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Convention amended 1) Removed underscore and added Underscore should not be used under any circumstances 2) Amended Version section to recommend up to 2 decimal places Anybody who has voiced an opinion on the thread has been thanked, thats why your name has been added to the list What i asked, was for somebody to post an explanation of what to do with MD5 scripting, in its own thread on the flashpoint 1985 forums, so that I could place a link to it in the linux section of the convention. Which would also allow a full discussion in its own thread on that one issue (Although i admin a linux server, i dont know diddly about md5 scripting and didnt want to put something in the convention thread that may not have been accurate
I need somebody to post an explanation, in its own thread about the linux md5 workaround, so that i can link to it from the above pre release post when it is posted into its own thread I need input for the "wording" and set out of the post There should be no disagreements about the content hope thgis does it Thanks for all the effort, help and advice that has brought us to this point
Ok here goes. The following posts will be restarted in a new thread and they are for information purposes only, with any replys merely being to say XXX of YYY server supports and uses the convention ########################################################## <span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>Multiplayer Map Filename Convention</span></span> (Thread Title) ########################################################## Post 1 <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>Introduction and aims</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>INFORMATION ONLY THREAD Please dont start a discussion</span> The following filename convention is intended for global use  within the OFP Community <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Its aims are</span> 1) To create an easily navigable and organised map listing system 2) To be simple and informative 3) To reduce multiple downloads of the same map from various server due to a small filename difference 4) To set a standard map filename for future mappers to use (Thanks must go to) Itchy, Kegetys, whisperFFW06,  Lt_Damage, nierop,  benu, zinco, JRMZ,  oo7vet,  KaRRiLLioN, eisa01, Goeth[kyllikki], Shrike,  HellToupee,  MadDogX,  peanuckle_00, morteni55, [TNF]Steiner. Special thanks goes too Skunk Monkey and joltan for their unrelenting vigilence throughout the 3 month discussion) <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Important</span></span> Please only reply to the thread to state 1)Your name 2) Who you represent and a basic statement eg "We support and use the convention" ########################################################## Post 2 <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>Filename Template</span></span> <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Example of some filenames</span> ctf 24 riverdance v1 ctf@ 32 armourgheddon beta 1.1 c&h 30 one road v2 tdm 12 deathvalley beta 1.6 c&h@ 24 deliverence v1 c&h 24 efl_malden v1           <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>********  Subgroups  ********</span> The filename has been split up into the following subgroups <span style='color:blue'>MAP TYPE</span>  <span style='color:red'>Player Limit</span>  <span style='color:blue'>MAPNAME</span>  <span style='color:red'>VERSION</span> <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>  ctf     10      tigerland   v1</span> = ctf 10 tigerland v1           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  MAP TYPE  ********</span></span> The following abbreviations are to be used a&d  -  (Attack & defend) co   -  (Cooperative) ctf    -  (Capture the Flag) c&h   -  (Capture and hold) rc    -  (Race) tdm  -  (Team Deathmatch) dm   -  (Death Match) ff    -  (Flagfight) tff    -  (Team Flag Fight) e&e   -  (Escape & Evasion) rts    -  (Real Time Strategy) misc  -  (Miscellaneous) not belonging to a map type) @    -  DENOTES ADDON USED <span style='color:red'>If the map uses any addons at all, in addition to the BIS standard addons that came with the various patches, the Tag "@" is to be attached to the end of the maptype abbreviation eg  ctf@ eg  c&h@ eg  co@</span> <span style='color:blue'>I will try to keep this updated as further map types evolve</span>           <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  PLAYER LIMIT  ********</span></span> This should simply be the maximum player limit only not 2_22, just simply 22           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  MAP NAME  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>LEAGUE MAPS</span> If the map is an official league map, then the name itself should be preceded by the league tag Example of a Euroleague tag <span style='color:blue'>efl</span> and incorporated into the name <span style='color:blue'>c&h 24 efl nogova v1</span> (DO NOT  alter the filename of official league maps,  approach the league, explain about this convention, and if they are willing to support the convention, they will release new maps with the altered names) Map name in general Ideally the name should not include the creators tag, a server tag or anything else that would clutter it up. This type of information can and should be added to the briefing html file by the mapmaker           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  Version  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>Existing Maps</span> Any mapnames that already have existing version numbers, should be left in their original state, no modifications