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I have also that 4Gb with xp32 (Knew about 3Gb situation but got the pair so cheap) Anyways.. out of curiosity I once added the 3Gb switch in the Boot.ini file just to see what happens. Result: Started ArmA and it just vanished. Started again and it vanished and the pc went very slow. Then I noticed both games were running but they were only seen in resource manager. Funny thing. So I don't recommend what I tried.
Final update ready on my behalf. See top post for details. Â I've noticed although ammo crate location is set random the most usual place is the barn. Be careful not to pick weapons when patrol is passing by. You get also easily cornered in there is only few players. This pic is from a scene I was trying it alone. (You can do it if you just place a tent inside the barn first) Happy hunting!! I'm off to plan my next adventure. Enjoy VanhA ps. sorry 'bout delay on the fixes
and that is UNIV_v07.ogg and it's missing. There are other sounds as well.If you make "no go zones" please mark them with a hint or something. Could you please add some more magazines to the ammocrate... I'm doing this one tomorrow and want it all to work. *no go zones are marked on map and on ground with some signs. *We're about to test a 1.2 fix where JIP issue is fixed by a script which detects inventory of each players. Also because of this I've added one Dragunov to the crate since all primary weapons are now checked *I'll check the sounds. Ty for interest and feedback. v1.2 sould be released soon.
Updated & fixed See top post. VanhA
@Pellejones Thank you for very thorough review. It's weird 'cos when we tested it everyone was fine in plane. It could be that the script placing the units inside could misfire a bit. It's suppose to leave you on beach if the plane has already landed. About crate location: A missing "," from location maybe... it has 5 different locations 3 in town and 1 in tents and 1 near mast. You have to of course make sure no patrol is passing by when taking weapons. We managed to do so and keep us alive for a long time. Of course the mast location is a bitch 'cos you have to anticipate and place a spawn tent in town to a safe location. On the area scouting: Units are spies yes, but in this case negotiators enemy has allowed to fly in. But I guess I could do "kill zones" which could be removed afterwards. Ty for trying it out and the feedback  EDIT: Almost forgot...was it kamov you ejected from or Mi17's? ps: I don't like too obvious handheld solutions so that's why you are not pointed towards targets
UPDATED TO V.1.2 *final Features: *BAS-f_framework *AI-disabled Revive by norrin *Mando bunker by Mandoble *Codepad by Wolfrug *UPS by Kronzky *Vehicle respawn by norrin *Small base by Matt Rochelle *ROMM_IA by Rommel *SLA base by BOS team *OFPEC_ils by ofpec. *For version 1.14 and higher *Needs Queens Gambit Background: After fierce fighting and SLA surrender, a small renegade force in Rahmadi is still threatening the oil routes with a KA-50 black shark and some bombers. Your team is entering Rahmadi to negotiate a solution. However we are up to no good this time. To ensure success we will hijack the kamov and the sukhoi's back to our base. SLA officer holds the keypass needed to activate the black shark. Local civilians have provided us an ammocrate with couple of weapons. Remember that SLA forces won't act kindly towards armed negotiators! Use codepad to gain access to kamov. (Ammocrate randomly placed in various locations) Plenty of enemies to deal with. The action starts when you have found the weapons. The crate consists of only 4 rifles/8 clips so deal them wisely and hunt for more weapons from downed enemy. The intro will be skipped for JIP players. *Team leader has the option for spawn tent. FIXES MADE FOR 1.1: *Removed song and shortened intro *Added restricted zones in which entering means trouble for whole team. (Zones deleted after weapons purchased) *Partisan commander changed as SLA officer to made identification easier *Kamov locked and trying to access it without purchased codes will result in enemy becoming hostile. *Added refuel/repair urals in restricted zone *Players don't start in dc3, the plane has already landed and you start by the runway. *Ammocrate location by the mast removed. *One barracks added by starting point to shelter JIP players (if fast enough) *Some minor trigger tweaks ====================================== FIXES MADE FOR 1.2: *Revive sounds fixed *Inventory check for each unit which changes the captive status for JIP players as well *Intro now selectable *1 Dragunov added to crate *Condition for Obj1 finetuned to detect any primary/secondary weapons. DOWNLOAD HERE Objectives: *Find the ammocrate and get the weapons *Kill the SLA commander to get the Kamov codes *Destroy radio tower to ensure hijacking the planes *Fly the Black shark off from Rahmadi *Get at least one of the Sukhoi bombers to Paraiso airfield. *Hidden -Possible issues: I hope you enjoy this. A lot of work has put into this one...
