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Everything posted by wacko

  1. OK guys Look it has happen it does happen. lets stay on topic in not get into a discussion on what does what please And b00ce thanks for pointing that out... I didn't see that before hand.
  2. yes it will we have been waiting for it to be released
  3. Warlord said he would like to do this with the heli's.. its in the plans to make it possible so will see how it goes
  4. I think the DAP's will get more attention then the rest of the birds.... :lookaround:
  5. There will be someone some where that will not like this mod. It's bound to happen But anyways. Enjoy!
  6. Well I've been busy lately... Just to give you all a little tease
  7. I can't wait either... and I'm working on it :cc:
  8. Glad everyone is liking what they see so far. We have set the bar pretty high for ourselves with this addon. A lot of good ideas have been passed around that's for sure. If we can get them all to work it will be one heck of a heli. But to answer your question ALL the guns, missiles, missile pods everything that is going threw the service menu will be a model of its own. Pretty much you will have a plain heli with the option to load it up
  9. Well there is going to be 50cal sorta. in the way of the GAU-19 :oops:
  10. Hello everyone!! Here's a teaser for you Since you asked about the DAP. :oops:
  11. wacko

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    well might want to go to the ACE site doomguy made an update for WACO. might want to update your version specialy if your running ACE 106. for adding more players open up the Description change the min and max players <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 16; to <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 32; open up the InitMission <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> //Advanced squads eastTeams = [Group EastSlot1,Group EastSlot2,Group EastSlot3,Group EastSlot4,Group EastSlot5,Group EastSlot6,Group EastSlot7,Group EastSlot8,Group EastSlot9,Group EastSlot10,Group EastSlot11,Group EastSlot12,Group EastSlot13,Group EastSlot14,Group EastSlot15,Group EastSlot16]; westTeams = [Group WestSlot1,Group WestSlot2,Group WestSlot3,Group WestSlot4,Group WestSlot5,Group WestSlot6,Group WestSlot7,Group WestSlot8,Group WestSlot9,Group WestSlot10,Group WestSlot11,Group WestSlot12,Group WestSlot13,Group WestSlot14,Group WestSlot15,Group WestSlot16]; //Advanced squads eastSlots = [vehicleVarName EastSlot1,vehicleVarName EastSlot2,vehicleVarName EastSlot3,vehicleVarName EastSlot4,vehicleVarName EastSlot5,vehicleVarName EastSlot6,vehicleVarName EastSlot7,vehicleVarName EastSlot8,vehicleVarName EastSlot9,vehicleVarName EastSlot10,vehicleVarName EastSlot11,vehicleVarName EastSlot12,vehicleVarName EastSlot13,vehicleVarName EastSlot14,vehicleVarName EastSlot15,vehicleVarName EastSlot16]; westSlots = [vehicleVarName WestSlot1,vehicleVarName WestSlot2,vehicleVarName WestSlot3,vehicleVarName WestSlot4,vehicleVarName WestSlot5,vehicleVarName WestSlot6,vehicleVarName WestSlot7,vehicleVarName WestSlot8,vehicleVarName WestSlot9,vehicleVarName WestSlot10,vehicleVarName WestSlot11,vehicleVarName WestSlot12,vehicleVarName WestSlot13,vehicleVarName WestSlot14,vehicleVarName WestSlot15,vehicleVarName WestSlot16]; Also in the editor you will have to add in the units and names for each team and i belive that should do it. If you start getting errors with AI teams not creating right or some off the wall errors you might have to go into the Config_AITeams and add in some teams but i dont think that will be an issue. but one thing i got when making on sara and 32 player it got laggy for me, dont know if your getting that now but you might
  12. wacko

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    well this is what i did. open up the Common_GetMapCoords <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _ArrayMajuscForGrid = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J"]; _ArrayMajusNegative = ["Z","Y","X","W"]; _ArrayMinusForGrid = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o"]; _ArrayNumbers = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]; And also do the Common_GetTeamStatus <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _rows = ["9","8","7","6","5","4","3","2","1","0"]; _rows1 = ["9","8","7","6","5","4","3","2","1","0"]; _columns = ["X","Y","Z","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O"]; _columns1 = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J"]; That is what i did to get the map coords error sorted.
  13. wacko

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    Ok one thing i did on my mission to get rid of the mapcoords error was to open up the "Common_GetMapCoords" & "Common_GetTeamStatus" you have to addin the missing map coordinates the numbers and letters refrences or rows and columns. sara lite has less numbers and letters than sara does.. that will get rid of that error with getting locations of units...but im currently having my own issues with that same area but im thinking its cause of the new update from ACE 106. i think that WACO needs to be twiked some...i to get the same errors your getting but not with the map coords ...not to mention when a player leaves the AI become usless and not usable
  14. wacko

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    are you playing on sara lite?
  15. wacko

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    the 600 is the range by defualt the range for large towns is 700m. why its changed to 600 im not sure theres a description in the config_town script under server/config
  16. wacko

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    to change the MG nests over to the 50 you have to do that in the mission editor. For changing out the default loadouts goto Common/Config/Config_Loadouts and edit lines 1250,1251 and for east lines 2175,2176
  17. wacko

    loation of script to deploy mobile HQ

    i belive its client/GUI/GUI_Construction
  18. wacko

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.1

    hello doomguy 2 questions if i may 1 1 was converting waco to another map to play on and i was wanting to add in some mg nest and after doing so only certain ones would get used and other gets deleted any way around this? and 2 is it possible to have 2 or more air field factories? Tanks
  19. smello all.. i need to know if its possible to have an entire group crouch down when they stop moving and stand up again when they start moving? and if it is possible how would i go about putting it into a script? Tanks
  20. wacko

    units crouching

    thanks Garcia on that find its what i was looking for.. it works pretty good. if anyone else is wanting it heres the link group crouch
  21. wacko

    New bas thread

    As its seems that you all are talking about the lil birds again check out the specialoperations.com they seem to have a load of info on the birds...makes me wonder what the chances are of seeing 8 people being transported on the MH-6....
  22. wacko

    We support u

    A member in my forum found this on a another website and it rather moving... you all should have a look We Support U