should be made to them or a version number added to them, if none exist. The only exception is of moving them to the correct location, eg the last subgroup location) <span style='color:blue'>New Maps</span> The following system is recommended not compulsory Lets look at the development of a map from beta to finished version 1) Map released onto a server for first time to beta test ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.00</span> 2) A few bugs removed and map uploaded again ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.01</span> 3) A few more improvements ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.02</span> 4) A few more improvements ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.03</span> 5) Beta 1.3 is bug free and finished so its renamed and becomes ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>v1.0</span> 6) A new game patch is released, with some extra weapons the map maker upgrades his map ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 2.00</span> 7) No bugs are evident, and it becomes a finished version Its renamed ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>v2.0</span> 8) Somebody decides to hack the map and change some things (simply add a letter or tag to the end of the version number so we know its is not of original origins) ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.0 zeus</span> or ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.0(z)</span> something to non conform to the recommended version number, to indicate it is not an original mapmaker release <span style='color:blue'>In General</span> 1) Leave exisiting version numbers intact 2) Use beta 1.0 (To maximum of 2 decimal place) for beta maps 3) Use v1 (to 2 decimal places maximum) for a finished map version 4) For a major map version jump, increase the number before the decimal _ _           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  General Guidelines  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>General set up</span> 1)A space must exist between each subgroup 2) lower case must be used for linux compatibility 3) It is the admins responsibility to modify map names on his server 4) No deviation from the convention sub groups <span style='color:red'>"maptype or player limit"</span> should be allowed under any circumstances 5) BIS maps that are installed during game installation are required in their original format when upgrading with new patches (Deal with these how you see fit) If you are going to rename them, then keep a backup copy in a folder for easy re-installation 6) Under no circumstances are underscores to be used <span style='color:blue'>ADDONS</span> As previously stated, the "@" tag is to be added to the end of the maptype subgroup to indicate that the map uses an additional addon to that of the standard BIS addons that come with the various patches. Any addon that a server supports and is included in their server maps, should be available in a server "Map Pack" and should not have a tag added to the filename by the server admin. If the mapmaker has added something to the "MAPNAME" subgroup, then it should be left there <span style='color:blue'>LINUX</span> 1) lower case has been used as standard, for linux compatibility 2) Spaces If spaces in the filename are causing a problem for your md5 scripts their is a workaround for it <span style='color:red'>(Need a link placing here)</span> "The md5 thing": Unix uses spaces as separators for lists. Using spaces in filenames breaks many scripting possibilities as space separated lists don't work anymore. There is a way of getting around some of those limitations by using xargs. Printing ONE script that does something with md5sum would not help much. People have to take care and not use space separated lists in their scripting and use filename globbing and find -print0 and xargs whenever possible/needed. Here is one example : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> md5sum *.pbo | sort | uniq -d --check-chars=33 | cut -f 3- -d " " | xargs -i mv \{\} dup/\{\}<span id='postcolor'> which moves duplicate maps to a folder called dup. _ Below is a screenshot of the finished system as seen in the map selection screen</b> ************image here************ (Need to ask the admins on this server to upload a jpeg of the screenshot, so that it is always available for view) The discussion (19 pages of it) which is now closed can be found at the following link Filename discussion
By the way has anyone got any experience with a cti (Capture the Island) type map Does it need its own tag or is it a ctf or some other map type. I have never played a cti, so i dont know anything about them
Great The co's have it I will post the full convention this weekend for checking As we mentioned earlier, have a look through it, make sure there is nothing open for misinterpretation, its nice and compact etc, then when its all nice and tidy etc, we will open a new thread, post the convention as the start post and any post that follows it is simply to state X server is using the convention X league is using the convention I will also try to get OFPEC to post the convention somewhere suitable, and Avonlady and any other community site etc etc
The spaces argument is finally ended System A is to be used ctf@ 34 mymapname Now just 1 other little problem co or coop  makes no difference to me I think coop is a bit more obvious and self explanatory I go with coop Lets vote and get this sorted then i can post a beta convention template post wow we are nearly there
I will leave it running till the weekend, then this particular part of the discussion (spaces) will be closed thank god!
