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Everything posted by Uziyahu--IDF

  1. I believe the error the previous user got was similar to the one I just got in WinRAR. I wonder if it has something to do with rights/permissions as they are set on the original files or something to do with running one of the two programs as an Admin in Windows Vista? ! C:\Users\username\Downloads\ArmA_Edit_A2update2.7z: Cannot open commands.dat ! C:\Users\username\Downloads\ArmA_Edit_A2update2.7z: Cannot open unit.dat ! C:\Users\username\Downloads\ArmA_Edit_A2update2.7z: Error - operation failed
  2. Uziyahu--IDF

    A&D 20 Hold Villa [OA]

    Yeah, it would be nice if you randomly obstructed (percentage present?) each window with various objects and had Aziz randomly spawn in various locations or even wander within the Villa. I played this 1 on 1 and enjoyed it, though it would have been a lot better with more people. The Barrett .50 is a bit overpowered for this scenario, I think. You can basically deprive anyone of being in anything higher than prone position on the roof or the 2nd Floor balcony. Give them something in 7.62 to match the SVD Dragunov on the OPFOR side. Plenty of smoke grenades and pistols on each side will make things more interesting, too. Oh, and the other player complained that the OPFOR spawn was too far away from the Villa, at first, because I was able to get to the building just as he did, using the ATV. He suggested having it closer, at first, then have it move back later in play. Random or selectable weather and lighting conditions would be good, too.
  3. Uziyahu--IDF

    A2WarMod Release

    Would love to see this for ArmA 2:OA.
  4. I am working on making a mission of each episode of Season 1 of the TV show "Special Ops Mission". I am currently about half-way done with Episode 1 and am fairly pleased with how it is turning out. I will release each episode as a stand-alone mission as they are finished, so that you can test/enjoy them ASAP, rather than wait for a whole campaign that may not be completed. So, watch this thread. These may employ some scripts, but they will not be dependent on user-made addons. Of course, you can load various addons to improve A.I. and such, but I can't guarantee that they will enhance the gameplay. They WILL require at least "Lite" versions of the BAF and PMC expansions.
  5. The choppiness appears to be the reintroduction of a "bug" (or, at least, inadequacy) in the coding of distant A.I. B.I. fixed this and now it appears to be back. Very frustrating when sniping!
  6. Uziyahu--IDF

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    I would like to see a dynamic A.I. improvement where if A.I. are not actively hunting a target and their assigned waypoint is not within say 250 meters, they GET IN NEAREST unlocked vehicle and use it for transportation, dismounting near the waypoint or continuing on to the next. Otherwise they walk to the next waypoint. Also, something to simulate tiredness, loss of alertness and adrenaline. The more poorly-trained a unit is the more tired (expressed in reduction of skill level) and less alert (Alert drops to Safe or Careless) it will be the more hours it is awake and the closer to 3 and 4 AM it is. A surge of adrenaline resulting from explosions, gunshots and enemy contact will increase the skill level. And can someone make A.I. that SLEEPS on a bank, cot or the ground? Or Porta-potties (easily penetrated by fire) that A.I. will sit in?
  7. Uziyahu--IDF

    Ghost Recon - Island Thunder campaign

    It wasn't until the Island Thunder expansion that this game even BEGAN to approach the goodness of Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. About the only thing that was better about Ghost Recon was the CQB.
  8. Does ACRE allow you to steal an OPFOR radio and monitor enemy comms? Watching Ep. #4 of the first Season of Special Ops Mission, right now, and that's what the operator does. I also remember missions in Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear where you were able to monitor enemy radio comms, giving you a big advantage. (Of course, this would work better in PvP/team-adversarial.)
  9. Can you script the wild dogs to run away if too many gunshots or explosions go off?
  10. Uziyahu--IDF

    RH Aks Pack ver 1.2

    That site you're hosting the addon from is distributing a Trojan that MacAfee caught. It's in the file "White Smoke GEo.exe" or whatever that you might get when you click on one of the misleading download links.
  11. Uziyahu--IDF

