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Everything posted by terox

  1. FPS is based on the graphical frames per second rate you get on a client CPS is cycles per second (There are no graphics been run on a server) They equate to different things but both are a measurement on performance
  2. 1) Maxplayers: Defines the maximum number of players that can connect to the server. 2) Viewdistance: Serverside viewdistance overwrites client settings Mission defined viewdistance overide serverside settings I dont know how this effects objectdistance, a few patches back it had no effect, maybe thats changed recently 3) TerrainGrid: This defines how "Bumpy" the ground is and also the amount of grass and clutter that is rendered. Having too low a setting here will effect serverside cps quite badly A value of 50 will remove the grass
  3. start by proving his vanilla install, eg dont run any mods dont run a squad xml link (if he is) and try connecting and playing on a vanilla server if he can do that then it isnt the install, its going to be a 3rd party content issue If he cant do that then start looking at the install, verify the game cache , carry out a complete reinstall etc revert to default settings. check port forwarding
  4. terox

    Zeus gaming Nights

    Major update to our @ZClient clientside addon pack for all our servers @Zcommon packs for the addon server
  5. Not to sound patronising, but this sounds to me like a mission design issue and not understanding the concept of locality in an MP scenario. From what you have stated, you have come from a Single player environment Mission design/coding is much more complex in the MP environment than it is in the SP environment. You have the following nodes to think about Server Client JIP client Headless client (possibly) You have timing issues in certain environments, for example Description.ext paramsarray is defined at a different time on the server than it is on the clients Certain commands have to be run on the node where the object is local too. Some commands should only be run on 1 machine and therefore the use of switches should be utlilised IsServer HasInterface Isdedicated Rather than rip into Arma3 with vague issues, it may be more prudent to take 1 issue at a time , get as much information as you can about the issue, eg by debugging your code and then accurately report the issue you are having, and ask for help with these issues in the relevant forums, eg the Mission editing forums This forum is more to do with actual server issues and your problem doesnt sound like it is. If you need help in debugging techniques, try this thread, it may help http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176096-Zeu-Debugging-Tutorial-amp-Foundation-Template
  6. terox

    custom skin without mod

    ^ An addon is not a co_20Mymission.altis.pbo It is possibleto make a clientside only configged addon for this but others would not see the texture that you see. To correctly do this requires a full blown addon that creates addon dependancy
  7. once the server is running, login as admin and type #missions then select the required mission from the list available. Any new custom m issions need to be placed in the servers MpMission s folder. If you need advice on setting the server up read the following tutorial. (The first post is very in depth) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server
  8. login as admin and type #monitor 5, the server cps is stated ingame
  9. Here is a debugging tutorial. It also explains the order in which scripts/files are run and it comes with a foundation template that you may find useful as a good start to your own mission template If the tutorial is of any use could you please bump it, it should idealy be stickied as it soon gets lost in the miriad of posts http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176096-Zeu-Debugging-Tutorial-amp-Foundation-Template
  10. terox

    custom skin without mod

    uniform reskins require a config change, this would require an addon.
  11. terox

    Bad Vehicle Sync

    MaxSizeGuaranteed & MaxSizeNonguaranteed are typically average values seen so you should be okay with those MaxMsgSend in my opinion is way too high, try playing around with values between 6-900 MinErrorToSend & MinErrorToSendNear are good, You could double them to .004 and .04 respectively or reduce them to their default values I run 50 player coop servers and we use MaxMsgSend=768; MaxSizeGuaranteed=800; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=400; MinErrorToSendNear=0.04; MinErrorToSend=0.004;
  12. terox

    Bad Vehicle Sync

    Post your bandwidth settings
  13. terox

    Arma 3 Server DLC activation

    At a guess you have installed using the dedi server package, There was an issue with that package where it didnt download the (Curator folder i think), if its missing, upload your client version of that folder to the server.
  14. terox

