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Posts posted by BD1

  1. Hello all,

    Many of you have stopped by and all are welcome to come visit TG-ArmA. We have two dedicated servers and an event server. We focus on the ACE mod and mainly toward CoOp, our Sunday events attract anywhere between 30 and 60 players on average.

    This is not a "Run n Gun" crowd, there are many current and former serving members of the armed forces and we have an excellent group of mission makers who are now producing really good quality MP missions.

    We try to run a tight ship which means troublemakers, lone wolves, people who do not follow their Squad Leader/Commander's instructions, all dont last long.

    The TG servers have often been the lead servers in terms of popularity for ACE mod multi-servers and we look forward to seeing more of you ingame.

    We are also interested and looking to build relationships with other groups/clans/teams/mission makers to continue to grow the community that we currently have.

    Just recently the TacticalGamer forum went past the "1 Million" posts mark :)

    For TG-ArmA we have a number of In-House Squads including the TG-22nd, The Irregulars, The Xth Tactical Guard and a few more IHS's are now beginning to transfer over to ArmA as they get ready for the release of ArmA2

    The ArmA game G.O. is Jeepo and the admins are myself, Viper, Barnacle of Doom, Bamboo, Tha_Khan and former game G.O. - TheBigC.

    Come stop by on our forum where server SOP's are all located and come join some of our mission makers in their latest efforts.

    Server1 is ACE Mod and ACE islands

    Server2 is ACE Mod, ACE Islands and OPX's Avgani and Afghan Village maps.

    We look forward to seeing you in game!



    The TG ArmA Admin Team

  2. I think all the guys that were involved in the early testing of this mission at the TacticalGamer community enjoyed helping shape this mission in it's infancy, which was then tweaked when they joined ST and some of their talented mission guys became involved.

    HJ and Macolik came up with an interesting concept that I am sure we will see many variations of.

  3. Hello all,

    I have been searching now for over an hour to try and find an official list of all the buildings and images of those buildings.

    I downloaded Ill's list which is what I used before but now none of the images load in that HTML document and his website seems to be dead.

    Does anyone have a full list of all the buildings and images that they could point me at. I am sure it was on the BIS site somewhere but I just cannot find it. Due to all the buildings names not being in english, it is taking me forever to find a specific building.

    Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.



  4. Hello All,

    I just wanted to introduce myself as one of the ArmA admins at TacticalGamer.com and finally got round to registering here as a link from this community to ours at TG. I realise many of you may question my username as I know there is another Blackdog, however "Blackdog1" was my call sign for many years as a Combat Signalman in the UK Signals regiment and thus it is what I have used since I have been playing ArmA, long before I discovered there was another Blackdog. So apologies for any confusion this may create.

    I am sure some of you have played on the TG servers at somepoint and I hope we can see many more of you. Our gameplay style is geared toward the more mature player and as such, whilst the server is open to the public we are trying to establish a more realistic and tactical style of play whilst also keeping the fun element. Server1 is open to the public and we have recently decided to turn this into a dedicated server for a few specialist maps and mods. Currently we are running Uhao and Avgani with plans to run a couple more. We have a couple of issues with this right now but we are working feverishly on it! Server2 is passworded, and the pass can be found on our forums and is primarily geared toward COOP play with some TvT thrown in. Please do stop by and play a few rounds with us, all are welcome.

    I would like to congratulate all the map, mods and mission builders with their excellent work, every day someone posts a link to something new that has been released and that's why we decided to start a server geared toward new mods and maps.

    In addition, I am also the CO of one of our newest In-House squads, "TG 22nd Rapid Reaction Regiment".

    I and the other admins at TG look forward to getting to know a great many of you and hope we can discuss some ideas for missions, mods and maps at TG anytime soon.

    Best Regards


  5. Hello all,

    My first post here an it's one for a request of help and ideas suggestions.

    I am one of the Admins at TacticalGamer.com for Armed Assault and we have recently decided to add Uhao and Avgani (Excellent Maps and congrats and thanks to the map makers for these) to one of our servers as a means to offer an alternative to Sahrani for our players and Mission makers.

    Unfortunately we are hitting a few problems. We got the maps to load and default to Uhao and the default Bridge mission and this works. Likewise we have gotten a version of Warfare to work with Avgani, however whenever we try to load some new missions, they simply wont load and default to one of the server default missions on Uhao.

    We have also tried to activate a package of mods on the server and possibly it is the activation of these which is causing the problem. Just as a test we also have a mission which uses no mods at all and even this wont seem to load.

    I would really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions as to what we might consider? Has anyone else had similar problems?