    NIAC - Ambient Combat

    rexehuk, thanks for your work on this. If you make config modules, you might have "asymmetrical warfare" or "low-intensity conflict", sounds without big guns, and a "conventional warfare" module, with the full range of combined-arms sound effects. Do you have the sound of the ZU-23 or ZSU-23 from the Baghdad Shock & Awe videos? It makes a loud thunderous ripping noise (quite unlike the wimpy noise we get from default ArmA 2). Also do you have random screams and crying (babies and otherwise)? From videos I've seen, Middle-Eastern (tried to keep that generic) women make an awful noise when they're mourning or outraged. Also, various car-alarms going off when explosions go off or vehicles get shot up. Stuff like this could be quite the thing in Evita or Fallujah. Ah, and random car and truck horns honking can really make a place seem more urban. (I know that some of these aren't combat ambience, but they can still contribute noticeably-missing immersion.)
  12. Uziyahu--IDF

    Doolittle Anti-cheat System

    Point taken, rex, but as those Dysl addons give a player an advantage over another in adversarial, let's let Doolittle make the final call, eh?
  13. Uziyahu--IDF

    Buddy List Joining?

    I searched for the answer to this question but didn't find it. Has anyone made a launcher or an app that allows you to connect directly to the friend(s) you add to a Buddy List? Hopefully it shows which are online playing, too? I think such a thing would help trusted groups of friend coalesce.
  14. Uziyahu--IDF

    Buddy List Joining?

    Thanks so much, Sickboy! I'll give X-Fire a try, meanwhile.
  15. There was an addon made for Armed Assault (I think) that worked extremely well. It increased the view-distance in proportion to altitude. Maybe you could use that solution for operating an aircraft?
  16. Uziyahu--IDF

    Doolittle Anti-cheat System

    Do joiners need this addon, because it seems like no one joins me when I use it?
  17. Uziyahu--IDF

    Doolittle Anti-cheat System

    Doolittle, Dyslexci made a couple of addons for CQB that he said "MIGHT" be considered cheats because they would give a player an advantage over other players in CQB. Maybe something in a config file that would allow the server admin to set exceptions to certain "cheats", like these 2 DYSL addons?
  18. A couple of long-time OFP fans have gotten together and created an ArmA 2: OA Gaming Group page on FaceBook that is looking for low-key personalities who want to participate in serious gaming. Right now we are working to gain control of Isla Duala v1.81 using TF86's SEALs, but once that is out of the way (we need help!), we will move on to other excellent terrains/islands. Here's the page... http://www.facebook.com/#!/home.php?sk=group_179585382068228&ap=1
  19. Ah, I thought this looked familiar. I was a big fan of your other version.
  20. Another dark ground texture. : ( I know you people don't live in a place that looks like this. Take a look at any number of helo flight videos and you'll see that ground textures all over the world don't look like this. This texture makes Nogova look like a flattened pile of poo.
  21. The screens are GORGEOUS.
  22. Uziyahu--IDF

    Graphics engine improvement

    It would be nice if a moving cloud shadow layer were applied on the terrain, so that you can see them moving across the mountains. I would also like to hear a sound played when a body hits the ground or falls to the ground.
  23. Yep, I get about 30 fps with viewdistance set to about 8700. Here's another video, flying along the coastline, this time... etXTplSFTQc
  24. Beautiful terrain! Can't wait to check it out in various night lighting conditions. 603eptaCuvM I was wondering if you could add white powder blowing off of the tops of the highest peaks. Does terrain-editing allow you to do that? The perfect place to take down Santa's complex.
  25. This produces an "Expected nothing" error. this = execVM "clearCorpses.sqf" ...doesn't give me the "Expected nothing" error, but I also don't see corpses being deleted or hidden, either. Script isn't working for me. I wish you scripting geniuses could apply the same genius to writing instructions. Too often the student has to debug what the masters have taught him, and most of the time that seems to involve guessing what the secret handshakes are. [uPDATE: Are script filenames case-sensitive? When I corrected the capitalization of the called script filename, I saw ONE corpse get hidden. There's plenty more scum on the streets needing to get deleted.]