    Arma 3 Server DLC activation

    Not quite sure I follow you, as in what you mean by it doesnt activate. Zeus is part of the normal download and should automatically load like any other B.I content It wont however automatically run in a mission, the mission has to be designed to use it.
  15. No problems m8, glad you got it working. Havent had time to implement it yet or unpbo and look at the addon/scripts. Did you also think about including groupicons. These are exceptionally powerful interactive types of marker used by many to show the location of group leaders
  16. As a server admin, mission maker and community head I would always keep away from anything that required the missions to be edited to make it work. I want something that I don't have to manage, so plug n play all the way. I would not open up 100 + missions to add code so that an addon could run and do its thing, I just dont have the time. if the client has to do anything at all other than start the game then it doesn't really matter what steps they need to take, they will either do nothing or do whatever is required. Your typical pubber wont even know this plugin exists anyway and to be honest, the most likely useage of this addon will be by a Mission commander type player. It just makes sense to me to have all this clientside and fully automated. I run a public server and a non public server. Most of the public that play regularly with us download our clientside addon, those who dont simply miss out on the functionality of these clientside addons. The missions, which are all vanilla on our public server dont require these addons and nothing has to be done to make these addons work for the missions. All i'm doing is suggesting that to reach a wider audience, make this clientside only. This would then be a very popular and highly functional mod
  17. I haven't done any testing on what the server sees as far as markers is concerned and can only really talk about how we would use it. Typically when we play a mission we have a mission comander. In the briefing stage and during the mission, this mission commander will place markers either in side (if pvp) or in global if a coop for all those needing to see them. A squad leaderm may also use side, global, command and or group to place markers for other groups or their squad Now that you have explained the issues such as markers created in group, command etc I can see a potentialy better way to do this. Instead of running this plugin on the server, why not have the client run the plugin and return the clients version of the Markers array (B.I command) That way the client already has and will continue to only get the markers the mission maker or any other addon they run want them to have, so you wont need to filter out any markers they shouldn't see. This stops any issues with connecting to servers to download the data continously and allows the plugin to grab the data locally. This would also make any such addon that automatically runs much easier and it would become a clientside only addon, which would be perfect. I have no idea how your plugin works, but on the surface the clientside coding you would appear to need is fairly easy to write
  18. Having quicky looked but will spend more time on it this weekend my opinion is For this to really take off, you need to remove the requirement for any additional scripting in missions. Looking at the variable values you require. Edit your missions init.sqf and insert the line: [] execVM "Athena\Athena_Server_Init.sqf"; Edit the Athena\Athena_Server_Init.sqf and update the folllowing variables: Athena_Var_Map - A string value that should be either altis or stratis Athena_Var_MissionName - A string value that that is displayed to the user when they use the Windows app Athena_Var_MissionDescription - A string value that that is displayed to the user when they use the Windows app Athena_Var_MissionAuthor - A string value that that is displayed to the user when they use the Windows app Athena_Var_UpdateInterval - A numeric value that specifies the interval between updates. 0 is fine and will cause the scripts to run continously. Athena_Var_Sides - An array containing sides. Enter the 'sides' that contain playable units and for whom you'd like to make Athena available. This should be possible via a SERVERSIDE only addon, which is even better than having clients also require it And if you really wanted the mission developer to have control, allow mission scripting variables to overide addon defined variables, that way this would work for all missions in a "default" mode but still allow mission developer settings to overide default Auto initialisation of the addon for each mission can be accomplished by using cfgfunctions preinit=1 in the addon, this will automatically initiate a precompiled function at preinit, eg before the mission.sqm is even read. You can then spawn or execvm or call additional functions from the pre initialisation functions to run if required at a time later than preinit VAR_MAP can be defined using the command worldName Mission name can also be automated Author can be read from getText missionconfigfile >> "Author" Var_Sides can be defined by listing the different sides of the playable units Athena_Var_UpdateInterval Use a default setting or optionally defined if set in a mission Addon Config.cpp class cfgfunctions { class ATH // Tag { class f // core functions { file = "ATH\core"; class Pre_Init {description = "Athena initialisation function.";preInit = 1;}; }; }; }; To automate your Athena_Var_SidesValues Athena_Var_Sides = []; {if!((side _x) in sidearray))then{Athena_Var_Sides =Athena_Var_Sides + [side _x}}foreach Playableunits; Athena_Var_Map = worldname; Apologies for the rushed post, was doing this late into night, need to hit the sack, hope you comprehend it. Automatically loading addon with default values is the way to go.
  19. Win-2012 server for some oddball reason will run an A3 server at around 45-48fps when idle. This is a known issue and not something specific that you have done wrong.
  20. terox

