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The Frenchman

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Everything posted by The Frenchman

  1. The Frenchman

    Well this was weird......

    Alright, I am watching tv and the news comes on. It's headline was about the effect of videogames on children. A gameclip of the first level of MoH:Fl. showed up. I thought "Great, I'll be banned from this game or be gunned downed by federal agents ." But before I went out the door to go to school it said that military games ARE GOOD for kids. (BTW, it was american TV news )
  2. The Frenchman

    New everon

    Ever since the user made island Maldova was released, I always wanted a high resolution Everon. Thank you.
  3. The Frenchman

    How about a nice game?

    That white thing is pissing me off.
  4. The Frenchman

    Addon request

    The movie "Canadian Bacon" had neat looking black ops.
  5. The Frenchman

    I hear dead people!

    Thats funny! That should go in the OFP moments in gameplay thread. I never heard of that bug.
  6. The Frenchman

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    Of course. I hid behind a tree for the rest of the battle until one of Jonny's comrades shot me in the arm.
  7. The Frenchman

    Us army infantry (11b) vs. usmc infantry (0311)

    Shouldn't this be a poll? /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  8. The Frenchman

    Uaz pack

    Someone is making a Ural truck with an anti-aircraft gun on the back. I forgot the name of the creator so it might be possible. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  9. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Operation: Nogova Freedom would be an awesome campaign. It could use all the addons in the pictures you took. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  10. The Frenchman

    Ofp moments in gameplay

    I was playing around with the editor. 1 squad of FELINs (me) vs 1 squad of US troops.I was in a forest, the US troops on a road and ordered my squad to hold fire. I stopped when I was 150 meters away and opened fire. During the firefight a enemy soldier comes running at me. I was running backwards for 70 meters firing a papop at him but I keep on missing him. No one else bothered to shoot him for some reason. Jonny was bent on killing me!
  11. The Frenchman

    Mr hilter under costruction

    That would be funny. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  12. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    NO! Not this again!
  13. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I like the FELINs too. The papop is kick as$. I didn't notice any texture problems though. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  14. The Frenchman

    The campaign walkthough

    After seeing the Mission Editing FAQ I thought why not have a thread that answers questions about the campaigns (CWC,RH,R) and missions. Model all your posts like this one. I'll start: Flashpoint May 1985 ------------------------ Insertion:You will start this mission in a blackhawk Objectives: Â Â Â Â 1)Seize Morton This mission is fairly easy. First exit the helicopter and follow your leader to position ED70. You find out there that you need to clear Morton of Russians. Tanks and helicopters will help you. Follow your commander again and eventulaly you will see some of Morton. Stay low and try to target enemy soldiers but it will be hard since they are far away. All the enemy tanks should be gone. If not, then someone in your squad will target the APC's and tanks. Keep advancing and if you see a soldier with a PK or M60, take it. Keep advancing until you get to the water fountain in the center of the village. Mission Complete Â
  15. The Frenchman

    Ballistic addon studios

    Are you making new tank crew members for the woodland versions? /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  16. The Frenchman

    Ballistic addon studios

    No, in every post I put /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/ in. I was bored one day and decided I would put that in every post. Ontopic: It is cool how there is going to be a desert, woodland and sandy woodland. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  17. The Frenchman

    Ballistic addon studios

    Yes /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  18. The Frenchman

    Ballistic addon studios

    Â Â Â Â Â Â Wow thats alot. I like the M1a2. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  19. The Frenchman


    Deer don't live in the jungle   They do in Southeast Asia.  I can't remember the name of the species, but its a small red deer.  They showed one in the movie Platoon in the ned scene when Charlie Sheen wakes up in the jungle after the big battle. Deer live in everyplace imaginable except Antartica, australia, New Zealand and Madagascar. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  20. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I like this one. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  21. The Frenchman

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Tazmanian Devil? /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  22. The Frenchman


    Did you use the guard dog and the ags terrorists?
  23. The Frenchman


    I watched a show that showed how these two guys put a dummy in a rubber raft and pushing it near a hippo. Let's just day it wasn't pretty. Ontopic: We need animals. /\-/\-/\-/\-/\ \/-\/-\/-\/-\/
  24. The Frenchman

    Man has 40mm bofors on pleasure boat

    Ingame: Flashpoint 1982's bofor