ok lets get the spaces convention sorted vote either A) ctf@ 32 hellfire or B) ctf@32 hellfire Advantages of A Much clearer and easier to read especially when in a long list of maps Disadvantages of A Takes up a space Advantages of B A bit more clustered and harder on the eye Disadvantages of B saves a space it is not possible to see the comparison without looking at the screenshots, listings on the forum dont show it so scroll between the two screenshots numerous times and then come to a conclusion (forget about the letter abbreviations etc just concentrate on the spaces between the subgroups lets all vote I vote A
coop maps have not been called c since the start of the game they have been called c co coop and probably more as well as per the version system in an earlier post we went into this indepth We decided that an admin couldnt rename or add his own version on maps that already exist Think for instance "Plane frenzy" how many versions are there of this and none of them have version numbers and even if they did, how many are version 1 so a much earlier post stated something like this anything prior to the map convention been released, uses the mapmakers version number however any new map releases are recommended to use the following system (There are two different types of version Beta versions (maps under test) Finished maps which are bug free or as bug free as is possible let me take you through the development of a map New map uploaded to a server for the first time ctf@ 32 hellfire beta 1.0 an improved map is then released ctf@ 32 hellfire beta 1.1 further improvements ctf@ 32 helfire beta 1.2 The final release was bug free so it then becomes ctf@ 32 hellfire v1 new game version released new beta with new weapons or added commands and scripts etc ctf@ 32 hellfire beta 2.0 ctf@ 32 hellfire beta 2.1 becoming ctf@ 32 hellfire v2 this system has the following advantages each release has a new version number therefore rather than copying over the original file using the same filename, you know which real version it is secondly, when cleaning up you mpmissions folder, its obvious which is the most recent version thirdly if the newer version is worse, you havent overwritten the older version and when the time comes to delete the older version, its obvious which it is fourthly, having a difference of beta and v lets the admin know whether bugs can be expected if beta then it is to be expected and due to the fact that the mapmaker will probably be testing it on only 1 server, there shouldnt be a communications problem. We use a system for beta testing maps and knowing it is a beta really helps us out If the map version number starts with a v, we know it should be trouble free beta have version numbers to 1 decimal point eg beta 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc finished maps just use integers v1, v2, v3 etc i dont think its is practical to bring in something for hacked versions, but a marker may be of some use here at the end of the day, it is a recommended version not a must do Its up to the server admin who is hosting the mapmakers beta's to see to it
we had already discussed version numbers at some point and came to the agreement than any existing version numbers should be used, none added and that from the day the convention is released, that a recommended system of version numbers be used by mapmakers but not a strict requirement The only thing we have to finally agree on is ctf@16 mapname or ctf@ 16 mapname If you decide on the first one, then it looks like a clusterfuck, i tried it, renamed every map on my personal machine and when i scroledl through it at speed found it more difficult to read than the latter system I think the majority had agreed to use c&h coop etc Once this has been agreed then i can post the complete convention for final approval
In addition to my previous post (Which has been updated with this) I would like to see a more revealing scoring system Individuals score should be made up of the following system (No of kills (Infantry Air Armour) + Flags captured) - Teamkills = Total Score At the moment the number of team kills is not taken into consideration and there is no column for flag captures, runs etc Having these things taken into consideration would show the real worth of a player
In addition to my previous post (Which has been updated with this) I would like to see a more revealing scoring system Individuals score should be made up of the following system (No of kills (Infantry Air Armour) + Flags captured) - Teamkills = Total Score At the moment the number of team kills is not taken into consideration and there is no column for flag captures, runs etc Having these things taken into consideration would show the real worth of a player
