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i would like all units and vehicles to allow a "setexture" in their init field or similar way. and possibly even the map itself These setextures would include Winter, sand, temperate cammo, have BIS pre installed textures and easily adapted jpeg files that could be incorporated into the pbo file, in much the same way as you can do for flags This would then mean you could have the same landscape with different season coverings. Any addon vehicles that were made would simply have a setexture command in their init field So one new addon vehicle could instantly be incorporated into any climate type without the need for multiple addons for that one vehicle wouldnt it be nice to have pre game options like Winter Summer Desert Jungle and all could be activated by something like ?(param1 == 1):setglobaltexture "DESERT" ?(param1 == 2):setglobaltexture "ARCTIC" ?(param1 == 3):setglobaltexture "JUNGLE" setunitexture setgrouptexture setobjectexture  for the likes of buildings etc It would also be nice to enable some form of rating value, which for any vehicle could be set in the init field. something like pilotrating=>5 and any player who had a lower rating which was given somehow by some form of award system (Multiplayer) simply couldnt fly it This could be used for any vehicle, weapon etc So in other words, a veteran player could fly the transport choppers, whereas a noob would have to be a passnger
I like the concept of the CTI missions, but it is wrecking the OFP community that i have grown to love over the two years i have played this game and why. Well if you only play the game and dont get more involved in the communityyou wouldnt realise Basically online gamers are impatient, they wont wait at all. In OFP's hey day, servers like Stoners House of Pancakes had queues of players waiting to get on. I was an admin on the server and many of times had to wait an hour for a game. If i logged on 1 minute into the game, waiting 29 mins for the next wasnt a problem Waiting wasnt a problem because you knew when the mission was going to finish Bring on CTI, absolutely brilliant concept, some downsides to it, lots of lag desync etc Biggest problem, a small group of players hogging the server for an unknown time period. Folks wont wait, player numbers drop, server becomes unpopular The players that want these games leave halfway through, screwing up the balance, so you end up with maybe 6 players 2 hours into a game on a server that can host 30 The servers community gradually fades and now players simply migrate from server to server. No community Try getting a 30 player C&H game nowadays, very difficult well some weeks back Zeus decided to remove all the CTI maps, best thing we did in ages In addition with the new style of maps being created for the EFL league we are now seeing Progressive C&H type of games or Reverse CTF games and the server community is slowly growing again So if you dont want to wait 2 hours for a game and you dont want CTI then join us and some of the other servers that have scrapped CTI. leave the idiots to play there silly 6 man games, bring back the big 30 player battles with multi voices over the voice comm software
Although i cant knock CTI for its gameplay and scripting It is ruining OFP Now that there are less players about due to the age of the game, its extremely hard to get a 15 v 15 game going for any other map than a cti. Majority of games now tend to be 6 v 6 or maybe more if you are lucky and it sucks big time From a server admins point of view it is also bad news. At one time busy servers would have folks queueing to play on them, few moaned about waiting 20 25 minutes if they had just missed a map start. Nowadays however you may have to wait 3 hours for a game to finish, nobody waits that long Its a shame, because the maps that are being turned out now are so much better than 2 years ago and they are only being played by the less narrow minded I dont whinge and whine much, OFP is one of the best team games yet created and i am sad to see it dying in this way Just wanted a moan
Using reserved variable missionstart
