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Everything posted by Variable

  1. I loved OFP's Falklands mod and I look forward to Arma 2's one. Good job guys!
  2. Variable

    Moschnyi coop pack

    Coop pack is hosted on the Comrades in Arms server! Thanks for the missions Sander.
  3. I think the best way to go would be a tier1+CBA version and another pure vanilla version. :)
  4. Variable

    User mission requests!

    Overlord, you mean the one where a bunch of civis start by ambushing a bus of conscripts? If this is the one, W0lle made a conversion of it on Takistan, called "Pass to Freedom". I don't know of a full CWR2 conversion using Nogova though. Wolle's one is a great mission. We completed it a few weeks ago!
  5. This is looking great! I will try this ASAP!
  6. Variable

    Co-op Missions

    Uploading to the Comrades in Arms coop server! Thanks Thorfinn!
  7. Looking forward to your coop version. But please, leave respawnvive out of it... :)
  8. Variable

    User mission requests!

    Sounds great Rejenorst! Looking forward to it to end a too long period without playing your work!! :)
  9. Variable

    Moschnyi Island (GSEP)

    Yeah same here. Anyway, Sander's coop pack is hosted on the Comrades in Arms coop server. Thanks for the island Jakerod!
  10. Variable

    Moschnyi Island (GSEP)

    Are there any coop missions for Moschnyi apart from Sander's Moschnyi coop pack?
  11. J-Guid, you got a link for the Lingor version? Doesn't it have respawnvive?
  12. Played a mission on it, recreating the Syrian rebellion and it was great! Are there any more classical coop missions for Hazar kot yet? I am looking for no respawnvive, ACE free coop missions.
  13. Are there any classical coop missions for Lingor yet? I am looking for no respawnvive, ACE free coop missions.
  14. Amazing island. Thank you McNools! I tried to search for missions for it but couldn't find any. Does someone direct me for coop missions made for this island that do not require ACE?
  15. Thanks a lot Psycho! Downloading!
  16. thanks Gunter but im interested in coop missions.
  17. Download links are broken. Anywhere else we can get this pack?
  18. The video looks great wooeton, looking forward to play your mission once I receive my copy of the game. The images link is requesting username and password, you might want to consider hosting them elsewhere.
  19. Variable

    OMAC Mission Pack 1

    Intros should work in MP. You can see Vanha's MP missions, most of them include Intros and Outros. I didn't try this mission in SP. I guess it's safe to assume that the problem with the intro is only in MP.
  20. Variable

    OMAC Mission Pack 1

    Yeah, I meant the LAV... :j:. I guess we missed some foot mobiles alright. But now that you mention it, we didn't have any intro at all!
  21. Variable

    [CAMP] Blood On The Sand

    domokun, I suppose you are replying on the wrong campaign. Your problem is with Operation Cobalt. Is it not?
  22. Variable

    Rainy Fall Campaign

    Congratulations Fleepee! :)
  23. Variable

    OMAC Mission Pack 1

    Yeah I know, but since our server don't use the woodland bradley addon, I didn't use your 1.4 update. We played Retaliation last night, good fun! Thanks again for the great missions!
  24. Nkenny! Glad to see more of your work! If you will make an ACE free version you will make a large part of the community very happy...
  25. Variable

    OMAC Mission Pack 1

    That's a reason to play it again! Updated on the Comrades in Arms coop server!