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About Tigernan

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Can't find the answer to this so if someone could point me to it if I missed it. Any fix for the bouncing tanks when using the replacement pack? And related, sometimes the M1 is about a foot off the ground as it drives past, is that a graphics issue on my part or something with the replacement pack? Thanks, Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  2. Howdy All, I just started playing with the tools and am starting a small project but I have an issue. When I try to view the model I get the following errors then the viewer shuts down. First Error No Entry '.cfgWorlds' Second Error Shaders not valid (mismatche of exe and data?) Third Error - after the shutdown of the viewer External Viewer: Attach failed No viewer found. I've tried reinstalling the BIS tools and I have tried reinstalling ArmA then the BIS tools, neither has helped. Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  3. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    @King Homer From what I remember; the M827 was actually the XM827 and was being tested at roughly the same times as the XM829. The XM829 won out and became the APFSDS-T round of choice. Nothing to back this information up however. Just my aging memory. @T Bone The listing of rounds I posted earlier is accurate as of April 24th, 1994 according to the "U.S. Army Data Sheets on Artillery, Ammunition, Guns, Howitzers, Mortars, Recoilless Rifles, Grenade Launchers and Artillery Fuzes" [TM 43-0001-28] And in 1996 I can say that most major Marine Corps installations had all of the listed items in some quantity because the magazine dumps were phasing most of it out or scheduling it for disposal or to be transfered other smaller facilities. If you can't get a copy of that technical manual let me know I can provide whatever info you need that it has. Will help out in any way I can, even though I was a lowly LAV crewman and not a real tanker. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  4. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    From what I understand load outs are mission dependent and vary from operation to operation so I am not sure if there are standard load outs for specific roles. On a side note did you mean to say the M68A1 gun? Cause that is the 105mm rifled cannon on the original M1 Abrams. The 120mm smooth bore is the M256. And the only M483A1 I know of is the 155mm howitzer DPICM but I have been out of the Corps for a very long time. What I do know about and can only provide data for are the following: 105mm tank rounds: M392 & M392A2 APDS-T, M392A2 M494 APERS-T M900 APFSDS-T M457 Dummy M393A1 & A2 HEP-T M456 Series HEAT-T M456A2 HEAT-T-MP M416 Smoke, WP-T M467 TP-T M490 TP-T M393A1 TP-T M490A1 TP-T M724 & M724A1 TPDS-T M728 APDS-T M735 APFSDS-T M774 APFSDS-T M833 APFSDS-T DM128 TPCSDS-T 120mm tank rounds: M829, A1, A2 & A3 APFSDS-T M830 & M830A1 HEAT-MP-T M908 HE-OR-T M831 & M831A1 TP-T M865 TPCSDS-T But unfortunately the data I have is not on load outs but just the round itself; propellant, weight, size, etc. Let me know if I can be of assistance though. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  5. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Hey Mateck and T_bone... I had a thought. Now I know you guys are getting busy and all but if you ever revisit the HA I was wondering how hard would it be for there to be a Commanders menu option to be able to see what the gunner sees in his gun sights? I thought about this the other day because in an LAV the commander has a gun sight so he can assist in targeting. I know there are overrides so the Tank Commander can move the turret but I think that would be much harder to implement than to just allow the TC to see what the gunner sees. SSgt T Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  6. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Looks great to me T Bone. I like the dirt on the skirt. Only thing that looks odd is that God awful US Army on the rear hull. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  7. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Ok, Got the CH_Markings_base = blah... command to work now. Just set it on a trigger with the command in it. Thanks Mateck, it worked. Any chance of getting you to stick hidden objects on some Cobra's and F/A-18s for us so we can put tail numbers and pilots names and call signs on the aircraft? LOL. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine. P.S. If I had a clue how to mess with the config I would, but toying with those scare me.
  8. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Howdy, Just got back from the pub and thought of something while I was there... don't M1A1 series tanks have smoke grenade launchers? As well as the ability to produce screening smoke? Is that something difficult to incorporate into a future version of the HA? Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  9. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Wait, which mod loads last? Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  10. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    That is what I thought... Ok, the setObjectTexture worked fine with the smiley face. But your CH_Markings_base and CH_Markings_turret did not work like they did before. Just a heads up. Thanks for taking the time to work with an old dumb grunt. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  11. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Wait, Are you talking about the ch_m1aaha.intro mission? Didn't see any smiley faces in that but I might be looking in the wrong place. In your post when you said you added custom textures are you talking about adding them with setObjectTexture? Or selecting existing ones with the CH_Markings_base? I couldn't get setObjectTexture to work before but will try it again just in case. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  12. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Howdy, Thanks for the quick update. Though I ran into a small issue. The CH_Markings_base = blah... no longer works on my models. Tried creating a new map and putting in a new tank and using the line to select specific markings but it still doesn't seem to work. I deleted out the old files and then put the new ones in. And placed the extended event handlers into my arma addons folder. Figure I am doing something wrong. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  13. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Howdy, If the tank is replaced in the mission/map from the start then everyone that loads has to have it as per the ArmA standard. We do that on our (15th MEU Realism Unit) training server. As for the replacement pack, we run into the same issue Alex mentioned about the jumping tank. Most our members that use the replacement pack during our latest Combined Arms Excersize on the drill server, mentioned that they saw hopping tanks. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  14. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    Awesome work. Now just need you to make the Marine LAV series of vehicles. Ok, ok, just joking. All you have to make is the LAV-25. Sorry couldn't resist; I spent six years of my life practically living out of one so miss it dearly in the ArmA environment. So just touching up the ammo counts to get them close to the listed amounts? Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.
  15. Tigernan

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    5 Seconds?!?! Oh man that is agonizing. Would love it though, that way on the rifle range the shooters have five round magazines to fire each stage of the course. But on topic; love your mod Mateck. Eagerly await the next installment. Tigernan Not as lean, or as mean but always a Marine.