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Everything posted by toadball

  1. Following a few technical issues the ISE servers have had a little change around. Our game server can now be found at IP: Port: 2302 and our teamspeak server at IP: The game server is currently locked to allow us to finish uploading ACE and our addons however following the selection session today we will have it open for use by the public. ISE is still recruiting, details regarding how to apply and the recruitment process can be found in the first post of this thread. regards, ToadBall ISE CO
  2. toadball

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Nice find, definitely would be a nice addition to arma for those security detail missions
  3. Great mod, rucksacks and fatigue system really makes you think about what your carrying. as said before by others: most fun I've had playing ArmA in a long time. Not sure if it's been mentioned (not taken the time to read back) but Dragging bodies, Examing Bodies and the jump out function don't seem to work in MP when running V1.15Beta. Might just be me but the engine start up noise on the vehicles also doesn't seem to work in MP either. Could just be me though again only when running V1.15Beta. Anyways, amazing mod
  4. toadball

    Project RACS

    Nice work, adds something both ArmA and OFP lacked in their vanilla release. Front paged at ArmedAssault.info with a mirror: here Keep up the good work gents
  5. toadball

    Helping Hand's Stuff

    *pokes thread* A little update regarding the Masada, I've been working with Helping Hand on this here and there and I'm pleased to say it's now in game. Colour schemes are still being worked on as are attachments. Bellow are two screen shots showing it as it looks at present:
  6. toadball

    Avgani and Afghan Village

    ArmedAssault.info Mirror a little late but there none the less.
  7. toadball

    Avgani and Afghan Village

    Thanks for the releases, should have a mirror from armedassault.info within the hour (in theory). All the best for over the 'festive season'
  8. toadball

    xr server

    Just finished one of the best Warfare matches I've had in a long time on your server, good players there. Kudos to you for having this running. Shame about the occasional crashes, though what can you do lol
  9. Thanks again, learn somit new everyday lol. We'll probably have the one variant out as a beta for Christmas or new years, we've still got one or two things to iron out
  10. Hi, I've been working on a masada addon with Helping_Hand, dealing with the config side of things and have hit a brick wall. Upon running a mission with the weapon added to a crate I get the following error: Sadly this is not all, having click the ok thing, I proceeded to try again and the test setup loaded fine, but the weapon would not accept the mags I specified. the crate has the Masada and respective mag added like so: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addWeaponCargo ["HHx_Masada_BUIS",2]; this addMagazineCargo ["HHx_556_30_AK_Mag",24] As I'm a new to config writing I'm rather lost as what to do, so any help would be great. The weapon's config.cpp file is as such. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgPatches { class HHx_Masada_BUIS { weapons[] = {"HHx_Masada_BUIS"}; }; }; class CfgSkeletons { class HHx_Masada_BUIS { isDiscrete=0; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]={"magazine", "","bolt", "","trigger", ""}; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sections[] = {}; sectionsInherit=""; }; class Weapon: default {}; class HHx_Masada_BUIS: Weapon { skeletonName="HHx_Masada_BUIS"; class Animations{ class reload_magazine { type="hide"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="magazine"; hidevalue=0.2; }; class reload_magazine_release { type="rotationZ"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="magazine"; axis="magazine_axis"; minValue=0.1; maxValue="1"; angle0="0"; angle1="rad -2"; }; class bolt { type="translation"; source="reload"; selection="bolt"; axis="bolt_axis"; begin="bolt_axis_begin"; end="bolt_axis_end"; minValue=0;maxValue="1"; offset0="0"; offset1="1"; }; class trigger { type="rotation"; source="reload"; selection="trigger"; begin="trigger_axis_begin"; end="trigger_axis_end"; minValue=0; maxValue="1"; angle0="0"; angle1="rad 45"; }; }; sections[]={"zasleh"}; sectionsInherit=""; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default; class BulletCore; class BulletBase; class HHx_556x45 : BulletBase { hit=12; indirectHit=0; indirectHitRange=0; tracerColor[] = {0.80000, 0.20000, 0.00000, 0.90000}; tracerColorR[] = {0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000}; visibleFire=18; audibleFire=18; visibleFireTime=3; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class Default; class CA_Magazine; class HHx_556_30_AK_Mag : CA_Magazine { scope = 2; value = 1; useAction = 0; useActionTitle = ""; displayName = "5.56mm x 45 30rd Mag"; ammo = "HHx_556x45"; initSpeed = 838; count = 30; selectionFireAnim = "zasleh"; }; }; class CfgWeapons { /*extern*/ class M4A1; class HHx_Masada_BUIS: M4A1 { displayName = "Masada BUIS"; picture = "\HHx_Masada_BUIS\Data\weapon.paa"; model = "\HHx_Masada_BUIS\HHx_MASADA.p3d"; dexterity = 1.800000; magazines = {"HHx_556_30_AK_Mag"}; }; }; }; Again, any help would be great and is always appreciated. Regards, Toad
  11. Thanks for the help, UNN's snippet has fixed the error message I posted earlier just have to sort: "magazines/ is not an array" error
  12. Really looking forward to seeing those AA systems released. Once had the vain idea that I could potentially have figured a simple way to emulate your system...was proven very wrong indeed lol. Excellent work on the scripts and models, they'll be a brilliant addition to ArmA (or ArmA II). =] Forgive me if it's a stupid question, been up late doing revision and only briefly scanned through your article. I assume that AWACs style units will be able to pass information regarding targets in range of the missles to the fire control unit in addition to the finder unit?
  13. Really very nice work on that map Opteryx, can't wait to do some missions on it
  14. toadball