I've been working on a quite massive mission taking place in Rahmadi & Paraiso airfield. Players start in dc3 landing on rahmadi. Mission uses revive ai-disabled. Testing on our server came up with one oddity: I got a report of a JIP player spawning in on Paraiso airfield instead of dc3. Now, I'm not sure if the dc3 was destroyed in that or what but my playable characters are placed on airfield in editor. Question: Should I move the characters over Rahmadi and instead of init line: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this moveInCargo dc; make a separate script with something like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if !(alive dc) || !(isEngineOn dc) exitWith {}; else player moveInCargo dc; exitWith {}; And how should I call it from init.sqf? With "server execVM" or "v= execVM" or what? Sorry about the possible faulty lines but that's why the post  VanhA EDIT: OK, this works but the hint does not show up. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">sleep 0.5; if (isEngineOn dc) then { player assignAsCargo dc; player moveInCargo dc; }; if (true) exitWith {}; { else }; if (false) exitWith { hint "Starting on beach" };
I added 2 new missions into package (released separately earlier) and most important: Fixed missing marker for mobile spawn vehicle in "Lance of Ares" Sorry about that. VanhA
This is interesting. Â I was cooking up an idea with OPFOR being friendly until player takes a magazine/weapon from a crate. Can I use this to launch <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Resistance setFriend [East , 0] to set behaviour change for the enemy? edit: OK , it said in BIKI that it needs to be activated both ways: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Resistance setFriend [East , 0]; East setFriend [Resistance ,0];
Here's something I've been working with for 5 months: (With big thanks to Xeno & Myke for scripting assistance) co12@ Justice for all *For version 1.14 and higher *BAS_f *Selectable time/weather *Mando hint *Repair / medtent scripts *Drop ammobox from jeep *Revive AI-disabled with leader as spawn element *Playable side EAST (Partisans) *Random enemy forces (Mainly some vehicles) *Addons needed: Queens Gambit DOWNLOAD HERE SCENARIO: --------- - Stage 1: Go see the situation in Mataredo - Stage 2: Figure out a way to disarm and contain the mercs - Stage 3: Secure the site until transport arrives Story/background: 6 mercenaries have done something awful in village of Mataredo. Get your team to the site to see the results and bring the guilty ones to justice. Intel reports of local USMC camp giving reluctantly refuge to the villains so search from there. When you have secured the site a transport chopper will arrive for a pickup. Locals have given some vehicles for use. You can create an ammocrate from the landrover but be careful not to lose the car. Team leader has the action to create mobile spawn tent. I hope you like this and my efforts won't go in vain... Â VanhA-WASP
Here's something that came up half accidentally. I was goofing around with suicide bomber script by POTS and suddenly it was a mission, haha. co06 Bomb magnet *addons needed: none. *For version 1.14 and higher *Bas_f *Suicide bomber script by POTS *Location: Ortego *Scale: Small DOWNLOAD HERE Mission details: "Your JCS has snapped under stress at peacetalks in Ortego. He's had enough and takes a run for his car.Meanwhile angry townsfolk turns into suicide bombers and tries to get rid of him. Protect him on the way to his car and keep on your toes." Enjoy the run Â
Does this affect server or clients if run on it without any compatible missions?
I'm glad you like 'em. I hope to improve as mission maker with every project. Thank you for the feedback! VanhA-WASP WASP-squad arma regiment leader
Here's a new selection of some latest missions. Some of them have not been released separately before. 3 of them require Queens Gambit. Â DOWNLOAD PACKAGE Missions contained are: co16 The Pocket co12 Local Warming (2 versions) co19 Lance of Ares *fixed co12@ Communication breakdown co10@ Bastards in arms co08 Tres Putas co06 Dead by Dawn co05 Delivery Boyz co16 Hamburger Hill co12@ Justice for all co06 Bomb magnet I hope you find them satisfactory. Each mission pack contains more detailed readme about the mission. With big thanks to the community and WASP squad for enduring with my ideas. BR VanhA