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Everything posted by TheForce

  1. I have some newb questions as far as mods. I'm looking for a good sound mod - but was wondering if it matters what version am I running. So, should any sound mod work for all versions. Also, will this effect what servers I can/cannot play in? thx download links also appreciated.
  2. I have some newb questions as far as mods. I'm looking for a good sound mod - but was wondering if it matters what version am I running. So, should any sound mod work for all versions. Also, will this effect what servers I can/cannot play in? thx download links also appreciated.
  3. TheForce

    New to Modding

    Ok, so I've download AACF and am I'm running 1.12. All I did was drop the AACF sound folder into my Arma folder and changed the name of my shortcut. Is that right? The picture for the shortcut no longer shows now.
  4. TheForce

    New to Modding

    Ok, so I've download AACF and am I'm running 1.12. All I did was drop the AACF sound folder into my Arma folder and changed the name of my shortcut. Is that right? The picture for the shortcut no longer shows now.
  5. I'm on Vista 64 bit and experience a lot of issues. When I was on 1.08 I could play but my textures kept going in and out, wouldn't fully load all of the textures. I read that I should update to 1.12 beta - which I did. However in game it still says that I'm on 1.08. Is that normal? Anyway since then I can play for a small period before it crashes "unable to create system memory" Any help would be appreciated. I built this PC mainly looking forward to playing ArmA and I've had nothing but problems so far.