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Everything posted by ww2weasel

  1. ww2weasel

    WW2 Pacific War Mod 1.1 released

    Pacific Mod has more updates - it's currently at 1.12 version - prolly increase from here. Too many changes to list atm - but an important one to point out - Japanese units now have Japanese faces. It's still WIP atm as the face I've created is "under construction" very close to being done. The completed image will be used as my template to make more faces. The goal of the faces for Japanese is to have 50 soldiers in game and have very few redundant faces present. A campaign is underway with the Japanese point of view. Japanese vs. US Marines - Non-Historical. Jungle Everon - 5 missions completed thus far. Of course all efforts are under "real life first" principal.
  2. ww2weasel

    Pacific war Mod

    The new Japanese infantry compared to AIA's version - this done for comparison. Face textures to be done later. ---------- Post added at 19:15 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------
  3. ww2weasel

    Pacific war Mod

    Update - for Anzac Ford
  4. ww2weasel

    Pacific war Mod

    Spad a quick base color before tweaking to final texture. Contact me for further direction as far as hue goes to match other vehicles.
  5. ww2weasel

    OFPWH40Kv3 MOD

    The Mod server has been taken down for the duration, no plans on reinstating atm. This Mod is alive and thriving. Behind the scenes a lot of work is still going on.
  6. ww2weasel

    Pacific war Mod

    Very cool Spad. . . I'll help you out as much as I can. Real life - but you will get that retextured Humber from your DAK addons for starters.
  7. ww2weasel

    Invasion 1944 Irish Guards Help

    From the GST_Cromwell tank pbo brittk1 - British Tank crew ~ from old WWIIEC Brittish addon crew=brittk1; displayName="Cromwell MK IV";
  8. ww2weasel

    Single Allocation Limit

    Not really sure how it's code is written; but I think it would be 240. In your above example: "If an array has sub-arrays with one element the limit is still 256." -|> this would equal 256-0=256. Then it's logical to conclude: 17 -1= 16 , 256-16= 240. I would tend to doubt they wrote code to pick up on anything more than amount of subarray's with largest elements. But hey who knows maybe the coder(s) were industrious. That would be my guess. It could be a start point to look for errors.
  9. ww2weasel

    1.99 Multiplayer Issues

    oh - if you have windows 7 I found that if you set the ipaddress to - you are able to get beyond this issue. I think Windows 7 looks for the address there and treats as the only gospel possibility.
  10. ww2weasel

    Zulu war 1879 uzuthu

    I could easily convert an old spawn script to help you with your missions for large amounts of Zulu warriors. If you have premade groups setup - send me the class names of the units you would like spawned and I could have it setup for you to test out later.
  11. ww2weasel

    Editing .rmt files

    Working in Parallel on another approach - good to see this data. Other info converted from rtm is unicode - machine language.
  12. ww2weasel


    I think I know what you're asking - create a script add whatever else you need for weapons & mags - below is weapon and Mag example: Vehicle1 addMagazineCargo ["M16",10] Vehicle1 addWeaponCargo ["M16",10] exit If you want to tweak the amount of existing Cargo use these options in the above example as well. clearMagazineCargo Vehicle1 to clear Magazines from Cargo clearWeaponCargo Vehicle1 to clear weapons from Cargo Vehicle1 setAmmoCargo 0 to set percentage of cargo 0=0 , 1=100% Defines how much percent is in predefined cargo. Here to review opflash commands regarding Ammo/weapons: http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=list&game=OFP&func=weapons
  13. ww2weasel


    http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=list&game=OFP look through for existing scripts. look at Pages 6 & 7.
  14. ww2weasel