terox replied to terox's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Quick explanation why i need it i have recently taken over as chief map admin for the EFL league and am at present creating a CTF Template. The final screen reports the final score, the name of the map and the date and time the map was played. Screenshots are likely to be taken of these for proof of a win I thought about extracting the missionstart values from 1 of the clients and report that. And may still have to do that Obviously the better way is to use the server. I cant let every client report their missionstart at the end, because screenshots wouldnt tally. The majority of servers in EFL are windows servers, so it would only be a few that would display the 1-1-1970 message. Thanks for the info on the linux clock, i didnt realise this. I knew the date 1-1-1970 must be significant but didnt know why. Let me rip the map apart and mail you a basic map with just this missionstart system in it. Thanks Benu!!!! Give me a couple of days, am up to the kneck in it at the moment -
The reserved variable missionstart, creates an array of the following elements [year,month,day,hour,minute,second] I have had some success extracting these elements, reorganising them and displayinmg them using titletext When i run the following script on my local windows machine, in PBO format (and in mission editing format)it states the correct date and time that i started the mission eg 5-5-2003 at 14:50 hrs However when i run it on a linux dedicated server it displays the following 1 - 1 - 1970 at 1:0 hrs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I run the following script on the server only ********************************************* ?!(local server):exit ~1 mapname = mymapname ;; The following lines use elements from reserved variable ;; MISSIONSTART so that during the final score screen ;; The date and time the map was started on the server can be publicly shown ?(local Server):serveryear = missionstart select 0;publicvariable "serveryear" ?(local Server):servermonth = missionstart select 1;publicvariable "servermonth" ?(local Server):serverday = missionstart select 2;publicvariable "serverday" ?(local Server):serverhour = missionstart select 3;publicvariable "serverhour" ?(local Server):serverminute= missionstart select 4;publicvariable "serverminute" ~5 serverstart = Format["%1 - %2 - %3 at %4 : %5 Hrs",serverday, servermonth, serveryear, serverhour, serverminute] ~1 titletext[format["%1\n started on server at \n%2\n<<< FINAL SCORE >>>\nTied Game!\nEAST %3 Â Â <--> Â Â WEST Â %4",mapname,serverstart,EScore,WScore],"PLAIN"] I havent access to a windows server, and therefore i cannot check to see if this is a linux problem only. Could somebody please run these scripts in a test map on a WIN server and see if they get the same results Please note leave a delay between the server PV'ing the elements of the array and stating the serverstart array, otherwise inconsistencies occur due to synch problems Thanks in advance
Using reserved variable missionstart
terox replied to terox's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks, youve answered my question. It seems that missionstart cant read the clock settings on linux (If indeed it has any) -
Using reserved variable missionstart
terox replied to terox's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
yes ofcourse i have the gamelogic server. As i said before, when i run it on my win player server it works fine. I dont have access to a dedicated windows server, so i cant test it on their When i test it on the Linux server it displays 1, 1, 1970 at 1:0 hrs If someone has access to a dedicated windows server then could they please run this script in a basic map and see what it throws back. This is all i need. Its just so i can compare the linux returned values to the win retuned values and if they are different, i know the fault lies with the OFP/Linux mix -
Using reserved variable missionstart
terox replied to terox's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
How can that be, if the array is given at all then it will be given all times. How could an OFP dedicated server know how many times a mission has been played anyway I tried rerunning the same pbo file multiple times and i still get the 1 - 1 1970 date on a linux machine. My only assumption is that Missionstart must be coded in such a way that it reads the clock on a winX machine and is not able to read it on a Linux system. Even thoughj i have access to a linux server, I know diddly squat about the 0/S, so maybe a linux expert could answer this. What i really need is someone to run the above scripts on a win server and see what it reports -
