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uscg pilot 12

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Everything posted by uscg pilot 12

  1. uscg pilot 12

    Map and B-29 M.I.A ?

    as it says in the post it will be included in the The Forgotten War: Conflict In Korea mod demo. so youl have it when its relesed
  2. uscg pilot 12

    TURKISH UNION Addon Pack 1 - v1.0

    man these are some sweet looking addons boys hope to have that monster rolling down nogovas streets with its troops defending it convoy style oo great mission ideas must start getting to work hope there relesed soon
  3. uscg pilot 12

    Mustang GTR

    well ive played with these and there good really good
  4. uscg pilot 12

    What do you guys think

    we can never have to many m4's   looks good so far to me man looks like this will be welcomed into the ofp community explosive rounds very nice Â
  5. uscg pilot 12

    Y2K3 vs EECP

    i say y2k3 caz thats a kick ass conversion but this does belong in a@md and will proboly be there soon enof
  6. uscg pilot 12

    Y2K3 vs EECP

    i say y2k3 caz thats a kick ass conversion but this does belong in a@md and will proboly be there soon enof
  7. uscg pilot 12

    Swiss mod released

    im not sure if its been reported or not btu when u use the ranger mru radio and launch the ranger itself ur player keeps repeting over the radio for the ranger to move to a specific point over and over again
  8. uscg pilot 12

    ADF Troops & SASR v1.1 (Bush/Des) - Released

    glad to see ur holdin in there skeg and sabre skeg get on msn dude new blood looks good
  9. uscg pilot 12

    CV-22 Osprey

    alright i had this idea when i was sitting in class today u could maybe make the original props invisible and then have the visible props as seperate things being able to tilt i dont no if it would work but hey its an idea i put it out there do what u want with it
  10. uscg pilot 12

    Ferret news? Please?

    thnx ferret
  11. uscg pilot 12

    Ferret news? Please?

    ook WTF is the ferret anyone got a pic or sumthin
  12. srry but top secret informations is not availible to the public at this time
  13. ull all jsut have to see
  14. uscg pilot 12

    The New USMC MOD

    @mspencer i think i may have had sumthin to do with that had an old buddy with sites for use so u can say thanks to me Â
  15. uscg pilot 12

    LSR Addons

    but we cant download it yet soo not fair
  16. uscg pilot 12

    LSR Addons

    AHHHH MUST HAVE RANGERS i hope flashpoint.ru has them soon i hope i hope i hope
  17. uscg pilot 12


    u no ud pay alot more in stores then just sending ten dollers der
  18. uscg pilot 12

    Tunnel is alive!

    there are tunnels on tonal and afghan where are they ? i no its a lil offtopic but any answeres are very gratefully accepted
  19. uscg pilot 12

    Release of bronco attc p3d model (no textures!!!)

    so ocan we maybe have the beta without textures is fine inside maybe Â
  20. uscg pilot 12

    Question on "The Last Enemy"

    *calls out placebo* hmmm weird not here yet o well proboly will be soon other then that man those things sound awesome but hoe come weve never herd of them before
  21. uscg pilot 12

    Question on "The Last Enemy"

    damnit u gotta buy it sounds awesoem as hell tho
  22. uscg pilot 12

    Skyscraper Pack

    whered u download it ?
  23. uscg pilot 12

    USAF Base Gateway

    im sure clink will make the signs customizible
  24. uscg pilot 12

    USAF Base Gateway

    woo go phil lol hope thsi is relesed soon lots of islands can use sumthin like this including phils new embassy
  25. uscg pilot 12

    Does anybody want these?

    god srry my typing is bad ok god i no how to spell ok leave me the $%#% alone already  and so i dont get in trouble with the mods these look great cant wait till .info gets them