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Everything posted by VIPER SHIVA


    SF Units v2

    @Matt Rochelle, I'm not sure what you mean- Do you think that SPECOPS units never use AT missiles? Well, of course they do, in fact there are LAW-type weapons that are specifically made for the particular requirements of SPECOPS units. In addition, units such as the Army's SF are prominent users of much heavier ATGM's such as the Javelin. There are now famous reports of SF in northern Iraq, that used the Javelin to great effect while supporting Kurdish fighters in the early days of the invasion in 2003. Now, I wouldn't suggest that an addon maker should equip an SPECOP unit with the Javelin, as it is something that they'd grab from a prepared position and use, before dumping the CLU and scooting to another position. But, it's perfectly reasonable to see one or two guys in a SPECOPS team carrying a LAW-type rocket for reducing bunkers, counter fire against snipers and machine gun nests, and dealing with light armor threats until air or artillery support can deal with the problem. If I was this particular addon maker, I'd consider arming the repair unit with an AT4, a modern variant of the M72, a variant of the SMAW, or perhaps even the RPG- I know our guys get trained on all makes and model weapons, including those used by the "OPFOR".

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    Oh, I know that other modders are working at these things, and I am always watching for these sorts of addons to make the gaming experience that much better. I'm just acknowledging that DMarkwick has REALLY outdone himself with this particular project. All the third-party addon geniuses deserve their accolades- and right now, I'm making sure that this artist knows how much I appreciate his work. Rock on people!

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    DMarkwick, I just have to say, without the slightest hint of exaggeration or overstatement- It is the because of the sacrifice and efforts of modders such as yourself, that this game actually becomes worth the investment that end-users such as myself have payed out to BIS. You make ArmA worth buying. Now, a few questions, if I may... Do you have any plans to make other hand-thrown devices, such as flash-bangs, "tear gas", white-phosphorous, or Molotov-cocktails with your incredible scripting ability? As this amazing mod becomes a reality, what do you plan to do next? Amazed and envious gamers such as myself, would LOVE to know more! Again, Bravo Zulu dude!

    Insurgent Idea

    It's even more funny when they hang around long enough for the air, mortar, and artillery strikes to come raining down on their heads. Hopefully, ( well, not too hopeful- as it's just so funny when they get brutally pwned... ) the AI insurgents have the intelligence to shoot and scoot, rather than hang around and get their asses handed to them. Mr. Hellfire is not your friend!

    DMSmokeEffects Beta 4

    Cool, looks great! What's it like if you view it from close up? It seems as though the AI were able to see you through it, and return fire.

    RH weapons

    VIPER SHIVA... oops, never mind, I did find some info about anti-infantry Hellfirz - it must be the most expansive way to deal with Pecheneg m.gunnerz Well actually, I was being a bit dramatic, but- Hellfire has been used quite a few times to take out infantry in recent years. It is an expensive option, but it's VERY effective. I did list other methods that were probably just as effective and cheaper than a Hellfire.

    Insurgent Idea

    First off, I'm not a modder- although I have helped other teams as an "idea man", and I have done a little config editing. So I understand that you might think that my ideas are beyond your capabilities. But, those things I proposed, seem to be within your capabilities, based on the work you've shown above. Keep an open mind, and a positive attitude, and you'll accomplish all the things you want for your mod. Start with the first of my ideas, and try to figure out how to implement each one as best as you can, one at a time. What you can't figure out, or understand, others can/may help you with, if you just ask. Converting addons from OFP is a great idea. If nothing else, it may give you ideas how to make your own ArmA addons from scratch. These things will take time, and veteran players like myself know that your progress will develop at your own pace. I'll be patiently waiting, and willing to help, in anyway I can. You keep working at it, so I can start playing with it!

    RH weapons

    Well, yes. But IRL, the GPMG is typically operated by a two-man team, the gunner and the assistant gunner. Actually, along with MG's equipped with scopes and bipods/tripods, it would be really great ( and more realistic, ) if an assistant gunner unit was included in the mod. This guy would carry additional ammo for the MG, and is used to find targets with binoculars and provide the gunner with additional short-range protection. This would probably be best implemented as a new selection in the "Group" menu, perhaps labeled as "GPMG Team". 'Course, snipers operate this way as well, and I haven't yet seen any "Scout" units to accompany the sniper either. But, I'm sure it'll happen eventually.