The addeventhandler "Hit" creates an array automatically when the event occurs This array is made up of two elements _victim = _this select 0 _shooter = _this select 1 any script that is run from an addevent is run locally on the "_victims" client Using a script on the clients machine, you can setdammage to the _shooter You can probably setpos _shooter as well and maybe some other set commands My problem is, i need the _shooter client to know he is the _shooter, so i can run a punishment system for him I have tried setting viewdistance 500 for the _shooter on the _victims machine, then checking on the _shooters client to see if he had viewdistance 500, it didnt work I dont want to setpos the _shooter My theory to get it working was On the _victims machine, eg. _shooter = shooter; publicvariable "shooter" On the server @! shooter objnull shooter = killer; publicvariable "Killer" shooter = objnull On all clients machines in a looping system ?(Player = killer):goto "Labelname" (Basically i have respawndelay set to 0.1 for everybody) Under normal respawn conditions, a script run locally on all clients, loops the clients player in a cutscene until his respawntime is up. During this loop, i want the _shooter to check to see if he is the _shooter, then the script can jump to another label I tried my theory but could not get the _shooter client to recognise himself as "Killer"
aha always good for someone to see it from a different point of view, thanks a lot will try this
forget the typo errors thats just me typing in forums instead of cut n paste The problem still exists  i need to let the _shooters client know he is the _shooter only the _victims client knows who he is ********************************************** ********************************************* The system in full The addevent "hit" occurs anywhere on the map When the event does occur, the spawnkill.sqs (Locally run on the _victims machine)  queries where the _shooter and the _victim are. If either are in a safezone, (This is an illegal kill) then it kills the _shooter, and either repairs the _victim or immediately respawns him to the same location he died, with the weapons loadout he died with. If its a legal kill the dead victim simply goes into the normal respawn routine and the shooter remains unpunished Now if anyone dies, they go into a cutscene loop which acts as a respawn delay (The actual respawndelay = 0.1) During this cutscene loop, i want the respawn.sqs to check and see if the _shooter is the local player and if he is, break out of the normal respawn loop into an even longer loop. Everything works apart from the fact, that the _shooter client doesnt know he is the shooter and therefore doesnt break out of the normal respawn loop so now to the scripts Description.ext respawn = 3 respawndelay = 0.1 ********************************************* Init.sqs respawntime = 10 prisontime = 70 shooter = objnull ?!(local server): [] exec "respawn.sqs" ?(local server): [] exec "serverspawnkill.sqs" ********************************************** spawnkill.sqs ;; The hitdetectactice lines stop more instances of script runningm in event of spash damage, autmoatic fire etc ;; Testing showed that with an m16 on auto, 3 rounds would be fired before shooter was killed ?(hitdetectactive):exit hitdetectactive = true Hint "debug: spawnkill.sqs activated" _victim = _this select 0 _shooter = _this select 1 ?(_shooter in list safezone_west OR _shooter in list safezone_east OR _victim in list safezone_west OR _victim in list safezone_east): goto "next" goto "End" #next hint format ["Debug: %1 is victim\n%2 is shooter",name (_victim), name (_shooter)] Hint "debug: Illegal kill detected" fastrespawn = true murder = true; publicvariable "murder" ;;;;; &&&& Tried following line to PV _shooter ;;;;; &&&& It Didnt work shooter = _shooter; publicvariable "shooter" _shooter setDammage 1 titletext[format["%1\n is PV shooter",name shooter],"PLAIN DOWN"] ~0.1 ?!alive _victim:goto "end" _victim setDammage 0 fastrespawn = false #end hitdetectactive = false exit ********************************************** serverspawnkill.sqs ;;serverspawnkill.sqs ;; In the event of a player receiving  illegal spawnkill damage from the enemy, the victim client creates a PV called Shooter ;; This script waits for that PV (Publicvariable) to be declared ;; It then makes Shooter into Killer ;; Meanwhile the Shooter client has been killed and is waiting to become active in a loop ;; Part of this loop is checking if he is "Killer" ?!(local server):exit #start @ murder murderer = shooter; publicvariable "murderer" ;; get rid of shooter ready for next instance shooter = objnull ;;shooter = [] murder = false goto "start" ********************************************** respawn.sqs ;; locally run script on all clients ?(local server):exit @time > 1 player addEventHandler ["hit", {_this exec "spawnkill.sqs"}] player addrating 10000 ;;Remove following weaponsarray when Pimm has Armoury selection done and add "removeallweapons player" ;;removeAllWeapons player _weapArray = weapons player _magArray = magazines player _primary = primaryweapon player ?