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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Winters

    On Deactivation

    I meant testing for different conditions not testing in general  my way returned an "error unknown operator" message i tried it like this: if (deactivateeh= true) then {student remove eventhandler ["fired", 0]} it looked like that was the way to go in the comref but what the heck do i know Â
  2. Winters

    On Deactivation

    Ok, i never worked with testing before. would i have to do something like: if deactivateEH= true then remove eventhandler ["fired", 0] im not sure if thats the right syntax i am using.
  3. Winters

    Military Humor

    I was trying to find a pic from Hot Shots part deux of the actor that says "War, it's Faaaaantastic"
  4. Winters

    On Deactivation

    Ehhhh? once more in plain english please
  5. Winters

    cutscene scripter

    The problem is that most of us who are good cutscene makers are also good mission makers and prolly are involved in making some of our own stuff.
  6. Winters

    Military Humor

    My Apologies if any have already been posted.
  7. Winters

    Military Humor

    Visit Sunny's webpage here  Not a bad looking bird. The Parrots OK too
  8. Winters

    JFK Reloaded

    I dont have any intention of getting this game, i think its just plain stupid. Whats next? fly a plane into the WTC and try to kill the same amount of people? What some people do for money, its a shame.
  9. Winters

    Most Awaited Mod!

    I '44 and falklands are neck and neck, Although i am also eagerly waiting for a 'Nam mod *Cough* Drow *Cough*
  10. Winters

    Most Awaited Mod!

    Invasion '44 Bay-Bee
  11. Hi all, I wanted to know if there is anyway to have multiple eventhandlers of the same type. Example: You are trying to mark minefields but since there are different types of mines i wanted to have a marker for each type. It works fine when i am marking only one type of mine but not when i try to mark different types of mines it ony "see's" the first one. Is it possible to have more than 1 "fired" eventhandler running at the same time? Thanks for the help Â
  12. Winters

    Where would you like...

    Don't forget the food (I love sushi, woohoo) And I heard the public transport is quite good there. (I hope it's better than here in holland, scr*w you GVB! NS!) Â Not to mention those "Hello Kitty" girls. Me Likey
  13. Thanks, i will give it a shot.
  14. Here ya go, thanks Red MineMarkPers.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_engineer= _this select 0, _minemarkpers= _this select 4, "marker1" setmarkerpos [(getpos engineer select 0), getpos engineer select 1), 1] "marker1" setmarkertype "dot" engineer removeeventhandler ["fired",0] [] exec "newmineevent.sqs" exit newmineevent.sqs just puts the EH back in and the second script called "MineMarkArm.sqs" works the same but is supposed to add a red dot for marker1A.
  15. Winters

    Where would you like...

    The place i would like to live doesnt exist. 75 degrees everyday, water temp a constant 72 and it only snows for one week between Christmas Eve and New Years day and the temp goes back to 75. Other than that i would love to own a Pub in Ireland that had a T1 line and satellite TV so i could still watch the Yankees.
  16. How would i do that? i am basing evrything off the "fired" EH. engineer AddEventHandler ["fired", {_this exec "minemarkpers.sqs"}]; engineer AddEventHandler ["fired", {_this exec "minemarkarm.sqs"}]; when i try to mark the mines i get the same marker for both. it doesnt "see" the one for the armor mines just the personel ones. It's fairly obvious to me that it wont work because its the same EH but how would i adapt a script to allow for the different markers to work?
  17. Winters

    Dubya Da Movie

    Ha Ha Ha or how about "The Bill Clinton Story" starring Joey Buttafucco
  18. Winters

    Dubya Da Movie

    This is just too funny. http://www.dubyamovie.com/
  19. Winters

    Dubya Da Movie

    I still think it's really funny and very creative.
  20. Winters

    Best country in the world?

    Iceland does have Bjork
  21. Winters

    Best country in the world?

    I agree with you, oh wait.... i AM going there in the summer to trace my family history
  22. Winters

    Dubya Da Movie

    Hmmm, why would you need to know who Don Knotts is to see the humor in this clip anyway?
  23. Winters

    Dubya Da Movie

    Same for me. Strange, these Americans. Strange, but nonetheless funny... "That's my great grand-father. That's my grandfather. And that's my father. They handed me a great name, and I... eh... well I... failed." The lost years: "How would you like a cocktail, George?" "Hey bartender, another beer!" "failure, failure, failure [...] failure. The story of my live." What the heck are you talking about
  24. Winters

    Dubya Da Movie

    Thats Don Knotts, he was a comic/actor from the 60's. I think its really clever how they pieced all those clips from his movies together to make it. EDIT: he was also Deputy Barney from the reeeeeeaaaaallllly old "Andy Griffith show" TV show.
  25. Winters

    Dubya Da Movie

    Maybe yes, maybe no. I sure as hell thought it was.