    When you say you want to transfer Weapon/Magazines from briefing? Are you trying to arm yourself with different weapons; while in the briefing. - or do you mean you want to carry over Weapon types/Magazines from the breifing into the mission?
  15. I've made an autorun script; So a player need not hold key down or put paperclip to hold key down. It will make your unit run 100m if healthy - crawl a 100m if wounded. It is an addaction driven script. Script exits if: Unit completes 100m movement. Unit takes damage along the way. Player issues the stop/break addaction to halt movement. The player dies. Right now tested and works for: Single player mode and campaign. Working on MP compatability. Once done I will submit the file and demo. Complete with remarks in script to explain how to use; explanation of the concept and how to further extend distance, etc....
  16. Still at work - haven't mp tested. But I will post up scripts - if peeps want to MP test for me - that would be good. ok the first script: "Arun_Acrawl.sqs" ;Script by WW2Weasel < 03-21-2012 > for WH40K Mod - WW2_Weasel@yahoo.com ;No permission is needed to modify this script. ;Have fun gaming - and why not visit us at the Wh40k mod and say hi!: http://s1.zetaboards.com/OFPWH40K/index/ ;This script written to address an ofp fan's complaint regarding tedious long range running of unit. ;I had'nt thought of doing this before until I read the fan's request. I thought this was an absolutely important feature to have in operation flashpoint and it garnered immediate acion from me. ;The Scope of this script is to play animations to auto run or crawl if injured 100 meters. This script is meant for players not the AI. ;I thought long and hard about giving it more functionality. I decided to leave as is; but allow others to modify to suit their own tastes. ;Result of this Script: The player's unit begins running then you can steer him around much like you would a vehicle in opflash. ;Place in players init line of unit: Autorun = this addAction ["Auto-run - "+format ["%1",name this], "Arun_Acrawl.sqs"] ;How to modify distance to be more than 100 meters? Simple.... ;- for running - it takes 35 iterations of the playmove command to run 100 meters. So to run Approx. 500 Meters (35 * 5 = 175) || ?canstand _unit: _i=175,goto "autorun" ;- for crawling - it takes 138 iterations of the playmove command to crawl 100 meters. So to crawl Approx. 500 Meters (138 * 5 = 690) || ?!canstand _unit: _i=690,goto "autorun" ;Also very important to include: Arun_Acrawl_break.sqs in your mission folder as well - As this is the Addaction break mechanism used to stop the Auto running/crawling. ;Also if you take dammage - if not immediately killed the script will stop. ;I have not tested yet in MP. But it should still work. It's meant for local players - and broadcasts the players positions via publicVariable. ;One possible problem in busy games is the animation may become choppy and distance traveled could be less than 100m. ;*** A Caveat - you may need to test delay in time with your pc and model/animation - time delay definitely needs fine tuning per individual's situation. ;Time delay is important for 2 reasons: 1) It allows for smooth running of animation and 2) Allows the Autorun break addaction to stop immediately upon activation. ;To not have a time delay - renders autorun breaking useless. ;On my pc default west soldier is ~.5 delay. ;*** Default for Standard Imperial Guard unit is ~.6 a larger unit like Ogryn is ~.8. If time is not set properly - jitter or pause may result. ;You may need to change the animations if you are using custom animations - below are the ARMA Cold War Crisis defaults. ;Default Bis run animation: _unit playMove "CombatRunF"; ;Default Bis crawl animation: _unit playMove "LyingFastCrawlF" ;Autorunbreak = _unit addAction ["Auto-stop - "+format ["%1",name _unit], "Arun_Acrawl_break.sqs"] ;This runs other script that has a returned value to switch on/off script manually if player chooses via the addaction. ?_lockplyr:exit ?!local player && !local (_this select 0): exit _lockplyr=true _pbreak=false _unit=_this select 0 _blplyr = "bplyr" + format["%1",_unit] ?!alive _unit || _pbreak:_pbreak=false,_unit removeAction Autorunbreak,_lockplyr=false,exit Autorunbreak = _unit addAction ["Auto-stop - "+format ["%1",name _unit], "Arun_Acrawl_break.sqs"] _health=getdammage _unit ?canstand _unit: _i=35,_arc="CombatRunF",goto "autorun" ?!canstand _unit: _i=138,_arc="LyingFastCrawlF",goto "autorun" #autorun ?bplyr==_blplyr:_pbreak=true ?!alive _unit || _pbreak:_pbreak=false,bplyr="",publicVariable "bplyr",_unit removeAction Autorunbreak,_lockplyr=false,exit _i=_i-1 ?getdammage _unit > _health:exit _unit playMove _arc?_i==0:_unit removeAction Autorunbreak,_lockplyr=false,exit posplyr=getpos _unit PublicVariable "posplyr" ~.55 goto "autorun" exit ---------- Post added at 00:50 ---------- Previous post was at 00:48 ---------- ok the second script: "Arun_Acrawl_break.sqs" ;Script by WW2Weasel for WH40K Mod ;This script written to address ofp fan's complaint regarding tedious long range running of unit. ;This portion of the Autorun scripts is to handle controlled exit from script by player. ;Autorunbreak = _unit addAction ["Auto-stop - "+format ["%1",name _unit], "Arun_Acrawl_break.sqs"] - run from inside Arun_Acrawl.sqs ?!local player && !local (_this select 0): exit _unit =_this select 0 bply = "bplyr" + format["%1",_unit] bplyr = bply publicvariable "bplyr" _unit removeAction Autorunbreak exit
  17. Ahhh - k - gotcha - have a simple keyboard and don't use keyboard repeating software- so I don't do that option. The animation will run you through an object <I think, can't remember> so you're not gonna get stuck. But I currently set the distance to run @ 100m. But in the script I give each editor the instructions on how to increase distance if they feel they need more running room.
  18. Perhaps we have a misunderstanding? Collision avoidance? My Auto-run script is just for Infantry. The idea behind my script is to move a unit on foot/running 100 meters with one click of the mouse. Well my script plays animations - so it's all on foot - there is no hang - and no collision - problems with infantry. Are you referring to "auto-hover"? on a side note: I reworked the script - hammered out the small issues and just need to retest again later.
  19. OK update just tested with WH40K mod associate newnoob - and Good news it works in MP - had a few small issues to fix - nothing that can't be fixed. So both players were able to autorun or autocrawl. So in a few days time the script and demo will be available for all. Need a few days to try and work in some more time to do mp testing - at work so cannot do further testing.
  20. May not be the case - but sometimes if the script is a text file and not .sqs you will get this error. I would simply put a test script in same folder - that has a hint "This script is working!" and an exit. Test and see if that script works. If it still does not - why not make your mission available for others to see what they can do to help. 1.96 or 1.99?
  21. ww2weasel

