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Warrior Xâ„¢

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Posts posted by Warrior Xâ„¢

  1. BN880

    Are you guys playin on a local net or the internet

    Zeus addon, check my signature for the ip if you want it. Also click the wee little picky in my sigy that says Zeus. Check ya later  biggrin_o.gif

    On topic again:

    Wow nice mission, real good fun Bn880  tounge_o.gif

    *X hides in the shadows again where there are no moderators watching*

  2. Vietnam grunts wanted for beta testing of campaign missions!!!

    Yes i am in serious need of beta testers for my Vietnam campaign missions. I need people who are willing and have the time to spend testing them. These people also need to give good feedback, so that i can change things if needed and make these missions into perfection as much as i can. The testers i have at the moment are not enough. I need more!


    1 ) Have a email account that can hold at least 3mb per mail;

    2 ) Download all the addons needed for the campaign listed in the first post in this thread;

    3 ) Report your volunteer work here or give me a private message;

    4 ) Wait for the first mission(s) to drop in your mail account.

    p.s. This is serious folks! I need testers!

    <span style='color:green'>Now get your green kit and join the special forces in Vietnam NOW!</span> unclesam.gif

  3. ....erm...i'm looking at the pic and somehow that VC dude looks to small for his gun...

    Am i imagining this or is it true  rock.gif

    probably wishfull thinking  biggrin_o.gif

    Anyhow i said it before and i will say it again, GREAT PLANT HOLDERS you made there  tounge_o.gif

    I can already see myself walking right over charlie's back while he's hidden in the grass and waiting to take me out up close.

  4. Updates are:

    Me very busy pulling night shifts for work (new job).

    Had no time this week to work on the campaign.

    Update on campaign  biggrin_o.gif :

    Currently i am looking back at the missions made so far and correcting stuff i feel are still not to my satisfaction. Also some missions have gone into beta testing. Further more i am basically setting out the outlines towards the ending of the campaign. This means me daydreaming the entire time about how to end it and how many missions further down the road the ending will be.

    So there you go. Those are the updates on the campaign. Sorry no pics in this post as there are no new missions yet made. And if i post pics of old missions i would spoil the fun when it comes out.

     unclesam.gif  NVA all the way! LMAO

  5. How about some new 'bush' camo for the units. The units have a bit of vegetation on them from the current jungle islands around. I think the recon soldiers from SEB have a little bush on the back, but that wasn't much. I remember seeying footage of NVA and VC soldiers wearing sometimes halve a bush on themselfs just to blend in with the jungle.

    Also what i would like to see is the VC soldiers having a option to set up a punji trap. That trap with the sticks in the ground. Some sort of action or weapon to use just like the FDF units can lay down that tripwire. Hey! maybe a tripwire to lol.

    my thoughts for now... smile_o.gif

  6. *cough* Me hides in dark corner mad_o.gif

    the conversation on IRC:

    Quote[/b] ]

    <Killswitch|> AAAAAAH HAAAAH!

    <Killswitch|> Now I got ya!

    <Killswitch|> hehehe

    <Killswitch|> ammotrans.sqs uses a global variable called "drop"

    <Warrior_X> eurgh?!

    <Killswitch|> this conflicts with the script command "drop"

    <Warrior_X> ....X was bad?!

    <Killswitch|> Solution: rename that to, say, "ammodrop"

    <Killswitch|> What happens is:

    <Killswitch|> 1) ammotrans.sqs is run just before the F4E internal magic stuff starts

    <Killswitch|> 2) ammotrans defines "drop" to be a variable

    <Killswitch|> 3) F4E tries to use the name "drop" as a command -> fails

    <Killswitch|> Stupid PEEEP OFP

    <Warrior_X> yeah X was bad....

    <Killswitch|> Golden rule #1: Never use a variable name that is the same as something OFP uses as a script command

    Remember folks: always check and double check everything you do when it comes to scripting. Especially when your a noob like me crazy_o.gif


    Case closed.

    Moderators, go ahead lol.

  7. Yes thnx, i am using the latest plane from that very site. The problem is not in the adon itself, but in a conflict with some script i am running. The question is: what kind of things are happening in the scripts of the F4E. Meaning what variables etc etc are called once the wee little napalm carying plane hits 100+ on speed. As i think i am using maybe the same name for some script or variable without knowing it in one of my scripts. And they are conflicting. So that's the trouble i am having, and it is not with the addon itself.

    So please proceed smile_o.gif

  8. Hello people,

    I am in need of some scripting guru help.

    I am using this F4E Phantom by footmunch in a mission. But it gives me a error message when the plane hits a speed of 100 or above.

    Now i checked that i had the latest version, and i also checked if it is happening when the map is totally empty. And i had the latest one and it didn't happen when the map was totally empty. So i am sure it is some script conflict somewhere. What i would like to know is if someone had the same problem and knows about how to deal with it. Also if anybody knows exactly what happens when the F4E hits 100+ on speed, could you please tell me. All i found out with my little scripting knowledge is that it has to do something with the F4E's smokes script. (That came up when I de-pbo'd the addon.)

    Here's a picture of my problem:


    Any help is welcome!

    p.s. Yes i searched the forum for some topics but i couldn't find anything that had to do with this.

  9. Latest news from the NAM:

    Welcome soldiers, today you take part in Operation Snake Surgeon:

    The airlift to target.

    Landing at the LZ.

    Spread out as the chopper takes off.

    Make your way to the jungle.

    The opposing forces in the jungle.

    They are dug in and ready for the fight.

    Calling in air support as it's getting to hot.

    Napalm hits the enemy positions.

    Casualties of war.

    These pics are from a mission, however the special forces group was in chopper number 2 and they didn't move much for posing  tounge_o.gif  So the ordinary bunch from chopper 1, 3, 4 (that's right this is a platoon strength assault) had to do the trick  crazy_o.gif   blues.gif

  10. Just wondering what island that is?


    That would be Meekong Delta by Para from Hell's Circus. Also in the last two pics i used Namsky by The Unsung Mod and Dxdll by Kegetys to make the Nam experience a bit more like Nam. I strongly suggest using these two things in combination with my campaign when it is finished. They really add to that special feeling. By all means do not use ECP as that ruins some cutscene's. Dunno why btw.

  11. MKay...

    I do get where your coming from burroughs, but if you do not follow rules placebo will have your #$@  tounge_o.gif

    Now quickly on to the campaign. I am working hard, mission making is hard, getting every unit to do what you want is hard, to get things working properly in the mission is hard, making cutscenes and intro's is hard! So be patiant as i work on the campaign, as real life outside is hard as well.

    Better news:

    I have my own connection to the net again, and quess what....i have this connection for the last 20 minutes. Yeah that's right i came here to post that i am back and ready for some action again.

    Even better news:

    Tomorrow i'll post some screens of the latest work in progress. May i remind you that all pictures in this thread are from actual campaign missions.

    Now excuse me if i go to my home ofp server and try to battle some once again