(_primary == "M16GrenadeLauncher"): _primary = "M16Muzzle" ?(_primary == "Ak74GrenadeLauncher"): _primary = "AK74Muzzle" ?(_primary == "Ak47GrenadeLauncher"): _primary = "AK47Muzzle" #START @!alive player player removeAllEventHandlers "hit" _kilpos = getpos player _kildir = getdir player _kilposweapArray = weapons player _kilposmagArray = magazines player _kilprimary = primaryweapon player ?(_kilprimary == "M16GrenadeLauncher"): _kilprimary = "M16Muzzle" ?(_kilprimary == "Ak74GrenadeLauncher"): _kilprimary = "AK74Muzzle" ?(_kilprimary == "Ak47GrenadeLauncher"): _kilprimary = "AK47Muzzle" @alive player hint "adding eventhandler" player addEventHandler ["hit", {_this exec "spawnkill.sqs"}] removeAllWeapons player ?(fastrespawn):goto "Fastrespawn" #SLOWRESPAWN _pos = getpos player ;; Remove all weapon statements when Pimm  has armoury select working {player addMagazine _x} forEach _magArray {player addWeapon _x} forEach _weapArray player selectWeapon _primary showcinemaborder true _camera = "camera" camCreate _pos _camera cameraEffect ["external", "back"] _camera camSetTarget player _camera camSetRelPos [0,1,2] _camera camCommit 0 @camCommitted _camera _count = 0 #LOOP ~1 _count = _count + 1 ;;;;; &&&&&  CHECK IF I AM murderer (_shooter) ?(player == murderer):goto "PUNISH" ?(_count >= respawntime): goto "KILLCAM" goto "LOOP" #PUNISH Hint "debug: I am murderer" ;; Delays the _shooter (Killer) in the cutscene for a longer period titletext[format["%1\nYou are being punished for an illegal Kill", name murderer],"PLAIN"] ~1 _count = _count + 1 ?(_count == (prisontime - 60)): titletext[format["%1\nYou will be freed in 1 minute", name murderer],"PLAIN DOWN"] ?(_count >= prisontime):hint "Play On War Criminal"; goto "KILLCAM" goto "PUNISH" #kILLCAM ;; Kills the cam freezing the player, allows him back into game player cameraeffect ["terminate","back"] camDestroy _camera showcinemaborder false goto "START" #FASTRESPAWN ;; instant respawn if player is _victim of illegal kill ;; also rearms him with weapons he was killed with {player addMagazine _x} forEach _kilposmagArray {player addWeapon _x} forEach _kilposweapArray player selectWeapon _kilprimary player setPos _kilpos player setdir _kildir fastrespawn = false goto "START"
unfortunately its too late to change the convention. Lets stick to what was agreed and adhere to it lets face it we aint gonna stop cheats using the checksum The filechecksum doesnt work anyway. Its unreliable, gives misleading error reports. Isnt cross compatible with different region ofp's and i have already seen it causing many arguments during visits to various servers. I even got accused of cheating while logging onto a czech server and my installation is pure BIS standard
This is new to me, i thought the check file was simply checking configs and cpp files. If this isnt the case its very possible for folks to cheat using a modified map then. Â I will have to test this by having two maps of the same filename with a slightly different data content. If what you are saying is correct i shouldnt be dloading the different version. It seems odd though, because no matter how small the data change in the pbo file, the filesize will change, even if only by a byte Will report back with findings
During an OFPEC discussion, it was made evident that some mapmakers do not want their map filenames changing. So i have created this thread, to encourage them to post the names of these maps here It is under the discretion of the Admin, what he wants to do, however renaming without permission may lead to legal proceedings Your choices as i see it are 1) to remove these maps from his server. 2) seek permission to change the filename from the mapmaker 3) leave the map unchanged Please do Not change the map filenames listed below
Said the female mapmaker to the admin "Will u respect me in the morning" "Of course i will" and the game went on!!! Of course I get it, and i treat it with the contempt it deserves Far more important things to worry about
Odd, i was expecting those that took part in the ongoing ofpec discussion to have posted their map names by now, Â its obviously not that important to them Just wondering how anybody could prove who's map is who's anyway Seeing as most dont bother to put their name or contact email in So if i made the statement, "All the maps that have no contact name or author name are mine and you can do with them as you like" Would this stop the babble! Have they decided on tea or coffee yet?
