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uscg pilot 12

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Everything posted by uscg pilot 12

  1. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    dam trhese hummersw are gonan kick ass seriosuly kick ass cant wait for them i hope there relsesed soon i want to make some missions
  2. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    yes very tru bout the grill very good point but my personal view on these is they look alot better with the old grills but thats just my opinion
  3. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    yay foschkopp has optics that menas relese is iminent and we finally get these awesome hummers
  4. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    ya these hummers are gonan be awesome so fischkopp anymore news
  5. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    taking shadows of in ur game usually taes alot of pressure of the computewr caz shadows are smal but will create loaads of lag on a lower comp
  6. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    FischKopp=hummer god those things are lookin good keep it up cant wait to play with these toys
  7. uscg pilot 12

    USCG Pack Release

    bout dam time took ya forever j/k but woot that its relesed
  8. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    damnit u are a fuckin genious i woulkd kiss u if u werent a guy lol
  9. uscg pilot 12

    F-117 Stealth Fighter

    well speak of the devil look who it is
  10. uscg pilot 12

    bullet proof vest

    damm good idea bro u sahould work on that and can i be ur beta tester
  11. uscg pilot 12

    Woodland hummers

    yea this is gonan be really great
  12. uscg pilot 12

    Woodland hummers

    bobcat bro dont wryr botu it ppl will grumble always but take ur time well wait for these great adodn geeze dude dotn take it so hard oin ur self
  13. uscg pilot 12

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    hey pappy good idea on the whizzing effects if its just a few random weapons and at the most its a thin line at the top then who the hell cares its just a small line its not gonan kill any 1 and about that script or wutever it is firefox just layoff he doesnt want to do it
  14. uscg pilot 12

    County Sheriff Police car

    im intrested in beta testing if u need one
  15. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    ya buts its still kick ass looking lol
  16. uscg pilot 12

    Tales of War: CH-34 screens.

    lookin good boys lookin good lokin forward to flyin these birds and havin those deltas those lookin good t2
  17. uscg pilot 12

    Australian SASR

    ya lol but ur idea is a good one
  18. uscg pilot 12

    Australian SASR

    yo dude not to be mean i no ur excited but let the guys finish these sar and mercs so they can relses them then let them work on green berets
  19. uscg pilot 12

    Australian SASR

    damn these are gonna be the best units made in awhile (sense PUKF) these are gonna be sweet great job m8
  20. uscg pilot 12

    New Civillian Cars idea (Will someone do it?)

    i think some new cars would be kooll but hey like my name says USCG so lol
  21. uscg pilot 12

    Malvinas |news|

    me wnat helo pllz can i have the helo just kiddin lol
  22. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    damm good job pappy damm good job
  23. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    good screen pappy my good man good screen Â
  24. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    good selection i approve well i was more then happy i could make trhat miission for ya
  25. uscg pilot 12

    Uscg pack beta

    kool kool use soem good music for the harbor defense mission