trouble shooting for me anymore
  4. WDC4402

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    after installing the patch i get "altered files found CA;DBE1" and can no longer join MP. (vista 64)
  5. another one for the odd problems for this patch and vista64: gold box edition works more or less perfect (the screen is only a bit twisted but all details are ok); when i install this patch (1.14) i can no longer join MP because off invalid cd key. A little odd as well was that when joining MP in 1.08 i got the message altered files (but i could play). My conclusion? Getting back to XP
  6. WDC4402

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    the following is very strange I have bought the gold edition one week ago; played two days online on original 1.08 version; went 'fine'. Now i install the 1.14 patch and suddenly i have an invalid cd key? Can anyone see what is happening here? How to fix this? Also i always see the message that i use altered files (ca) but i did not alter anything what is happening here thx ps im om vista64; duo core d6550; 2gig ram; raedon hd 3870 >> i notice lot of vista users have problems; should vista be the reason why? it sure is not recommend on case! I try install on friends pc (on xp) and see how that goes ... advice still welcome