30 pages already wow! <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Vehicles</span></span> 1)  A better selection of land sea and air vehicles (Allowing for an all sea battle etc) 2) Ability to fire from some moving vehicles with personal weapons 3) More pilot, vehicle driver  information as to who, or how many he is carrying and when they have ejected 4) Vehicles improvements and additions .....a) Chinooks ability to undersling a load .....b) Hercules for mass parachute or vehicle deployment .....c) Mplayer vehicle respawn command (With ability to disarm some or all weapons) .....d) Earthmoving plant machinery to build antitank ditches, command posts, trenches , roads and airfield runway Repair Known in the military as ADR (Airfield damage repair) .....e) Artillery and Surface to Air defence systems .....f) Tanks able to launch smoke canisters 5) The use of some of the better addon vehicles that have already been created in the ofp community 6) "Cammo type" commands for Temperate, arctic or desert landscapes. eg 1 vehicle and 1 command in the init line to activate a cammo type <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Soldiers</span></span> 1) Ability to climb trees and other objects 2) Ability to cross some rivers (Slower narrower ones) 3) Ability to auto load 1 of 3 cammo faces from their user folder (Arctic, temperate, desert), as designated in the map eg new map line terraintype = desert load desert cam terraintype = desert load temeperate cam terraintype = arctic = winter cam 4) Extra unit types  eg ATF v Drug dealers eg Terrorists v SAS <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Terrain</span></span> 1) Bigger islands and varying terrain types .....a) Arctic .....b) Temperate .....c) Jungle .....d) Desert .....e) Swamp .....f) many small rivers lakes etc .....g) Better ambient sounds for the terrain types eg Jungle day not so noisy eg jungle night very noisy 2) Grass 3) Real urban environment .....a) Underground sewers .....b) Electricity supplies (That can be sabotaged) .....c) Railway lines, bridges etc 4) Everything can be destroyed 5) Bomb and artillery shell craters , trenches, shellscrapes(Realtime created and pre edited) <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Game Servers</span></span> 1) Ability to hold more players 2) In voice comms improvement (Try looking into something basic which uses little resources eg Teamspeak 1.5) 3) Dedicated server search engine with buddy tracker 4) Better addon management 5) A map filename convention eg (maptype) (player limit) (league tag & mapname) (version) <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Better introduction and Marketing</span></span> 1) A much better tested release version 2) A much more detailed instruction manual for the various inscreen views 3) A more detailed scripting and command reference (If you give us the tools we will create awesome gameplay) 4) an expansion pack on a 4 or 6 monthy basis to keep OFP2 alive and kicking for say 2 years while u work on OFP3 <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Overall gameplay</span></span> 1) Keep the ease of driving and operating the vehicles the same as OFP 2) Introduce a skills and rank strucure for a multiplayer character. What I mean by this, is allow anybody to operate any vehicle, but when they have achieved certain criteria, ie points system, allow there control of these vehicles to be easier, their accuracy greater etc and their rank higher. This way somebody that wants to concentrate on being a sniper, becomes a really good one, better cam and concealment, better accuracy etc and the higher the rank the more competent he is overall. 3) <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Dont change the gameplay, you have it spot on</span> 4) Allow a supreme commander for both sides, then when giving targets, all soldiers on that side receive the message, even if in a different group <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Scoring system</span></span> I would like to see a more revealing scoring system Individuals score should be made up of the following system (No of kills (Infantry Air Armour) + Flags captured) - Teamkills = Total Score At the moment the number of team kills is not taken into consideration and there is no column for flag captures, runs etc Having these things taken into consideration would show the real worth of a player <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Final Message</span></span> If you really want to know what folks want, start disecting the maps, navigating through ofpec to see what folks are wanting to do etc Since OFP came out, i haven't bought another game. (I normally buy a new one every few months or so) I play it 3 or 4 times a week, I got myself involved in map making, running dedicated servers, running a squad etc I am 37 so no teenybopper by any account This is the first game i have ever got really involved with (In addition i have heard a lot of others say this) And I have done this because It is quite simply awesome. And the fact that it's probably been the worst netcoded, bugged game out for a while does not reduce that fact. Please keep it that way (Not the netcode lol) Its simple to use operation and overal gameplay makes it this way. Please make OFP2 a winner for the whole communiuty
30 pages already wow! <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Vehicles</span></span> 1)  A better selection of land sea and air vehicles (Allowing for an all sea battle etc) 2) Ability to fire from some moving vehicles with personal weapons 3) More pilot, vehicle driver  information as to who, or how many he is carrying and when they have ejected 4) Vehicles improvements and additions .....a) Chinooks ability to undersling a load .....b) Hercules for mass parachute or vehicle deployment .....c) Mplayer vehicle respawn command (With ability to disarm some or all weapons) .....d) Earthmoving plant machinery to build antitank ditches, command posts, trenches , roads and airfield runway Repair Known in the military as ADR (Airfield damage repair) .....e) Artillery and Surface to Air defence systems .....f) Tanks able to launch smoke canisters 5) The use of some of the better addon vehicles that have already been created in the