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Tim Pink

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Everything posted by Tim Pink

  1. Great work Laser, as always Tim
  2. Tim Pink

    addon request: navy seals

    Extraction, Drill Sergeant, you guys are doing some seriously good work, all the pictures look really great. Keep up the excellent work Tim
  3. Tim Pink

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    * Picks jaw up of the floor Stunning work Kegetys and Feer, absolutely stunning. Tim
  4. Tim Pink

    BAS Tonali SF and BTR-T

    Outstanding work guys, these units kick ass and arming them with M4's and M249's makes them look just as damn good, have a good break and cya in ofp2. Oh and Ebud, im sure your wife is more than impressed with your O2 skills Tim
  5. Tim Pink

    Very Important Announcement from BAS

    There is a term for people like you Lifter, its called Uber Noob Now do urself a favour and go find some other forums to harass.
  6. Tim Pink

    Australian SASR

    Awesome Tim
  7. Tim Pink

    Very Important Announcement from BAS

    Thanks BAS and good luck in all your future endeavours. You've put up with alot of shit from community members who just have no idea how good they've got it. Once again, thankyou, you will be greatly missed. Three Cheers for BAS Tim
  8. Tim Pink

    News from the front

    Damn, Looking really good guys, really really good. * Runs off to write some gritty jungle music Tim
  9. Tim Pink

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Hey Kurayami How is the next version coming along? Are there any new units to be put in it apart from Pablo's M113's? Good work anyway, im really enjoying this config Tim
  10. Tim Pink

    Australian SASR

    Hey SASR Sabre Great work, your doing us aussies proud. You might want to have a look for some pics from aus news papers of the aussies in Iraq. especially the navy patrol and divers, they had some great upclose shots of them sitting on the docks and stuff. Also my cousin is in the Aussie armed forces, has been for 17 years and he's in the solomans at the moment but he calls me reguarly so if u need any information, just give me a shout Looking great Tim Pink
  11. Tim Pink

    Mapfact nogova released

    thanks guys, this island rocks. Tim
  12. Tim Pink

    Terrorism or "Modern" war?

    If anything, terrorism is a weapon in modern warfare. Think about it, when special forces receive training it is in modern tactics, use of modern weapons and such, terrorists try to think up ways to negate these advantages and modernise there approach, what use is a special forces soldier if there is no hostage situation, one bomb can do it all. Its terror tactics being "upgraded" to fit in with modern warfare. It seems rare that terrorists take hostages anymore, because suicide bombers do more dammage and render hostage rescue and special forces useless. well thats my 2c Tim
  13. Tim Pink

    Red Hammer Studios

    Nice work RHS I must say that working with these guys is a real honour and i cant wait for these units to be released, they look simply beautiful. Tim
  14. I can also make music for all mission editors too, i mentioned it in the actual mission making comp thread so yeah. if anyone needs any music, i can be contacted Heres a sample: http://gdt.game-server.cc/~medicus/misc/infinity_1.zip http://wintersofppub.concept404.com/files/Ratemt.mp3 Tim
  15. here you go Placebo. http://gdt.game-server.cc/~medicus/misc/infinity_1.zip its in its early stages but it sounds good.
  16. This website has some samples of my bands work but weve had alot of problems with ppl outside of aus accessing them And also its not the best reflection on mine and Richard Normans music writing, we try to write music in all styles.
  17. And they can always ask me and ill give them music for free Tim
  18. lol Well as a matter of fact i was thinking of offereing my services to the mission makers out there for writing music, short little peices for different atmospheres and also i dont have a problem with my bands music being in missions. If anyone is interested please email me at Timpink0@msn.com or just add me to MSN Thanks Tim Pink
  19. Hey medicus All creative material created by an individual/s is copyrighted as soon as it is written or recorded, there is no such thing as non copyrighted material lol so ur stuck with the BIS music. Tim Pink
  20. Tim Pink

    War music

    Hey Guys Wait till the new RHS addons come out and you'll here some great war music ;) You thought Seventh was good Tim Pink
  21. Tim Pink

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    ok problem fixed, i deleted one addon from my addons folder and the sound returned, silly OFP config is great man, congrats Tim Pink
  22. Tim Pink

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    hey Kurayami, i tried reinstalling my OFP, installed the ECP, DR addon and config, all the addons and then ur enhanced config and walla, my sound went again. I have no idea what is going on, before i installed the config i had sound and now none. Tim Pink
  23. Tim Pink

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    i already have them all, im going to reinstall OFP and see what happens
  24. Tim Pink

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Hi Kurayami. Nice work but ive hit a problem, once i installed ur config and addons, all the sound dissapeared, nothing, no sound at all Do you have any idea what this might be? Tim Pink
  25. Tim Pink

    The real truth about cactus

    Hey Guys. This is a true story and its source was the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service in Adelaide. A bloke and his family were on holidays in the United States and went to Mexico for a week. An avid cactus fan, the man bought a one-metre high, rare and expensive cactus there. On arrival back home, Australian Customs said it must be quarantined for 3 months. He finally got his cactus home. Planted it in his backyard, and over time it grew to about 2 metres. One evening while watering his garden after a warm spring day, he gave the cactus a light spray. He was amazed to see the plant shiver all over, he gave it another spray and it shivered again. He was puzzled so he rang the council who put him on to the state gardens people. After a few transfers he got the state's foremost cactus expert who asked him many questions. How Tall is it? Has it flowered etc. Finally he asked the most disturbing question. "Is your family in the house?" The bloke answered yes. The cactus expert said "Get out of the house NOW, get on to the front nature strip and wait for me, I will be there in 20 minutes." Fifteen minutes later, 2 fire trucks, 2 police cars and an ambulance came screaming around the corner. A fireman got out and asked "Are you the bloke with the cactus?" "I am", he said. A guy jumped out of the fire truck wearing what looked like a space suit, a breathing cylinder, and mask attached to what looked like a scuba backpack with a large hose attached. He headed for the backyard and turned a flame-thrower on the cactus spraying it up and down. After a few minutes the flame-thrower man stopped, the cactus stood smoking and spitting, half the fence was burnt and parts of the gardens were well and truly scorched. Just then the cactus expert appeared and laid a calming hand on the bloke's shoulder. "What the hell's going on?" he says. "Let me show you" says the cactus man. He went over to the cactus and picked away a crusty bit, the cactus was almost entirely hollow and filled with tiger striped bird-eating tarantula spiders, each about the size of two hand spans. The story was that this type of spider lays eggs in this type of cactus and they hatch and live in it as they grow to full size. When full size they release themselves. The cactus just explodes and about 150 dinner plate sized hairy spiders are flung from it, dispersing everywhere. They had been ready to pop. The aftermath was that the house and the adjoining houses had to be vacated and fumigated: police tape was put up outside the whole area and no one was allowed in for two weeks. And here's what one of them looks like sitting on a full size dinner plate. Goliath-Spider Tim Pink