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Everything posted by Variable

  1. Variable

    FHQ Coop Mission Pack 1

    Looking forward to it!
  2. Since the forums upgrade Tapatalk is not working. I guess the upgrade ran over the Tapatalk plugin. BIS, can you please fix it?
  3. Hey Nkenny, thanks for releasing this. Is the pack playable without ACE? If not, any chance for an addon free version?
  4. Variable

    CO 10 [S.o.E] MLRS Down

    Great news! Uploaded to the CiA coop server (details on my signature).
  5. Variable

    CO 10 [S.o.E] MLRS Down

    Looking good. Downloading! I hope there's no respawnvive?
  6. Variable

    Arma 2 on Extended Display

    That worked! Thank you! Now Arma occupies the whole screen exactly and won't minimize when I click something on the other screen. Thanks again domokun!
  7. I connected another screen and now I work in extended display. I want to run Arma on the right screen while showing TS and chrome (for imo.im and the mission list) on the left screen. I can press escape in Arma to bring up the cursor, and move it to the left screen. Thus far, it works nice. Problem is, when I click the browser/TS on the left screen, Arma minimizes on the right screen. Any solution other then running arma on windowed mode?
  8. Variable

    Arma 2 on Extended Display

    The most elegant solution for me would be to work in window mode, but have the window size configured in arma2oa.cfg to the full size of the screen. This will allow to play in windowed mode, but it won't feel like it's windowed mode. However, these cfg file parameters: winW=1916; winH=1078; are overwritten automatically and reverted back to their defaults every time I launch the game. If I will manage to force Arma 2 to keep my settings, I guess my problem will be solved! Any ideas?
  9. Variable

    Is The Mossad planning another USS Liberty

    Walker address my comments and pelham's as to what constitutes as a proof, or stop this foolish argument saying that the crew of the liberty observations are a proof that the attack was not a mistake.
  10. Variable

    VanhA's CWR2 coop pack (unofficial)

    Updated on the CiA coop server!
  11. Variable

    Is The Mossad planning another USS Liberty

    Walker, please, you are making yourself look very bad here. How come an observation of an attacked crew serve as an evidence for their attackers intentions? They can only testify that they were attack (something that no one argues about), but they can know nothing about the reasons that led to them being attacked. And about that quote of an Israeli official claiming it would be beneficial if Iran attacked the US - some would say that israel was benefitted by the 9/11 attack, does it make israel the perpetrator? Its exactly the same reasoning.
  12. Variable

    Is The Mossad planning another USS Liberty

    Fox, being a Jewish first means that you are a member of the Jewish people. You may be secular or religious, but still Jewish. That's how the world and the Jews themselves grasped the term "Jewish" for centuries. The religion is only one component of the Jewish identity, which is based on other, even more important cores - common history, culture, and language. For the Nazis you were a Jew even if there was any Jew blood three generations back. I am a complete atheist, and I fight for a secular Israel, but I strongly see myself as Jewish. And Walker, I guess you admit that it's not a proven fact that Israel attacked the USS liberty on purpose. Then why did you choose a title that relates to that incident as an indisputable false flag operation? You are misleading the less-informed readers who might think that it is certain that the USS liberty was attacked deliberately. You are being irresponsible.
  13. Variable

    Is The Mossad planning another USS Liberty

    How does that got to do anything with the USS liberty? You might want to consider the titles you put for your posts Walker.
  14. Variable

    =BTC= co 14 Rebels

    Hi Giallustio, thanks for this mission! Before I upload it, can the respawn be disabled and the revive set to zero?
  15. Variable

    Ambush! Converted for CWR2

    Awsome recreation! It really brings the magic OFP feeling we missed for so long. Thanks Fat Tony!
  16. Isn't the "next generation" suppose to be unmanned?
  17. Variable

    VanhA's CWR2 coop pack (unofficial)

    Wooohooo! That's the best CWR2 news that I could think of! Thank you vanha!!! The pack will definitely be hosted on the CiA coop server
  18. Variable

    CiA co-op night

    Changed the video in the opening post to Kenwort's awsome video: VfWbYibHlPE
  19. This is one of the best Arma 2 videos I have ever seen. Amazing work Kenwort! We will use it to promote CiA coop night further! :)
  20. Variable

    COOP 20 Push It To The Limit

    Ok, should you, by any chance, make a non-ace version of it we will surely host it. Thank you anyway!
  21. Variable

    COOP 20 Push It To The Limit

    Looks interesting! Will it work without ACE on a Linux dedicated server?
  22. Variable

    Rasman Valley [SP|CO]

    Thanks! The CiA coop server is now updated with version 1.06 of "Rasman Valley".
  23. Variable

    SP missions by Chicago (PXS)

    Looking good! Chicago, is desert cat dedicated server compatible? Edit: guess not since the mission is actually an addon i suppose...
  24. Variable

    Rasman Valley [SP|CO]

    Gave the mission a quick test now and all slots are available to be manned by humans in a coop. Thanks rosentorf! Mission has been uploaded to the CiA coop server and will be played on the CiA coop nights! Details on my signature.
  25. Variable

    Rasman Valley [SP|CO]

    Hi rosentorf! Since the topic header was Rasman Valley [sP|CO] I presumed it was intended also for coop mode. However, I uploaded it to the CiA coop server, try it, and only 1 slot is available (we use a standalone Linux server, I hope your mission is compatible). This mission sounds great, could you make the other fighters playable?