    Bad Vehicle Sync

    High ping/low bandwidth from one of the clients in the vehicle Mission specific, eg only occurs on 1 mission or a set of missions created using the same template Badly configured server.cfg ( bandwidth settings ) VR Engine issue
  21. Use at the very least a desktop shortcut to launch mods, much better, all information for running/configuring a server (this is a server admin forum, so I will assume this is a server query) are most likely answered in the first post in the tutorial thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server&p=2314052#post2314052
  22. Check the ADDONS & MODS section in the first post of the tutorial thread stickied at the top of these forums http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server&p=2314052#post2314052
  23. if(Isnil "_tower")then{}; or waituntil{sleep 1; !Isnil "_tower"}; isnil checks for the variable to be defined, always state this before you use an isnull isnull just checks for the object that is linked to the variable and will throw up errors if the variable isn't defined also, and I have no idea if you are creating the tower on the same node you are running this code on, however if you are not then you need to network the variable that defines the object. example being.......... Txu_Tower = "classname" createvehicle ................. waituntil {alive Txu_Tower}; Publicvariable "Txu_Tower"; when you don't want the tower to exist as the variable, change the variable value Txu_Tower = objnull; Publicvariable "Txu_Tower";
  24. I have a server community that is always in need of 30-50 player coop missions If you are interested in upping your game to this size of players, pm me or drop into our teamspeak server. Details in my sig
  25. what you can do is have 2 triggers, an inner and outer trigger If the ai unit leaves the inner trigger and the height above terrain level > than say 1, then setdir the unit 180 degrees and setpos him 1 metre back from where it came. That way, if you have a rectangle inner trigger say 1m from the edge of the building, the AI will never get to the edge. It will look a little gamey, however I use a similar type of boundary enforcement in some missions for players, just using 1 trigger as a limit of advance This is the code for the LOA border control system, you should be able to easily adapt this for your particular requirements You will need to add a if(unit (getposASL select 3) <2)exitwith{}; and also exit if the unit in the list is a player // AUTHOR : Original Mike (MK4) // MP MACHINE : ALL // Called from : Trigger On activation field // Called using : nul = [0] spawn Txu_fBorderControl; // Time Called : Trigger activatiion // Description : // // COMMENTS : // // Create a trigger with the following settings: // - Repeatedly // - Activation by (side you wish to impose the LOA on) // - Cond: (vehicle player in thisList) // - On Act: nul = [] spawn Txu_fBorderControl; // - On Deact: // // To exclude a player or a vehicle from the LOA, put this in its init line: // this setVariable ["Txu_NoLOA", false]; // // private["_sy","_sc", "_distance", "_msg", "_vel", "_velX", "_velY", "_velZ", "_dir", "_pos", "_posX", "_posY", "_posZ", "_eh", "_key","_disabledKeys" ]; _sy = "MISC"; _sc = "fbordercontrol"; if(Txu_Debug) then {[_sy,_sc,"START",_this]call Txu_fDebug_ScriptInit}; _veh = vehicle player; _distance = 4; // preferred bumping distance if ( format["%1",_veh getVariable "Txu_NoLOA"] != "false" ) then { // send the player a message (standard msg when none was given) _msg = if (count _this > 0) then { _this select 0 } else { format["%1, you were entering a RESTRICTED ZONE. Check your map.", toUpper(name player)] }; titleText [_msg, "PLAIN"]; // no need for multiple people to do this if ( player == driver _veh ) then { // get the velocity vector _vel = velocity _veh; _velX = _vel select 0; _velY = _vel select 1; _velZ = _vel select 2; // get the direction of movement (could be different from the direction of the unit) _dir = [[0,0,0], _vel] call Txu_Misc_fDirTo; // turn 180 _dir = _dir + 180; _veh setDir _dir; // place unit a few meters forward _pos = getPosATL _veh; _posX = _pos select 0; _posY = _pos select 1; _posZ = _pos select 2; _veh setPosATL [(_posX + sin(_dir) * _distance), (_posY + cos(_dir) * _distance), _posZ]; // reverse the velocity vector _veh setVelocity [-_velX, -_velY, -_velZ]; // if it was a footmobile, freeze userinput for a second // - needed because the LOA will be checked every 0.5 sec // - workaround for buggy disableUserInput if ( player == _veh ) then { Tx_fDisableMovementKeys = { _key = _this select 1; _disabledKeys = (actionKeys "moveForward") + (actionKeys "moveBack") + (actionKeys "MoveLeft") + (actionKeys "MoveRight"); if ( _key in _disabledKeys ) then { true } else { false }; }; _eh = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventhandler ["keyDown", "_this call Tx_fDisableMovementKeys"]; uisleep 1; (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["keyDown", _eh]; }; }; }; // end if(Txu_Debug) then {[_sy,_sc,"END"]call Txu_fDebug_ScriptInit};