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Everything posted by Trapper

  1. Trapper

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    I've just answered you there.
  2. Trapper

    Colonial Music

    Well, yes. Didn't you see the sample in my last reply? But please tell me how much I should reduce the quality, I don't want to upload 27,9MB.
  3. Well, the final was released already. Thank you, I'll correct everything when I have to update the mission. Please point out the funny bits if you like.
  4. Trapper

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    Thx Xawery! Split squad: It's possible and encouraged to use the ai for evacuations. Look under radio 6-x for the evac action if the ai is close to a leader. You could play the mission for practise and take your time to follow the evac tutorial step by step to get used to it. Oh, and also use radio 6-x to hide corpses with the ai, otherwise the zombies will stand up again. - But you can only control/kill smaller zombie groups remotely. Crawling zombies: If its animations wouldn't be bugged I would have added one crawling zombie to the first twelve. "Smarter" survivors: Well, if they would be inside the buildings the whole mission concept wouldn't work. There's no way to simulate barricading with these zombies, so they wont be able to find any civilians to turn into zombies. And calculating something like that in scripts, would remove the zombie attacks eyecandy. If I'm up to date you'll find some house to house action in Eddie Haskels upcoming Zombie mission/campaign. The helicopters from the mainland..., but why should they fly to the ocean if they are needed elsewhere? Even if there are carriers, I don't think they would return to them after every evac flight. If it would be absolutely logical, I would just say ok. Those few and random radio transmissions are a good idea if I'll have to update the mission. But I'll have to find the right timing, as there are survivors at every questionmark in the first minutes. EDIT: You're the first who noticed this little feature!
  5. Trapper

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    I hope you'll like it.
  6. Trapper

    Colonial Music

    Have you tried if your soundcard is able to record "what you hear"? I've recorded the music with it. 44.100kHz 16Bit Stereo, zipped as rar would weight 27,9MB. Here's a small sample. EDIT: Of course, the original is much smaller. Just tell me the quality you wan't and I'll change it.
  7. Oh come on. 1. It's recommended to create a modfolder for this mission. So Sarugao will never raise your island count. 2. Sarugao is one of the most natural looking custom islands around. 3. I explain in the readme how to create a modfolder. 4. I've just released the final version.
  8. Trapper

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    Final V1.0 Release Finaly. First post updated.
  9. Oh ok, maybe that's the reason why no one was respoding before. These are parts of a mission briefing + tutorial I had to change while working further on the mission. And my proofreader got lost along the way. It's a single player mission: ZOS / Zombie Outbreak Simulation. Island is Sarugao. Hm, the actions...there are some special things, but overall it's still Flashpoint. The testing phase is over now. After your ok I'm ready to release Version 1.0 If you can't wait, follow the mission's progress: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=47669 covering alpha testing, obsolete at the moment http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse....d=25325 beta testing, almost obsolete now
  10. Please have a look at these lines for my OFP mission:
  11. Is this the workaround for the 50m's? Won't you end up again with a bunch of !alive triggers for every unit? However, with this behaviour you're better off to solve your problems on your own.
  12. Well, it's a computergame. The "electronic mastermind" knows everything, all the time. It's only programmed to play fair, and why shouldn't be there bugs? *Knowing that a unit is dead, seems to be influenced by the knowsabout value. Right clicking a dead squad member will "reveal" his dead sooner than waiting. *"Detected by" will be based on knowsabout, too. *If you count alive units in groups or arrays, they stay at status "alive" until the moment they are detected as dead. *This will also be the moment they count as civilians. (AI officers say "clear" after they are sure that all enemys are dead.) It's possible there's a 50m knowsabout bonus for units on the same side. Simulating situtations like "if he doesn't report in and doesn't show up, he's dead." I don't think there will be an easy way to to get rid off it.
  13. Maybe even if not grouped, the "damn, one is down!" infos are shared on each side, and the 50m distance is only by chance in your experiment? www.mapfact.net offers an AI addon/script, which detects dead bodies, perhaps it'll help: http://www.mapfact.net/include....tid=433
  14. Trapper

    CreateUnit problems

    try _zspawner createunit [suchandsuch] "_zpspawner" makes a string out of your variable.And theres no unit called "_zspawner". The unit type you stored in _zspawner comes with "" already.
  15. I don't think this would work. The result will always be _targetarray select 2 whenever _ran is <= 3; and whatever if it is > 3 yes, there was missing something. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if (_ran <= 1) then {_target = _targetarray select 0; goto "j1"} if (_ran <= 2) then {_target = _targetarray select 1; goto "j1"} if (_ran <= 3) then {_target = _targetarray select 2} #j1
  16. These dostop, unassignvehicle and allowgetin commands should only controll the ai, they won't stop the players. If you want to stop an empty or even player controlled vehicle better try setvelocity [0,0,0]
  17. You can do it like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; ------------------ Class name (name of model to replace original unit) ------------------------ _targetarray = [icp_t72bwreck,icp_t72bwreck2,icp_t72bwreck3] _ran = random 3; _target = whatever if (_ran <= 1) then {_target = _targetarray select 0} if (_ran <= 2) then {_target = _targetarray select 1} if (_ran <= 3) then {_target = _targetarray select 2} ; ------------------------------------------------------ Random will be everything from 0.00000 to 3.00000 so you can't just say random 3 and expect only 1.0000, 2.0000, 3.0000.
  18. A simple setpos should work for players. (And additional unassignvehicle/dostop, just in case the unit could be an AI. Otherwise it would run to back to the vehicle or off to a waypoint ect)
  19. I don't think there is a problem. In the JAM3fixed.rar, open the readme.rtf and search for Appendix 2. There you'll find a list of all included JAM weapons (code) and the compatible JAM magazines (code).
  20. Trapper

