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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    Ok, i sent them via a PM, thanks Anyone else interested?
  2. Thats great Maa, i can't wait to see your finished work.
  3. Thats one nice looking Firetruck MAA, you plan on finishing it?
  4. See. Thats why we need a NFD to go along with the NPD. Just picture a newer styled "Working Mission Nogova" mission that allows you to be a fireman, you can put out fires, pull kitties out of trees and rescue the fair maiden in distress.
  5. I bet they are the same guys who went into the Nogova PD thread cheering about those great units I love civil addons also, not being limited to just military missions is what makes this game so great
  6. Yeah, i had that one also, it was a red firetruck, i think it was done by STT and featured in his civil vehicle pack. I was thinking more of a full FD that would include the vehicles and the Firemen themselves.
  7. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    *Help Wanted* ~Voice Actors Needed~ I am looking for about 4 voices for the mission - 2 voices are for small parts in the intro and 2 others are for the squad leaders. I will be doing either the players voice (alpha black ldr.) or HQ if i decide to do a voice for it. Anyone who is interested can either PM me or e-mail me indicating what part you want to play to; anskytim@yahoo.com and i will send you your lines Thanks  Â
  8. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    There was never meant to be any ammo crates lying about so i added the mines and the satchels to the briefing, i also changed it so only half of the Tonalese dead bodies get deleted so you can get ammo from them. I thought the set up of buildings and towers and fences around the bridge was enough to provide you with cover, i will look into adding some more but i dont think a bridge in the middle of a forest would have many building nearby. I have never tried to change the text for radio alpha, bravo and so on. So if you know how to do this let me know, otherwise i think the radio procedures part i added to the briefing will suffice. As far as the intro/cutscenes i always make them as good as they can be with my missions so expect to hear some voices in that as well.
  9. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    Yeah, those AI are kinda dumb, i am trying to work on that, maybe a few more lessons and they will be ready Anyway, Does anyone want to help me with the voices? you can send me a PM or an E-mail and i will let ya know what needs to be done. I am currently casting for the following parts; HQ (this can be either male or female, hear that Avon and Cute QA?) Alpha Red leader I will be doing the voice for Alpha Black leader myself. Thanks
  10. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    It was on my first post but i will repost it here: Bridge Fight - Tonal - Final Beta Vers. Thanks again everyone and look for your credit in the mission outro once its gold Â
  11. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    *NEW UPDATE* Hello again my fellow wacky OFP'ers Unky Winters has a new version for you. This is my final Beta Version as i will now add the last touches to it and then release it, i am adding voices and the cinematics to it and then it's done. Thanks for your help and enjoy  Some Changes: - Added Satchels and Mines to the briefing - Alpha Red will signal you when in position (cuts down on a little confusion) Please test for Lag and Bugs, i have a few dead guys that won't delete anymore so you can grab weapons when yours are empty and need some feedback on if it causes any lag. Thanks Again Â
  12. Winters

    What's your favourite christmas song?

    I like "The Carol of the Bells" instrumental version by Metallica and the Trans Siberian Orchestra. But for shits and giggles you cant beat "Grandma got run over by a Reindeer"
  13. Winters

    100 years of powered flight

    Seeing how today is the 100th anniversary of powered flight i thought i would open up this topic to discuss all the leaps made in aviation and to invite others to share a story about an experience you may have had while flying or to show off some funky pics and airplanes. And seeing how these guys started it all here is some info on the 2 pioneers of aviation: Wright Brothers
  14. Hi all, I am trying to work out some trigger issues with no luck, First: I have a series of radio triggers (alpha, bravo, charlie) and i only want them to appear in your list when they are active. They are all listed when i start and i wanted to make Alpha the radio call to get an ai squad into an attack position then AFTER they have made it to that pos. Radio Bravo becomes active and you use it to send them in to attack. etc etc etc. Second: I wanted 3 triggers for the endmission one trigger is for when you kill evryone and keep the bridge intact. one for when you kill everyone but the bridge had been damamged heavily and the last for when you die (easy enough) The problem im having with this is that the mission wont end so i need to know what i need to put into a trigger that detects when enemy is not present and checks the condition of the bridge as well. I have a set of triggers to detect when the bridge is destroyed and they work fine its the endmission one im having touble with. I hope that didnt confuse everyone Thanks in advance
  15. Thanks, maybe something is wrong with my trigger to detect the bidge damage. i will keep working on it
  16. Winters

    Best single player missions

    Would you mind sending that to MunkD2k@aol.com if you still have it? Love both the books and want to see if its realistic  Sorry i haven't had that one for a long time.
  17. Winters

    100 years of powered flight

    Americans could care less about who exactly invented what. We just like to think about all thats happened in these last 100 years
  18. they are all seperate triggers the problem i am having is setting up 1 trigger to be activated by 2 conditions, for example: "Resistance NotPresent" and "Bridge Destroyed False"
  19. Winters

    Overview pics

    Jaenak, try FRAPS its great for taking screenies in game and you can click away without having to paste anything. you can grab it here: FRAPS And best of all its FREE!!!
  20. Winters

    Merry christmas...

    Looks Great *Click
  21. Winters

    100 years of powered flight

    Ozanzac, They tried on the 75th anniversary to fly a replica of the Wright Flyer with the same results. I guess only Orville and Wilbur can fly it But it was funny to see georgie eatin a little crow
  22. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    Yes, so be careful with those rockets
  23. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    *NEW VERSION UPDATE* Hi all, I have updated the file to a newer version of the mission, it is still in beta format but its been upgraded a bit. You now have more radio commands to give to alpha red (move into pos, commence attack & prepare for counter attack) i will be changing it some more when i record some voices (any volunteers? i need 1 for eash squad leader and i will be HQ) I also removed the event handler that deletes the dead units from half of the enemy and took away the ammo crates so when you run out of ammo you will need to grab a dead guys crappy weapon. You can assign weapons at the briefing The mission will now end when all bad guys are dead. Things still left to do: Add mines and satchels to the briefing (i just remembered i forgot to add them last night) Add radio message voices instead of text (for now the text is to just let you know it works) Set up the radio messages so you cant see radio bravo or charlie until the AI squad is in the proper position Set up the end mission triggers to work properly (i am trying to make 3 different endings, one when you die, one when you win & keep the bridge intact and the last when you win but the bridge is heavily damaged) - i can't seem to get the last 2 to work right, any ideas? and the last thing to do will be the intro, cutscene & outro.
  24. Winters

    100 years of powered flight

    speaking of which (i promise its not prOn): Mile High Club
  25. Winters

    Bridge fight - tonal

    Thanks MOM, will you also be mirroring as i update?