ofp community 6) "Cammo type" commands for Temperate, arctic or desert landscapes. eg 1 vehicle and 1 command in the init line to activate a cammo type <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Soldiers</span></span> 1) Ability to climb trees and other objects 2) Ability to cross some rivers (Slower narrower ones) 3) Ability to auto load 1 of 3 cammo faces from their user folder (Arctic, temperate, desert), as designated in the map eg new map line terraintype = desert load desert cam terraintype = desert load temeperate cam terraintype = arctic = winter cam 4) Extra unit types  eg ATF v Drug dealers eg Terrorists v SAS <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Terrain</span></span> 1) Bigger islands and varying terrain types .....a) Arctic .....b) Temperate .....c) Jungle .....d) Desert .....e) Swamp .....f) many small rivers lakes etc .....g) Better ambient sounds for the terrain types eg Jungle day not so noisy eg jungle night very noisy 2) Grass 3) Real urban environment .....a) Underground sewers .....b) Electricity supplies (That can be sabotaged) .....c) Railway lines, bridges etc 4) Everything can be destroyed 5) Bomb and artillery shell craters , trenches, shellscrapes(Realtime created and pre edited) <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Game Servers</span></span> 1) Ability to hold more players 2) In voice comms improvement (Try looking into something basic which uses little resources eg Teamspeak 1.5) 3) Dedicated server search engine with buddy tracker 4) Better addon management 5) A map filename convention eg (maptype) (player limit) (league tag & mapname) (version) <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Better introduction and Marketing</span></span> 1) A much better tested release version 2) A much more detailed instruction manual for the various inscreen views 3) A more detailed scripting and command reference (If you give us the tools we will create awesome gameplay) 4) an expansion pack on a 4 or 6 monthy basis to keep OFP2 alive and kicking for say 2 years while u work on OFP3 <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Overall gameplay</span></span> 1) Keep the ease of driving and operating the vehicles the same as OFP 2) Introduce a skills and rank strucure for a multiplayer character. What I mean by this, is allow anybody to operate any vehicle, but when they have achieved certain criteria, ie points system, allow there control of these vehicles to be easier, their accuracy greater etc and their rank higher. This way somebody that wants to concentrate on being a sniper, becomes a really good one, better cam and concealment, better accuracy etc and the higher the rank the more competent he is overall. 3) <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Dont change the gameplay, you have it spot on</span> 4) Allow a supreme commander for both sides, then when giving targets, all soldiers on that side receive the message, even if in a different group <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Scoring system</span></span> I would like to see a more revealing scoring system Individuals score should be made up of the following system (No of kills (Infantry Air Armour) + Flags captured) - Teamkills = Total Score At the moment the number of team kills is not taken into consideration and there is no column for flag captures, runs etc Having these things taken into consideration would show the real worth of a player <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Final Message</span></span> If you really want to know what folks want, start disecting the maps, navigating through ofpec to see what folks are wanting to do etc Since OFP came out, i haven't bought another game. (I normally buy a new one every few months or so) I play it 3 or 4 times a week, I got myself involved in map making, running dedicated servers, running a squad etc I am 37 so no teenybopper by any account This is the first game i have ever got really involved with (In addition i have heard a lot of others say this) And I have done this because It is quite simply awesome. And the fact that it's probably been the worst netcoded, bugged game out for a while does not reduce that fact. Please keep it that way (Not the netcode lol) Its simple to use operation and overal gameplay makes it this way. Please make OFP2 a winner for the whole communiuty
I really do not like the idea of jumbling the maptype, addon and player limit together  it doesnt make it easier to read it makes it harder, The space imvolved between c&h@ 32  is negligible When viewed in the game map selction screen, this space makes all the difference in readability We agreed very early on at the start, what the various subgroups needed to be and in what order they needed to be displayed in Keeping these subgroups split, makes it Neater Of this there can be no argument Simply look at the screenshots On top of this, it also needs to be easily navigable in our Filebrowsers I want the spaces for the same reason the entire world uses spaces in books, To make it easier to read On a server with 300 maps on one island, these spaces make a big difference, especially when quickly running down the scroll bar Having asked folks who have nothing to do with OFP, they agree these spaces are better All the arguments I have heard about cluttering them together are about saving space. We dont need too, its only 1 space anyway and the majority of all maps is more than legible with the first part being able to see There are probably only a handful of maps out there that are totally readable in the ingame screen anyway