    Insurgent Idea

    Well, the armed "technical" gun truck is cool, I'd like to see more variants such as a rocket/recoilless launcher, ( arm it with RPG's for now. ) and heavier types based on the Ural. I can't wait until we see new head models available, instead of simple re textured heads complete with ears and noses. Some units should be representative of insurgent fighters from various conflicts. There should be various groups of insurgents that look "African", Central/South American, Asian, European/Chechen, and Islamic. In addition, their political disposition should be variable- ie. friendly or hostile to BLUFOR and/or OPFOR, and/or Independent sides. I think it would be great if you could collaborate with other addon makers that have already produced insurgent units. Horrific as it may be, you might as well create units that can be used for homicide bombing missions, armed with bomb-belts. Also, AI insurgent forces should be equipped with, and able to effectively use, IED's. ( pipe bombs ) They should be throwing, and placing devices left and right- and smart enough to run the hell away before they detonate. Molotov cocktail, and rock-throwing units should also be apart of the group. Insurgent forces should be equipped with just about every firearm in the game- supposedly stolen, smuggled, or bought on the black market. In general, these would typically be "low-tech", ( but dependable ) mixed with small numbers of higher end, modern manufacture weapons.

    RH weapons

    There are many ways of dealing with this problem, both in real life, and in the game: Snipers, with longer-ranged, more accurate fire. Heavy, long-ranged, direct-fire weapons like tank guns, ATGM's, or air strikes, and indirect-fire from mortars, and artillery. Scopes just provide an GPMG gunner with a slightly greater advantage than they previously had- But the minute the enemy knows where that gunner is, that gunner is dead meat. Modern technology and tactics means that the scoped M-gunner can get a few additional kills, but he's still got to shoot and scoot- or his few remaining parts are soon going home in a bag when they collect enough of them. "OH NOES! DERE'S A LEET GUNNER WIT DA SCOPE AN TEH MAD SKILLZ!" *Radios to command... UAV is tasked to find/fix/engage with Hellfire ATGM... BOOM! Problem solved. Next!

    Specops UH60!

    Actually, Air Force SOCOM units are carted around by AFSOC C-130's, Pave Low's, and soon- the CV-22 Osprey. Actually, that's how most SOCOM units get delivered to the AO. The 160th, as well as AFSOC's helos are typically tasked with the pick up, and support of said units- particularly from hot LZ's.


    Thank you for your response Tony, but my issue had nothing to do with the ammo. The problem is when I'm shooting from a prone position, ( lying on the ground ) my sight picture in the scope is moving around so much that long range shots are nearly impossible. Clearly you've built some major dispersion into the character config, for the purpose of longer fire-fights between the AI units- but it makes the player's experience VERY frustrating if you're trying to hit anything beyond 600m with less than 5 shots. Snipers weapons are typically very heavy, very solidly constructed, and have additional accessories such as bipods and ergonomic furniture to steady the weapon for long-range shots. If you are shooting a scoped-M24 from a relaxed prone position, and using a bipod, there is no reason that your sight picture should be moving so erratically, unless there is an earthquake underway. Perhaps this is something that can be adjusted specifically for snipers and marksmen, or perhaps it needs to be adjusted depending on the shooter's position, but at the moment it's just driving me crazy! I'm emptying whole magazines trying to hit stationary targets at less than 700m- which is ridiculous if I'm supposed to be playing the part of a professionally trained, US sniper equipped with a scoped-M24 rifle. I hope we're on the same page now? That said, I appreciate that you've added HEAPI ammo for the M107, as that is a commonly used ammo type for anti-material applications. Thanks once again for your attention to detail, and realism. Your mod is rapidly becoming my favorite for ArmA- despite the one major problem of not being able to hit distant targets with less than a thousand rounds of ammo.


    Actually, I did mean sniper rifles.


    I too think your mod is excellent, and can't wait to see more. One thing I have noticed so far, when I am shooting prone, I find that it's VERY difficult to keep the weapon on target, I guess due to the dispersion you've built in. This makes it VERY hard to hit anything beyond 600m. If this "nervousness" can be ironed out, I might like this mod a lot more.

    ArmA Effects

    I'm pretty sure I remember a mod or two from OFP that featured running, screaming burning corpses. It's scripted. This mod could probably pull it off, if they wanted to.