Best Players Those who encourage teamwork, follow the server rules, help newcomers have patience during setup and dont affect the enjoyment of others. After all its a team effort Teamplayers
If you do not want to read all the posts, then goto page 10 <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>SEE Page 10 for SUMMARY OF POSTS SO FAR</span></span> This will give a brief summary as to what has or hasnt been agreed This topic started in another thread about dedicated servers and addons Ok, we have all been on servers and tried to hunt through hundreds of maps looking for the one we want, but being unable to find it, due to clutter or renamed in a slightly different way and even end up downloading the same map, due to a slight filename change Because I think it would be really nice to have an internationally recognised system for naming maps, i Hope the moderators here dont mind me starting this thread up. I will try to post a link to this thread on Every "Dedicated Server's" webpage and related sites. If you could all do the same to help me with this, then we should be able to all agree on a Map file name template within a relatively short period of time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is what I propose <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>Template</span></span> <span style='color:red'>Addon Required?</span> <span style='color:blue'>Map Type</span> <span style='color:red'>(Map Player Limit)</span> <span style='color:blue'>Map Name</span> <span style='color:red'>(Game Version & Map version)</span> <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>Example</span></span> <span style='color:red'>@</span> <span style='color:blue'>ctf</span> <span style='color:red'>(32)</span> <span style='color:blue'>OneRoad</span> <span style='color:red'>(1.90 v1)</span> Â .noe.pbo Here is a breakdown on each group ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>@</span></span> If used this denotes that the map requires an ADDON This if recognised internationally will stop voted in admins from loading addon maps by accident causing an auto kick of some players from the server ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>(Map Type)</span></span> Use following abbreviations a&d = Attack & defend c&h = Capture & Hold coop = Cooperative ctf = Capture the flag dm = deathmatch tdm = team death match ff = flag fight tff = team flag fight rc = race (Eg SW Race or would rac be better?) rts = real time strategy misc = miscellaneous (anything not covered by above abbreviations) Apologies if i missed a map type, Im sure someone will point it out ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>(Map Player Limit)</span></span> Not 2-30 etc, just the limit 30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>Map Name</span></span> Doesnt really matter what it is, or its length Place Sqd name here if required also and if it is an official league map, place the league tag here also <span style='color:red'>(amended following later post)</span> example for Euroleague map <span style='color:blue'>ctf (20) efl everonIII (1.90 v1)</span> ----------------------------------------------------------- <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>(Game Version & Map version)</span></span> Game Version Initially using the game version it was made for, However, every time a new game patch is released, it is then changed to the latest version after testing on the newer version. This would immensley help admin staff on dedicated servers to watch over the smooth transition of maps to newer game versions Map Version If its in BETA, then use Beta 1.0 etc If its out of Beta, then use v1.3 or simply dont have a map version if its the final release ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>Miscellaneous Guidelines</span></span> 1) Use smaller case for everything (This is to do with Linux servers), but if we all do it, then every server will have exactly the same 2) Leave a space between groups This help to give continuity in listings, (having 1 map name without a space between Map type and player limit, places it in a different position to one with spaces) 3) Optional This is just to help organise map listings Any BIS Maps simply leave as they are and put (bis) infront of the filename Important Renaming BIS standard maps causes problems when installing game patches, if the original filename is not present, the installation is aborted. To get round this, simply create a folder within your server's "MPMissions" folder and copy the originals into it, prior to changing the mpmissions filename. Then when you do come to install a new patch, simply copy them back into the MPMissions folder temporarily ----------------------------------------------------------- <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>Reason for Group Order</span></span> 1) If the @ addon is used initially, then every map that requires an addon will be grouped together, and if the convention is followed exactly, within the addons grouping, each map will be subgrouped by map type (Addons really need to be grouped together) 2) Map type, this should preceed Player limit, if not then we will have a mix n match of maptypes and the list in the map selection screen will become disorganised ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So thats the idea in full and the reasons behind it. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:darkred'>After it has been well discussed, i will repost in this thread what seems to be the most agreed on filename convention</span></span> The topic has also been started on OFPEC <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>OFPEC Thread link</span>