am happy to not use underscores to connect words within a subgroup together the & simply makes more sense, especially as there are still different gametypes under development cti capture the island (I dont know what this is yet) it could simply turn out to be a C&H there going to be an e&e escape and evasion which uses multiple flag carriers on the same side theres also Flagball under development God knows what else is going to be created So using & helps to differentiate better and its also a widely used convention i prefer  c&h @ 32 mapname version or if a league map c&h @ 32 leaguetag_mapname version most folks dont want a seperator around the addon marker so this would be c&h@ 32 mapname version Which is not a problem This thread seems to have died somewhat We have done really hard work on it so far, nows the time to all agree on the silly things and put it to bed This weekend i will post a complete convention once all have aired further views
will update map type with CTI when the convention is completed thankyou Ok fine without internal subgroup seperators But i would prefere subgroup spacing between map type, player limit and map name eg ctf@ 32 riverisland This really does make things easier to read The & was requested to be taken out for cosmetic reasons, not technical As some say, it is the best symbol to replace "and"
Single player maps aren't really the issue here, this is about having the same maps on different servers  having the same name, so that folks dont download the same map just because the filename is different Ref Spaces The spaces are there to differentioate between the subgroups. Among other things this makes it easier on the eye. It also clearly defines the subgroups visually As for any text within a subgroup, so that it isnt confused as seperate subgroups, the name ie efl_everon, has an underscore to join them together This will normally only be seen in either the map name subgroup because it will have an offcial league tag with it or the name subgroup because it is made up of more than one name I really dont understand why you want to Clutter the subgroups together. I have asked several people to look at the various screen shots available, and without exception they prefer the easiest on the eye, which is the one with spaces between subgroups. The additional length that this creates is negligible and has no effect on map name readability as most if not all is fully visible in the map selection screen view. Try looking at both screen shots again for more than a split second and scanning up and down them. You may then understand why i am pushing for the more neater system & & = and c&h a&d what else would you use. These are standard map type names, recognised by everyone you put ad ch dd and this isnt so widely recognised lets be just as silly and call c&h xyz makes as much sense (Yes i'm being silly now but thats what i think about removing &
Come on guys lets nail the lid on this The & looks like its gonna be used We are arguing now over spaces Spaces, the three that i want to use, will cause hardly any extra length to the filename Only 2 of these spaces are going to be normally visible Please just agree on this then i can complile the Convention
underscores within a subgroup was no typo, this was agreed to be used to join things like league tags to the mapname ETC this helps to keep items within a subgroup together, you are the first to query this
It would appear we are very close to a finished system Arguments still in discussion are Remove & from c&h, a&d etc Arguments against are down to cosmetic, space usage and workload when renaming the files Some want c&h to simply be ch others want c&h So whats it to be?? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spaces between subgroups Initially each subgroup was to be given a space between them to help in legibility and to differentiate them easily We have now removed the space between Map type and addon marker Some want to remove the space between This initial subgroup and the player limit Choices are ctf@32 (mapname) ctf@ 32 (mapname) You cant visualise how this looks on the ofp screens, so screenshots have been posted on this forum --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thats basically all that is holding things up My vote is ctf@  30  league_map_name  version c&h@  40  league_map_name  version league tag  used for official league maps (once league agrees to convention) version only to be used if the mapmaker has used it new maps to be recommended to use the version system as previously described on the thread Come on guys lets put this to bed once and for all Spaces (all 3 of them) add negligible length to a filename that isnt completely visible anyway But they do make for easier reading, and still the majority of the filename is visible even without a mouse hover Somewhere at the start of the thread i gave a goal date for completion. That date is tomorrow Xmas day Go with the spaces and the & then i can have a merry xmas By the way Merry Xmas to all who have put lots of effort and time into this convention