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Weapons in Arma

    I can see your point but it could probably have been put a tad more eloquently hehe regarding the models however, I'm liking the look of the spas though as with the others do you plan on tweaking the textures? they all look rather...shiny?
  15. toadball

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Weapons in Arma

    VSS is not in RH pack afaik, but is in the RHS one not sure about Vilas' stuff though. Most of the stuff linked to has been produced and imho far better quality but I see no reason why you shouldn't give it a shot, I can think of a few people who'd like a decent RG-6 and Shotgun in game PS: That Toz 34 looks particularly nice (Just need to find the time to make my 194 look half as good :P)
  16. hehe I was merely asking as i'd not looked to closely at most recent shots and figured that the changes were localised to small areas but as I've been proved wrong I'm fairly happy. Warfare will be less like the Somme and more like Normandy then I hope ^^
  17. Does that image include contour markings? If so, it looks a tad, well pancake like. Although, I am looking forward to seeing more of these towns. Was just wondering, have you considered adding, ground littler (rubble etc, damaged houses etc) to add a bit more of a combat ambience to the map?
  18. toadball

    Warefare doctrines and tactics

    I've found keeping your self limited to the barracks until your forces have to pull long treks from base or the town. The rest should only be bought once you have enough supplies to start from scratch again if you have to move the MHQ in a hurry. Basically the order in which they are in, the further afield you have to go on an offensive from base the more support your force will need determines what you need to build. I've found building airbases however is a waste of supplies if there's only one person using it as they can't support all your troops. Again with all of this is the importance of strong supply routes, CO's should keep in touch with their people in the towns as while the town may be captured there are probably tons of the sneaky gits (read as: RACS) still around for instance, I spent a good 30mins - 1.5 hours trying to secure dolores today with some of the other teams after it was captured. If there is a chance your supply trucks can be damaged don't risk it. summary: build what you want when you want if it's needed :P so long as you have the supplies to make a retreat from the HQ's current position possible. Another point i neglected to mention, keep your troops financed, you may need money as a CO to build the base up but ultimately if combat is slow they need money to get themselves kit to make life easier. Most games i see people throwing more money to the commander than into equipping themselves to carry out their orders or objectives. That, and it is always good to keep the troops happy with you :P
  19. toadball

    Russian Airborne Armour Project

    Looking nice, you say you are releasing it as part of P'85, does this mean you will not be releasing it standalone also? Just curious hehe. Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing it rolling across the North Sahrani foothills =]
  20. toadball

    Player looking for Squad/Clan

    ISE is currently recruiting so if your interested drop by our site and visit the recruitment page if you are interested in joining us.
  21. toadball

    Warefare doctrines and tactics

    When commanding: Defending the base whilst keeping as much communication with the players out "on the front" and providing arty where it's most needed. (just wish multiple arty groups could target different points as in CoC UA in OFP). Creating your own supply lines as a commander is also a must, boosts your towns and provides a decent source of income. Using the map is a must so that you can coordinate attacks on enemy cities, if your with a decent group who actually communicate this can prove very successful. As one of the grunts: Keep the commander informed of important enemy troop and armour movements and ask for orders, if you just go of on your own your not going to do the team any good. If the commander asks you to do something, do it when your finished where you are, or if you are in transit immediately. Weapons wise I'm normally happy to stick to basic M16A2 or Ma16A2/203 with an m136 or javvie over I just think the key to sucess is having good comunications between the commander and the troops and a commander knowing as much as possible so they can divert AI etc if need be. Commanders shouldn't have to leave the base to fight unless in defense of the base imo
  22. toadball

    Royal Marine Commandos

    Very nice, not normally a fan of brit kit in any form but this looks particularly good, will probably keep a closer eye on this in future. Personally I see the colouring as being fine as is, however as I think Daniel was trying to put across could look a little more lived in/used/not brand new. Looks like the state my DPM stuff and the stuff the gents and lasses from the Uni OTC's DPM kit when they ain't of on a camp, i.e parade ground clean. adding a bit of scuffing on the kneepads, slight fading of the material at points of heavy flexing a bit of dirt around the leg areas is all i could suggest to give them that j' ne sais quoi that combat clothing has again nice work so far
  23. Very nice, not normally a fan of brit kit in any form but this looks particularly good, will probably keep a closer eye on this in future.
  24. toadball

    DSSignFile Utility

    ah, after a little further and decent searching in the program files area instead of the 02 drive I've found the file...rather stupid mistake on my part*, thanks for the help both of you Thanks again. *
  25. Hi I've been looking for the stuff necessary to sign addons and my search took me to the community wiki, where it said the DSSignFile utility for signing addons is present in the editing tools kit. Having had this for a while I took a look and it's not there. Where can I get this utility? help is most appreciated ToadBall