If you are offended i will remove it, if not i will leave it in, you gave input on the discussion, therefore you was part of it
Topic is posted I think this concludes this discussion Find it here The filename convention
Representing <span style='color:blue'>Zeus Server ( T3 very fast Linux server and Zeus Addon Server ( Including Sebnam and Winter Kolguyev) and a Teamspeak2 server on (</span> are happy to follow the convention to the letter
<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>IMPORTANT</span></span> To avoid typo mistakes and future proof this thread, rather than copy this thread into your own forums, please simply place a link to this thread <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>IMPORTANT</span></span> The following link is a thread which lists the names of mapmakers whose maps they dont want renaming Vilolation of their requests may lead to legal proceedings! Dont change these filenames <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>IMPORTANT</span></span> Any future maps that are submitted to the following servers for upload, are submitted with the knowledge that if required the map filename will be changed to follow the convention naming scheme
<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:blue'>Filename Template</span></span> <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Example of some filenames</span> ctf 24 riverdance v1 ctf@ 32 armourgheddon beta 1.1 c&h 30 one road v2 tdm 12 deathvalley beta 1.6 c&h@ 24 deliverence v1 c&h 24 efl malden v1           <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>********  Subgroups  ********</span> The filename has been split up into the following subgroups <span style='color:blue'>MAP TYPE</span>  <span style='color:red'>Player Limit</span>  <span style='color:blue'>MAPNAME</span>  <span style='color:red'>VERSION</span> <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>  ctf     10     tigerland   v1</span> = ctf 10 tigerland v1           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  MAP TYPE  ********</span></span> The following abbreviations are to be used a&d  -  (Attack & defend) co   -  (Cooperative) combi -  (Combination of c&h and ctf ctf   -  (Capture the Flag) ctfr   -  (Reverse capture the flag) c&h   -  (Capture and hold) cti   -  (Capture the island )(Combination of rts and c&h) rc    -  (Race) sc - (Sector Control) tdm  -  (Team Deathmatch) dm   -  (Death Match) ff    -  (Flagfight) tff    -  (Team Flag Fight) e&e   -  (Escape & Evasion) rts   -  (Real Time Strategy) misc  -  (Miscellaneous) not belonging to a map type) @    -  DENOTES ADDON USED <span style='color:red'>If the map uses any addons at all, in addition to the BIS standard addons that came with the various patches, the Tag "@" is to be attached to the end of the maptype abbreviation eg  ctf@ eg  c&h@ eg  co@</span> <span style='color:blue'>I will try to keep this updated as further map types evolve</span>           <span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  PLAYER LIMIT  ********</span></span> This should simply be the maximum player limit only not 2_22, just simply 22 (If the player limit is less than 10, then the number should be preceded with a 0 eg,  07,  09 etc           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  MAP NAME  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>LEAGUE MAPS</span> If the map is an official league map, then the name itself should be preceded by the league tag Example of a Euroleague tag <span style='color:blue'>efl</span> and incorporated into the name <span style='color:blue'>c&h 24 efl nogova v1</span> (DO NOT  alter the filename of official league maps,  approach the league, explain about this convention, and if they are willing to support the convention, they will release new maps with the altered names) Map name in general Ideally the name should not include the creators tag, a server tag or anything else that would clutter it up. This type of information can and should be added to the briefing html file by the mapmaker           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  Version  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>Existing Maps</span> Any mapnames that already have existing version numbers, should be left in their original state, no modifications should be made to them or a version number added to them, if none exist. The only exception is of moving them to the correct location, eg the last subgroup location) <span style='color:blue'>New Maps</span> The following system is recommended not compulsory Lets look at the development of a map from beta to finished version 1) Map released onto a server for first time to beta test ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.00</span> 2) A few bugs removed and map uploaded again ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.01</span> 3) A few more