if you want to create a filename that can be seen completely in the screen views, then you will have to put a limit on its length. As this is not practical, forget about keeping it down to a minimum, forget about the length that 2 spaces will create, because its a negligible addition as far as the length is concerned It does however split the sub groups up in a clearly defined and legible way and makers reading the list so much easier Any argument about saving spaces doesnt really carry any weight on a practical level without restricting the filename length and as for the time it takes to select a map from a specific series, especially if you are using the map filename band_of_brothers_****** Â you arent going to see the latter part (***) of the filename anyway and even if you could, would it really mean anything more than a fraction of a second You will still be waiting for folks to connect to the server etc I'm sorry but i find the time saving argument and spaces argument illogical and i also think c&h, a&d, Â is a damn sight clearer than ch, ad, dd, ee etc As for the workload involved I have 3 servers that i will have to rename the filenames, Stoners Zeus & Zeus addons thats a lot of maps But i will only have to rename them once, and there is nothing to stop me doing it over a few days The workload i am not concerned with. Once we have a fully agreed system, then i will start that side of things
Joltan your screen shot looks neat and tidy and legible because they are all coops, when u have a mix of map types it then looks cluttered The spaces cause no problem with the readability of a filename Hovering the mouse over the map creates a small pop up box which reveals the name in full how many times are we going to have the following scenario The 2 screen shots i put at the top of this page clearly show the compoarison, nobody could possibly argue tha the first one is more easily readable ctf 24 myverylongmapname ctf 24 myverylongmapname v1 ctf 24 myverylongmapname v2 almost similar map names listed next to each other and even if we do, the mouse hover will reveal the difference The first 2 spaces adds negligible length to the filename anyway as the main differences betweeb similar map filenames will be at the latter end, then you will only be able to read it with a mouse hover anyway The whole point of spaces is to create a tidy easily readable system placing subgroups next to each other does not create a tidy readable system eg placingsubgroupsnexttoeachotherdoesnotcreateatidyreadable system I personally do not want to drop the &, especially as Karillions reasons for it are not technical after all Capture AND Hold Attack AND Defend do use and which = & i think this is the clearest most descriptive letter to use, but if folks want to drop it, then we should be using the other most uses abbreviation "cnh" although some servers use ch, it is not a widely used abbreviation Coop to co no problems
I think adding the @ to the maptype group is ok, but every other subgroup should be seperated by a space Shame u cant see the screenshots, they show what it really looks like more clearly The screenshots are linked to www.stone-keep which is having technical problems at the moment, things should be displayed when it comes back online
<span style='color:red'>Compared to the second screen shot, this appears cluttered and more difficult on the eye</span> <span style='color:red'>This i believe is far easier to read and distinguish</span> One of the basic reasons for doing this was to make it easily readable and presentable in the map selection screen Being able to split the various subgroups of the filename up helps this, joining these subgroups together again doesnt --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- co v coop co or coop doesnt really make that much difference. "coop" is more easily understood "co" uses 2 less spaces (which if you read on isnt that much of a problem) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- c&h I thought the use of the ampersand was the clearest way to name the various "c and h", "a and d", "d and d" maps etc Although not against removing the &, i dont understand why you would want too Bearing in mind that future map types will be created, i want to future proof the system we are creating Using 2 letter abreviations i think, will reduce this future proofing and also could create confusion Take for instance Capture and Hold The common abbreviations are cnh c&h and some of you want to reduce this too ch Firstly, i dont think that this will be readily understood Secondly, i dont think folks will automatically use it I think ideally we should be looking at a 3 letter abbreviation for the c&h, a&d, e&e, d&d type of maps Until Karillion comes back with an argument against the use of the ampersand, which is definitely the easiest symbol to understand, we should possibly be considering a replacement cnh c_h c+h Use of spaces argument If you look at the two screen shots above, the second screenshot is by far the easiest to read The first one causes a severe amount of clutter The length of the filename doesnt really cause any concerns Hovering the mouse opver a filename reveals the filename in full, in a small dialog box that opens. The chances of having two filenames very similar (Once the maps have been renamed by the convention) is going to be rare and even when this does occur, the mouse hover will reveal the differences Even if you added more spaces or a lengthier map type abbreviation, most of the map name if not all of it is readable and certainly will cause little if any problems in navigating through Using spaces between all the subgroups has in my opinion far more benefits than ommiting them It unclutters the filenames Makes them appear much tidier On the positive side, we are defintely getting closer to the end product now