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uscg pilot 12

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Everything posted by uscg pilot 12

  1. uscg pilot 12

    USAF Base Gateway

    Dam clink what will u not do for this game hey ill take it without the ai goin thro it anywaysd i do mos t of tge drvining round here but anyway great work
  2. uscg pilot 12

    Does anybody want these?

    hey man ill takee them if no one else wants them  ok edited happy know u can read them
  3. uscg pilot 12

    jurassic park mod

    http://www.ofpec.com/ < ------ go there for the website and full description and i hope the mods wont kill me for this just thot id let yall no who dont usually go to ofpec
  4. uscg pilot 12

    Combat! discussion thread

    wo talk bout cold but true hes right ppl go bother the mods that are named and have announced making what ur asking for these gusy have decided us stuff nuff said so no bothering bout opfor stuff
  5. uscg pilot 12

    SFP Range

    pappy i think ur loosin it and to make sure to not to look like im spamming and makin fun of pappy great island
  6. uscg pilot 12

    ideas for sea addons

    dam bobcatts so frickin smart
  7. uscg pilot 12

    Looking for addon

    hmm blonde hair on urs and black on his snip u color blind or sumthin
  8. uscg pilot 12

    Looking for addon

    weee wooo weee woo calling all units naked photo in forums all strike teams report in   i think that addon was posted on operation flashpoint .ru  if link is needed just ask just try goin through the acrchive srry if that doesnt help
  9. uscg pilot 12

    Swift Boat and no Presidential hopeful in sight!

    dam klink how u doin all dis u must be a workin machine wish i had ur skills
  10. uscg pilot 12


    i found a big hill really big
  11. uscg pilot 12

    any 1 remeber

    nvm i foudn um thnx anyways dude
  12. uscg pilot 12

    any 1 remeber

    any 1 remeber that plane awhile back that had a script where if u went over a certain speed itd do sumthin like when u brake the sound barirer a cloud of smoke that was so kick asss any 1 remeber a link would be great thnxx Â
  13. uscg pilot 12


  14. uscg pilot 12


    oo thnx skeg
  15. uscg pilot 12


    hey u guys do the soldiers feature the oakleys put on and take off feature im ffelin a lil clueles srry but any answeres wopuld be appriciated
  16. uscg pilot 12

    TOW's new sub project

    o lol srry the name is a lil off and yes ebns72 it will have cargo scirpts and ejection scripts soem tho we will noty announce till relese
  17. uscg pilot 12

    TOW's new sub project

    tow has a new sub project and mad max has asked me to tell u all about it. the new project is a c-130 i no there are already many out there but this one is gonan have more improved textures way more scripts and model tweaks we have no idea on end date caz it hasent started yet. but the main reason im posting here is that we need a good texture artist scripters and modelers. any one who joins in working on the project will be working directly under TOW Â Â if u have any more questions pllz just post here or get me on msn at terminatorx3@comcast.net Â
  18. uscg pilot 12

    Lowlands Warrior

  19. uscg pilot 12

    Lowlands Warrior

  20. uscg pilot 12

    FML_Research Complex version 1.0

    hey sense u dotn liek the Cheyenne one  ill take it i dotn mind of u dont like it  oh yea nad fantastic work on that base great job
  21. uscg pilot 12

    FML_Research Complex version 1.0

    working link pllzzzzzz
  22. uscg pilot 12

    Australian SASR

    no prtob skeg we understand well still woot relese is soon somewhat anyways
  23. uscg pilot 12

    Cityscape Poll

    aight heres an idea phil why dont u relese the beta for those who do wnat it and then just finish for the ppl who just want the finished one so its fair to both sides but its just my opion and no 1 has to listen to it just thot id say it thnx for readin USCG pilot 12
  24. uscg pilot 12

    SPC 6.8 and stuff

    dam good im still downloading it but can we see soem pics maybe
  25. uscg pilot 12

    PMS - Sniper Pack

    hey guys units and weapons look great