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Everything posted by TrevorOfCrete

  1. TrevorOfCrete

    War against terror

    nothing in general, its just a new think from the bbc on iran. Â basily saying dont presum you know everything about iran, or that iran are only evil. Then I think you're not open minded to what I'm already open minded to. Thanks anyway. i think im being pretty open minded to be fair . Anywhom, Blair has said that his last few months in office will be didicated to sorting out the middle east, particularly Lebonen.
  2. TrevorOfCrete

    Richard Hammond, co-leader of Top Gear, in crash

    apparently clarcksons first words to hammond were , "your a really crap driver".
  3. TrevorOfCrete

    ArmA Progress Updates

    i think shooting is a no. look at the littlebirds, people sitting on them clearly dont look like they can fire. if firing from veicles was in they would be able too.
  4. TrevorOfCrete

    trenches and taking cover

    i guess well see what the community can do. some of the stuff done for OFP many would have thought impossible. so who knows what we can do in ArmA.
  5. TrevorOfCrete

    Community Racing Team

    good racing fun tonight, i enjoyed it
  6. TrevorOfCrete

    Latest screenshots available

    do we know for sure? im sorry if i missed some confirmation. we have multiple gunner positions so i wouldnt be suprised if you could shoot.
  7. TrevorOfCrete

    Online Distribution System - Confirmed

    online distribution is fine for me, but i would much rather have a box with a disc in it.
  8. TrevorOfCrete

    War against terror

    nothing in general, its just a new think from the bbc on iran. basily saying dont presum you know everything about iran, or that iran are only evil.
  9. TrevorOfCrete

    Community Racing Team

    1:42 is my fastest so far, still getting use to it. corners are a hit or miss affair. Im trying to get down to about 75 to take them but somtimes it goes wrong
  10. TrevorOfCrete

    War against terror

    some easy listening perhaps? keep an open mind
  11. TrevorOfCrete

    Community Racing Team

    got demo today, great game , im an experianced Toca driver, and this game kicks ass for realism. Where do you guys play?
  12. TrevorOfCrete

    War against terror

    That's old new but enjoy it. yes, its quite an old story, just didnt think id seen it brought up here before. still, quite worrying
  13. TrevorOfCrete

    War against terror

    yes i am, but im more worried about israel putting there nose in and turning iraq into more of a mess than its already in. evidence that they are there, rumors as to there purpose  , ill try find the story. here here here
  14. TrevorOfCrete

    Richard Hammond, co-leader of Top Gear, in crash

    well i will no longer post in this thread then. I didnt want to turn this into a flame war but you seem to be trying to drag me into one. i was just sharing my opinion, and not one of my posts in this thread are childish. i will leave it there.
  15. TrevorOfCrete

    War against terror

    im a little disturbed by the evidance of Israeli personel in Northern Iraq training Kurdish forces. Rumored to be used for gurilla warfare against Iran in a possible war.
  16. TrevorOfCrete

    Richard Hammond, co-leader of Top Gear, in crash

    ever considered that Hammond is of the same opinion, that he doesnt want the show to be cut because of his accident? but of course, you're right - I mean, damn that Clarkson driving all the way to Leeds to see his co presenter in hospital. How selfish can you get! Obviously the man wants Hammond dead. sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. im just voicing my opinion and your comment was a little childish. Â Sure hammond dosnt want the show axed, who does, but what should be Clarksons priority? saving the show or making sure Hammond is going to be ok? I love top gear, and i love there exciting and thrilling conceptions. if every car show was like fith gear, i wouldnt watch them, but a mans life is always more important than a tv show.
  17. TrevorOfCrete

    Online Distribution System - Confirmed

    god help OFP multiplayer if this is true
  18. TrevorOfCrete

    Richard Hammond, co-leader of Top Gear, in crash

    im a great fan of top gear but i was dissapointed with Jeremy Clarcksons responce. He immediatly bagan to defend the show, and said he would fight to save it. this i totally agree with but a day after the crash i think this is a little selfish of him. It seems like hes trying to make the accident about him when really his priortiy should be making sure hammond is ok. also i saw on the news that it was somthing to do with a bursting tire.
  19. TrevorOfCrete

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    in the new vidios you see the difference between normal infantry and SF.
  20. TrevorOfCrete

    Richard Hammond, co-leader of Top Gear, in crash

    A rocket-powered dragster... Fuck... I mean, holy moly. While I wish him the best, I wonder if the thought - "Hm, a rocket-powered dragster car. Could this possibly go wrong? Could I loose control and injure myself or possibly die? At these speeds, could the car be more prone to accidents, and furthermore, could I be more prone to harm during said accidents?" Accidents happen, but they're more prone to happen in... a rocket-powered dragster! Â <--- This is probably the best situation this smilie will find itself in. its not a death trap, these dragsters are driving all the time. Its not asif he was the first person ever to get in that car. It was dodgy , yes, but hammond himself called it a educated risk. Hammond was definatly under some pressure to get in that car, especially after James May pulled out from doing it. It was obviously a bid to boost rating, tv is a cut throat world, and excitment and risk reaches high on the viewers interest.
  21. TrevorOfCrete

    A New Enemy

    and US arnt? me personally am quite happy with a made up sceanario, i think its better. First it dosnt dig up sensitive areas, and secondly it allows the makers to be more creative.
  22. TrevorOfCrete

    Richard Hammond, co-leader of Top Gear, in crash

    i think we have to keep in mind its not all hammonds fault. the BBC, producers and us sat at home have to take some responcibiliy. Also it is a acident, you can be dam sure every safety measure was taken, Hammond was probably edged on to do it by the BBC for ratings etc..
  23. TrevorOfCrete

    Latest screenshots available

    on the question of storyline, i think after release im going to avoid this forum until i get my hands on the game (UK here). i dont want anyone ruining the experiance for me
  24. TrevorOfCrete

    Richard Hammond, co-leader of Top Gear, in crash

    get well soon hammond, top gear would be boring with just clarkson and captian slow.
  25. TrevorOfCrete

    ArmA Progress Updates

    download link dosnt work for me  :EDIT: got it working