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uscg pilot 12

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Everything posted by uscg pilot 12

  1. uscg pilot 12

    Australian SASR

  2. uscg pilot 12

    New release from Operation Airwolf Mod

    hahaha he said dick hahah lol j/k but yea it was somethin futuristic dam i have it on the tip of my keyboard hmmm ill try to think botu it
  3. uscg pilot 12

    MMP update thread

    k well ill make sure to send in soem missions i make once i can get my hnads on these specially the dingo i already haev a few good ideas for it
  4. uscg pilot 12

    MMP update thread

    u guys maybe neede soemoen for that campagin team id be happy to help yall out if ya need me msn or any contact info just pm me
  5. uscg pilot 12

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    ahhhhhh runaway table everybody flee
  6. uscg pilot 12

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    what hellfish said mirror plzzz
  7. uscg pilot 12

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    waaaaaaaaaaa air pack taking so long oh well its soo gonna be worthe the wait   good job to the staff at OPERATION FRENCH POINT  big ass thumbs up to u guys u are tops
  8. uscg pilot 12

    next Operation Frenchpoint release

    oh yea woot noiw all we need are soem new choppers to drop these troopers at there insertaion points
  9. uscg pilot 12

    FischKopp HMMWV

    same here
  10. uscg pilot 12

    FischKopp HMMWV

    same here
  11. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    i may be right but u no that hes sitll relesign them tomorrow he just hit the wrogn key so still be happy  lol tue very true lol btu its still tomorrow soo ya ofpr and fischkopps hummers this is goann eb a kick fuckin ass saturday
  12. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    uhh dude tomorrows the 7th but still kick ass ur relesinbg them woot yay
  13. uscg pilot 12

    US Marines

    right on go fischkopp
  14. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    srry hellfish very srry wotn do it again
  15. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    im just postin to keep the topic alive so dont bother readin the post oh wait u already did
  16. uscg pilot 12


    hey i need a texuterer for an addon and i need it qucik srry to soudn rude just i need it for some  weapons so any replys would be very much gratefull on my part and my friends part
  17. uscg pilot 12


    srry to sound rude tho
  18. uscg pilot 12


    i need a weapon textuerer not black abnd w3hite but thnx anywqays and ppl stop postin u need one when i started this topic
  19. uscg pilot 12


    ahh hey thnx m8 great idea thnx
  20. uscg pilot 12

    Australian SASR

    dude its been a little while so i thot i might ask
  21. uscg pilot 12


    ppllllzzzz e really need a texturere aso any replys would seriosuly be greatful
  22. uscg pilot 12

    Australian SASR

    hey sasr and skeg any new news on this great project
  23. uscg pilot 12


    crowly get the %%%* outta my topic na im just kiddin man but i seriosult need a etxturer or my friend and me
  24. uscg pilot 12


    this truck is gonan be a welcomed addition to the world of ofp
  25. uscg pilot 12

    Fischkopp's hmmwv pack

    that sucks caz it prolly gonan be soon srry parker hale