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    This is quite true. In real life ( Afghanistan ) it has in fact, even been shot down with rifle fire. Golden BB theory perhaps, but it has happened nonetheless. The Soviet pilots who flew the Hinds in Afghanistan seem as though they were brutalized by their own combat losses, as much as the Mujahadins were in taking fire from the Hinds on the ground. Then again, even the most hardened combat helicopters like the Apache, can be extremely vulnerable to ground fire of any kind. Planning, tactics, and mutual support from other units plays a big part in determining whether or not the mission will succeed, or if the chopper will even make it back to base. Luck seems to be a tangible asset as well- which seems strange if you're typically not a particularly superstitious person like myself. I absolutely HATED to fly on helos, and I never actually received any fire from the ground. Mr. Murphy, gravity, and physics were dangerous enough- without adding bullets, explosives, and hostile intent into the mix. They could order me to fly on helos, but I sure didn't have to like it.

    M14 EBR

    I was thinking ACOG as well. Also, I have seen pics of the Troy SOPMOD M14 with an M203 attached. I don't know if that is possible with the EBR, though I suspect it probably is possible if such a configuration was needed. An EBR with ACOG, suppressor, and an M203/EGLM would be a very sexy, exotic, and effective replacement weapon for the SF assault class.

    Hey We need A Separtate ghillie sniper addon

    My main dude, Maximus-Sniper, produced an excellent mod for OFP, called RAST. It had a USMC-style ghillied scout/sniper team, some excellent weapons, and unique scripts. I've contacted Maximus-Sniper about continuing the RAST mod for ArmA, and he sounded interested. He was just not sure where to start as ArmA is so different than OFP, the tools hadn't been released yet, and his scripter was no longer available. Maximus-Sniper was still here not so long ago, but I haven't seen a post from him in while.

    Operational Det. Alpha (ODA)

    Yes, I know how to do it, I've been playing since OFP first came out. My reason for posting, was, as you probably have guessed- to ask you to make the addon just a tad bit more realistic. I figured that you knew these guys were traveling a little light.

    Operational Det. Alpha (ODA)

    First off, I would like to say thanks, and BRAVO ZULU for this fantastic addon. Now, a few questions... Would you be willing to add a MK46/M249-equipped troop to the ODA? These guys could use some high volume suppression fire, and IRL, every detachment is going to be equipped with at least one LMG. There are some excellent scoped and suppressed SAW variants included in the 6thSENSE Mod. Have you considered a four-six man CQC/Urban ops team for door-to-door "visits"? Would you consider making other USSOCOM/JSOC units, such as SEALS, AFSOC STT's, SMU's, etc?


    Freakin AWESOME! I can't believe this is the first SCAR to be seen in ArmA. I mean, these things have already been adopted for service with combat units in the field. They should've been included in Combat Operations first release.

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    OH, and as a request, I hope that you'll include a variety of armed technical vehicles as well.

    ArmA BHD:MOD

    Actually, Spookys never deployed out of the airfield in Somalia- they deployed ( and still deploy ) out of Djibouti. There was no AC-130 support during Gothic Serpent, ( which is probably a major reason why we lost as many men as we did. ) But they have been pounding Somalia in years since. In fact, the Spookys have been used in Somalia just this year. As much as I'd love to have an AC-130U addon, it isn't really pertinent to the "BHD" incident. It might be cool to see them as part of the mod in a "what-if" type of scenario.

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I'd like to request some up to date shoulder-launched missiles and rockets for BLUFOR: The FGM-172B Predator SRAW; The NAWC/DRS Spike missile; ( not to be confused with the IDF's Gil weapon systems ) Talley Defense System's new M72A6/A7/E8/E9/E10 LAW variants; Talley Defense System's new MK153 SMAW variants, MK141 BDM/ (Bunker Defeat Munition) MK153-D(CS) (Disposable, Confined Space) MK141-LEAP (Low-signature Encased Assault Projectile) MK141-NE (thermobaric) Bofors Defense AT4 CS with HEAT/HEDP/HP ( High Penetration ) warheads; Qinetiq's Urban Assault Weapon, FOTS ( Follow-On To SMAW )

    Moving grass

    I think it would be great to have some other grass types to go with this, like chest-high elephant grass, palmetto, wheat, etc.