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uscg pilot 12

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Everything posted by uscg pilot 12

  1. uscg pilot 12

    Release of bronco attc p3d model (no textures!!!)

    oh dude yes relese iut now it looks to koool definitly as soon as possible that thing is awsome
  2. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ohh shyt that stuff look in madd coller each time i se it i cant wait wow 15 megs impresive very impresive
  3. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    oh hell ya go pappy go pappy its ur birth day its ur birth day lol coffee and m&ms are my middle name
  4. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    oh dont wrry i will read it i wanna know every bit of how these great addons will work so i dont have to bother u guys with how to do shit i will only bother u guys with bugs i have found and thats if i find any at all and u know wut i dout i will find any at Â
  5. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    lol ok ok il stop i was just kiddin with yas settle down
  6. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    can i maybe have a unit or two pleease please please lol j/k maybe j/k
  7. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ur guyses goast gaurd mod would kill any 1 elses at the moment lol
  8. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ya u right lol but it still gonna be the best one lol
  9. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ahh damn that kewl as hell soundin u guys are gonna have the best goast guard pack eva lol
  10. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh yyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that sounds wicked awsome can we have a pic of the HH65 dolphin or the Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat byany chance maybe plleeeeeaaasssseee
  11. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    thats not nice pappy thats not nice lol i wan tthe cutter so bad lol
  12. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    very cool pappys ghettin his license woo hoo lol oh good i like tact ops too it \s very calming killin some one on tat game lol
  13. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    we dont want u guys to be stressed then u may mess up on the great addons so work at ur own pace ok we will wait for ur great addons
  14. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    that ok lol but it would be cool
  15. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    awsome awsome i hope to have that message soon lol
  16. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    yo eaxtraction adn pappy i just want u guys to finish im happy with wut yall got goin so far lol ta would be cool a base but u just finish wut u guys have so far and l8er u guys should think about that otha stuff
  17. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ahh stop that it makes me want to bug u till it comes out lol kidding but u make some qualkity wrk pappy i checked out ur y2k3 ofp thing its rockin dude
  18. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ahh damn really u suck just kidding pappy im happy with wut u guys have so far this pack is so frickin sweet
  19. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ok ok im calm lol
  20. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ooooooooohhhhhhhh srry i missed that lol but coul i test for u on ur next project pppppllllleeeeaaaassseeee
  21. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    ahhh ur funny pappyboinyton lol thnx so its gonna be tomorrow ya thank u oh and if u do have future projects can i be a tester pppplllllllllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeee
  22. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    u mean tomorrow or next week
  23. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    its cool of the clinkster to give u guys those rescue boats and scripts he made lol   so any eta at possible
  24. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    aahhhhh damn u pappy lol kidding i cant wait arrrhhh u wont like me when im angry (throws chair across the room) lol
  25. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    oh damn stop doing that my mouth is watering lol kidding but really this pack is gettin better and bnetter every time i hear about it lol