    Nikiller's scripts pack

    Technically you are 100% correct. But try using the setcaptive command. Set the unit to captive/prisoner then: player setCaptive true from a script or trigger: [player] join grpNull ~1 [player] join east_unit to switch back to West: [player] join grpNull ~1 [player] join west_man ~1 player setcaptive false Will any enemy shoot at you if your east - prolly not. So more scripting would be needed. possibly removing setCaptive toggle states. But it would have to be a highly delicate balance - or your own side shoots you. So this method recommended for specialized mission making.
  22. ww2weasel

    Spawned unit Attacks!

    First off; I'm not sure I'm seeing/getting all of KanePayne's info... But from what I see... Why is the below setup like this?: _closest = ([_unit, 9999, my_array] call findUnits) select 0 Doesn't this select 0 - mean select the first unit? This script returns an array of all units within a specified distance of another unit that are in the passed array. The result is sorted in acsending order of distance to the calling unit. Will never return the unit originally passed to the function. To call: [unit, range, [unit array]] call findUnits
  23. ww2weasel

    Moving Problem

    go here and use this as a valuable reference. You may answer alot of your own questions by reading through them over time. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Operation_Flashpoint:_Editing http://www.ofpec.com/COMREF/index.php?action=list&game=OFP&letter=a the scripts up above provided by nikiller are .sqs files. getin_check.sqs you need to place those files in your /user/mission folder. then in game reference the scripts via activation fields of trigger. or as you get more experienced - from within another script. oh also a headsup on editing - if you rename your mission from within editor - it will only copy the mission.sqm files and will not copy over any other necessary file you had in original mission. Such as: description.ext, .sqs or .sqf
  24. ww2weasel

    Fwatch Request List

    Faguss, How about the ability to change skies - to simulate diff planets.
  25. ww2weasel

    CWA 1.99 Bug reports

    A question for Maruk in regards too <Arma> CWA. Perhaps conduct a poll much like you did for Arma III. Would people buy a version of CWA if it was highly polished; with additional useful commands, optimized Multiplayer that allowed players to dynamically jump in during a session of MP game, etc.., etc... The idea would be not to stray too much away from the interface as it is. Just optimize it as far as the current game engine allows. But keep it backwards compatible for addons,Islands,Missions,Campaigns,scripting commands.