improvements ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.02</span> 4) A few more improvements ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.03</span> 5) Beta 1.3 is bug free and finished so its renamed and becomes ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>v1.0</span> 6) A new game patch is released, with some extra weapons the map maker upgrades his map ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 2.00</span> 7) No bugs are evident, and it becomes a finished version Its renamed ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>v2.0</span> 8) Somebody decides to hack the map and change some things (simply add a letter or tag to the end of the version number so we know its is not of original origins) ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.0 zeus</span> or ctf@ 32 swampland <span style='color:red'>beta 1.0(z)</span> something to non conform to the recommended version number, to indicate it is not an original mapmaker release and an additional note by the mapmaker in the briefing file <span style='color:blue'>In General</span> 1) Leave exisiting version numbers intact 2) Use beta 1.0 (To maximum of 2 decimal place) for beta maps 3) Use v1 (to 2 decimal places maximum) for a finished map version 4) For a major map version jump, increase the number before the decimal _ _           <span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>********  General Guidelines  ********</span></span> <span style='color:blue'>General set up</span> 1)A space must exist between each subgroup 2) lower case must be used for linux compatibility 3) It is the admins responsibility to modify map names on his server 4) No deviation from the convention sub groups <span style='color:red'>"maptype or player limit"</span> should be allowed under any circumstances 5) BIS maps that are installed during game installation are required in their original format when upgrading with new patches (Deal with these how you see fit) If you are going to rename them, then keep a backup copy in a folder for easy re-installation 6) Under no circumstances are underscores to be used <span style='color:blue'>ADDONS</span> As previously stated, the "@" tag is to be added to the end of the maptype subgroup to indicate that the map uses an additional addon to that of the standard BIS addons that come with the various patches. Any addon that a server supports and is included in their server maps, should be available in a server "Map Pack" and should not have a tag added to the filename by the server admin. If the mapmaker has added something to the "MAPNAME" subgroup, then it should be left there <span style='color:blue'>LINUX</span> 1) lower case has been used as standard, for linux compatibility 2) Spaces If spaces in the filename are causing a problem for your md5 scripts their is a workaround for it "The md5 thing": Unix uses spaces as separators for lists. Using spaces in filenames breaks many scripting possibilities as space separated lists don't work anymore. There is a way of getting around some of those limitations by using xargs. Printing ONE script that does something with md5sum would not help much. People have to take care and not use space separated lists in their scripting and use filename globbing and find -print0 and xargs whenever possible/needed. Here is one example : </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> md5sum *.pbo | sort | uniq -d --check-chars=33 | cut -f 3- -d " " | xargs -i mv \{\} dup/\{\}<span id='postcolor'> which moves duplicate maps to a folder called dup. _ Below is a screenshot of the finished system as seen in the map selection screen ************image here************ (Need to ask the admins on this server to upload a jpeg of the screenshot, so that it is always available for view) The discussion (19 pages of it) which is now closed can be found at the following link Filename discussion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <span style='color:red'>Edited 24/3/03</span> Added map types ctfr ....(Reverse CTF, where you assault the enemy flag with your flag) combi ....(Combination of c&h and ctf) <span style='color:red'>Edited 26/4/03</span> Added map types sc ....(Sector Control)
Ok I have updated the convention with an explanation that hopefully makes sense for the spaces argument in linux The only thing that has changed is a small paragraph in the Linux section. Trusting this is now totally agreeable, i will create a new thread over the weekend in its own right, post something on OFPEC linking too it and mail some other sites, i would greatly appreciate it if everybody who has helped with this can spread the word to the various dedicated servers league sites etc Thanks a lot guys and well done!!!!!
Ok as for md5 scripting. I dont know anything about this at all I dont understand it, so i am not able to explain it, all i need is somebody say to post the explanation for me and a work around solution of the problems that spaces can cause in MD5 scripting like the following </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> cut n paste following ------------------------------- blah blah blah blah end of explanation -------------------------<span id='postcolor'> then i can simply insert it into the "Linux" section of the convention post