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The Rocket

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Posts posted by The Rocket

  1. Just read this over at the forums at ofp.info
    Quote[/b] ]

    Quote (Bojler @ Aug. 06 2004,11:03)

    Almost everyone from BIS are working on OFP for XBOX... Just a few graphic designers are working on OFP2 for now, nothing is done... Even they have no final concept how the game will look like.

    Quote (Placebo @ Aug. 06 2004,11:29)

    What makes you think that?

    Quote (Bojler @ Aug. 06 2004,11:43)

    Source in BIS

    I so hope that isn´t true because that´s exactly what i feared, that they havn´t even started working seriously on ofp2 at all.

    If that´s true i think the game won´t make it even with release date of spring 2006.. more like spring 2008. sad_o.gif

    In BISs eyes

    PC OFP community = 0

    Microsoft = $$$

    Military = $$$

    Just like I was saying.

    Anyone from BIS care to say anything different on thier own forums? Thought not.

    What are you talking about?

    Do You really beleive what your saying?

    And to all others, just be happy it wont take them 5 new years for a new engine..

    and wolfsbane whoever said that must be wrong, I'm pretty sure they have been working on ofp2 for some year now, of course it has taken some extra time porting for XBOX, remember the memory issue?

    and if BIS didnt care why would they even have patches for us or a forum we can discuss in??

    grow up!

    And BIS doesn't have to state anything that might not even be true, it can be done earlier or later, it may look like there will be a spring 2006 release but it doesn't have to be.. Something that seems to be hard to implement now might be easier in just a few weeks!!!

    EDIT: oh and another thing, if BIS wanted money why wouldnt they let CM publish it, it would get more sales !

  2. Quote[/b] ]I have to disagree, June 28, 2004

    Reviewer: spastim from Brighton, Sussex United Kingdom

    Im sorry, but operation flashpoint 2 will be naff. How do i know? well like the other reviewer here (5 stars?) i haven't played the game, as its not out yet, but thought it'd gives customers a better idea of the game if theres both sides to the story.

    Operation flashpoint 2 will be rubbish because...sorry...is rubbish because it runs terribly on my imaginary machine, and the graphics remind me of invisibility. The game play is non-existent and the sound effects suck. May aswell 'play' it with the sound off i reckon. I loaded it up on my machine last night and ended up having to call the fire-brigade it was that bad. The fire-brigade turned up, put out the fire, and left me to play OP2, laughing as they left about how "..people who stick paper men to their pc screens and then set fire to them to replicate the effects of a burning village are morons..". What would they know? They haven't played OP2 yet!

    But how could i know all this if the game isn't actually out yet? Well, i once fired a ping pong ball out my rectum and caught it between my teeth. I imagine the game is very similar to this.

    This just got me very pissed off... ofp2 isnt released yet !

    His imaginary comp?

    OP2 = OFP2?

    Alot of theese people on amazon or am I over reacting again?

  3. I decided to not post a reply but I'll do it anyway.

    First, I must say that I really enjoy BAS addons and its sad such a great team will stop making addons for ofp1, I wish them good luck and a nice time off .

    Secondly... Even if I enjoy BAS addons more or less i DO NOT treat them as gods/kings/leaders of the ofp community, because that would be a lie.

    No one makes the best addons, everyone makes nice addons, so there is no need for bit**in and flaming the authors of nice addons, that's just lame. Thats a reason I and probably more people do not visit so many forums anymore

    Dont ruin this community !

    Go make some missions!


  4. VBS is using an improved flashpoint engine, so will ofp2 thats what I meant, and Im not looking for entertainment ni vbs, just for some great combat experience that I can't find in other games, maybe in ofp, and I really dont like consoles but because its ofp i might get it smile_o.gif

  5. Let's hope VBS sales go through the roof and further so BIS can fund ofp2 development for more features smile_o.gif

    Why would bis make features for one product and keep it out of the next product, like OFP2, I'm sure it will include every feature that VBS has and some more. I'm still considering buying VBS1 to get a little preview of how OFP2 may be smile_o.gif

  6. I agree smile_o.gif

    An expansion would be nice at this time, actually some words from BIS too!

    Does'nt have to be a big campaign and alot of addons, just a small campaign with about 6-7 missions and a to-be-continued ending with some screens of current OFP2 smile_o.gif

    Actually i don't care about campaign, MP missions would be nice smile_o.gif

  7. Hmm what if thoose pics were just some test for a ofp1 2 ofp2 converter? Probably not.

    I would like it to be vietnam, it would be nice, FB vietnam and Vietcong are other games with other engines, I think OFP2 nam would be great, but OFP2 can be anything but sci-fi(made up/unrealistic) so i dont mind actually. To be honest I dont really care what war it is, a made up conflict works too, unless it has silly weapons smile_o.gif

    I think the reason the game devs makes games based on WW2 and Vietnam is because thoose wars are most famous.

    And other wargames does exists, Desert Storm, DF:BHD etc.

    I would also like some words from BIS about the pics..

    Maybe they just posted some pictures of the OFP2 engine in its current status, and converted addons, just to tease us.

  8. I wont quote anyone now, but my theory is:

    Maybe BIS contacted BAS and other addons teams so they would upload their addons @ flashpoint2004.com, so BIS convert themt o OFP2 addons.

    Also the flashpoint2004.com/ebud someone mentioned, remember ebud made ilo ilo, and told in the readme file it was a test for something bigger?..

    The russian soldiers are the BAS russian forces pack?

    The A10 is the BAS desert pack?

    the winter island is Kegetys Nogojev converted for OFP2, with some changes ?

    Looks nice smile_o.gif


    I think its good that BIS, if, are working with the best addonsmaker, like bigger island projects and better models etc..

  9. It sucks to hear of a game that you really would like to have coming out in about 1year an ahalf.It gives me stress.I feel like Im in a prison and Im counting the days down.But I wait for that wake up an boom Im playing OFP2.Alittle off the subject but Im just depressed.I think I need theropy or something now.

    I think most of us feel the same way as you do  blues.gif

  10. Eminem!!!! tounge_o.gif

    nah, I would like some Hendrix tunes....

    and more...

    Music for the campaigns are important but then if I want some different music than it will be I would add it myself...

  11. ok my background textures is working now.

    If u have the texture u should change size with a picture viewer that allows changing size etc. the size should be 512x256 (widht 512 and Height 256)

    Then save as name.TGA I guess it was then use Texview and convert to name.paa and make sure u save it to the addons folder then load the texture in O2 it should work.
