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Everything posted by TheDude

  1. TheDude

    Armed Assault videos

    can some one tell me whats the pc specs of forrestal em kirq?
  2. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    if he are lucky we may get the demo today would be cool
  3. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    so in about 2 weeks he have a demo?
  4. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    one question, is aa engine capable of doing reload animation? (to se the clip being removed from the gun and them put it again)
  5. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I know bf2 is not realistice and in not comparable to ofp. but on thing i tell you you ask somene to ride on a ofp heli e any one can doit at first time nos the same with bf2. hard controls dont make the game realistic ofp was simple to fly and was realistc bf2 is hard to fly and is not realistic. a realism doens have nessesary to be on the controls as i sed im not comparate.
  6. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    if you read carefuly you se i has no comparating cause is not comparable i has talking about the control type
  7. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    in my opinion the flyth controls could be someting like battlefield 2 for the chopers (butt a realistic one cause in bf2 the chopers have to much torq looks like theres no Gforce) and for the planes as well
  8. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    but when i mean reload animation a was no say the ofp reload type more like you sawing the caracter taking taking clip from the rifle and the bullets from the machine gun belts to move.Butt is aa engine capable of doing that?
  9. TheDude

    Latest screenshots available

    by the way this new review iss from a new version? cause i check the version by the ss and its the same as the gc06 version
  10. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    does any one know if the beta has weapon reload animation?
  11. TheDude

    Latest screenshots available

    hey look finger animation wake me up untill someting new apear
  12. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    will i be able to run at high with my? (adm atlhon 3700,2gb ram,gf7900gt
  13. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Can any one translate de what is sed in this web site http://www.pcdome.hu/preview.php?id=1872
  14. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    the arma ak47 looks like the ofp ak very bad disign (in fps)Â thats what i think
  15. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    i hope bis do some animations on the weapons  for ex the reload animation and the bullets for the machine guns to move. Also there are some weapons who need new textures like the ak 47,that gun as a very ugly texture, i can not say the same from the m4 cause as a very good texture. the sonds also need to be work they look like the same sonds from ofp like for ex the bullets hiting  the enemy. bisides thats the game looks very good hope my pc runs it
  16. TheDude

    Cone of fire

    the best simulation of recoils is americas army, ofp recoil was god at the time but is not realistic these days the guns ware to acurate. i hope that arma will have americas army recoil type thats a realistic recoil
  17. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    No cause in ofp you ad 600meters of visibility and in arma ill be someting like 3000meters. so you will have more tive to prepare the attack
  18. TheDude

    Latest screenshots available

    how does a 2006 fds dont have a gun reload animation?? since doom dont remeber one who doenst have
  19. TheDude

    Latest screenshots available

    I hope they put the magazine reload animation. not like in ofp
  20. TheDude

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Does any one know if in the reload we se the caracter taking the magazine? our will be like in ofp