    New Editings Tutorials

    You could read the ones mentioned above and look what still could be done better and base the new tutorial on it. But this should be done for the whole tutorial planed ("OFP Missioneditor Tutorial"?), not only for 'groups'. I've never seen a good manual concentrating on the possibilities of the editor only and nothing else. It would be really usefull as the first tutorial for newbs who don't have other questions. That would make it unique, and I think that's important for tutorials. Also there are some guidlines in your OFPEC profile (if you have one) how tutorials should be done. One thing you have to accept is, that you're putting the cart before the horse. - The best OFP tutorials out there were created by peoples who worked hard to create a special ofp mission/script first. They looked into original OFP missions, in good custom missions, while learning everything on their own about the secrets. With this new knowledge they finished their mission then, and it featured things never seen before. After that maybe they gracefully decided to create a tutorial of their new knowledge, knowing exactly what to write. They only had to think about the right format. If they didn't write a tutorial someone else did it later, but still someone who learned the new knowledge through private study. Your attempt goes the other direction. You start working on a tutorial, to learn about everything you want to know for it.
  21. Trapper

    New Editings Tutorials

    http://www.ofpec.com/editors/browse.php?category=1_1 OFPEC - A Compilation of OFP Tutorials by Rob, Hangfyre, RED, snYpir OFPEC - A beginner's guide to mission editing by macguba and so on... I've got the feeling I know your editing team (/site)... it's Nightjay's, isn't it? Anybody understands some of the problems I saw now? After I searched all this for you, while you said you are making this tutorial, let me ask you to upload your tutorial at OFPEC later, please. As you see it's a good place to find all the things you'll ever need to know for common tutorials. I still don't understand the concept of your new site. You know about OFPEC, but instead of saying "we make good tutorials ect. with our team, and offer them at the central point of the OFP editing community" you're only redoing OFPEC from scratch.
  22. Oops, yes I should have thought about this before. Better listen to Garcia.
  23. "Cessna" CreateUnit [["markernamehere" getmarkerpos select 0, "markernamehere" getmarkerpos 1,100] , existinggroupnamehere, {this setvelocity [0,250,0]}, 0.5, "corporal"] 100 = create plane in 100m height at markerpos, facing by default 0 degrees/N, probably without running engine and at zero speed. setvelocity [0,250,0] = "Shoot" it with 250km/h velocity towards N, so AI has enough time to start the engine and gain controll before it crashes. Something like this should do it, but I didn't test the exact values. If it won't work at all you can still create it at 10000m height without setvelocity, so the pilot will always have enough time to get it flying while falling down.
  24. At first: No I don't plan to create a complete mission like this myself. I'm just wondering if there are any custom missions around, that feature large battles. Have a look at this picture. Looks like a russian strategy in times of the cold war...? Missions close to this, that I remeber playing in OFP: - Battlefields - One mission of the old UTLOC campaign - The Black Gap They all feature many units. But over time and not at once. While thinking about that, I've made a small mission template: <u>This template is supposed to be played in the editor! No goals. No end. It's not pboed and you have to know, how to select an unit as player, and you should be able to "read" the waypoints in editor, as there is no real briefing.</u> It's addon free, so you can try all your replacement mods with it. Of course the CPU load is very high. With dxdll only and a benchmark of 5555, I had still playable 7 fps when the battle became hot. With ECP it becomes a real event, but then I had unplayable 4 fps every now and then. US are holding three villages as frontline, and expect the attack from the SE. - one M1A1 company (12 tanks) - one infantry company (~150 soldiers + 4 trucks for some of them) - one Vulcan platoon (4 tanks) - two Apaches - two repair trucks - two ambulances Russia flanks there positions surprisingly from the SW, with a large scale attack. They plan to coquer all the villages. - one T80 company (12 tanks) - one mechanized infantry company (12 APCs + ~150 soldiers) - one Shilka platoon (4 tanks) - two Hinds - two repair trucks - two ambulances Player has no special role assigned. You're encouraged to select any unit you would like to be in this battle! (If you wan't to be squad leader, have a look at the waypoints before playing, to know what the AI leader would do! ) The AI and the waypoints handle the battle on their own, so if you like, just hide and watch them killing each other. Anyone who would like to create a real mission with this is welcome. The template was just a crazy idea, made playable on the rush.
  25. Trapper

    Help with randomizing

    If you want to optimize it and without goto, do it like this (Oh and I don't know why, but I prefer if/then/else and not ?/: )<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _rnd = random 1 ~0.1 if (_rnd <= 0.2) then {[] exec "civ1spawn.sqs"; exit} ~0.1 if (_rnd <= 0.4) then {[] exec "civ2spawn.sqs"; exit} ~0.1 if (_rnd <= 0.55) then {[] exec "zom1spawn.sqs"; exit} ~0.1 if (_rnd <= 0.65) then {[] exec "zom2spawn.sqs"; exit} ~0.1 if (_rnd <= 0.75) then {[] exec "zom3spawn.sqs"; exit} ~0.1 if (_rnd <= 0.85) then {[] exec "dogsspawn.sqs"; exit} else {exit} As you see there is no need for ...else {goto "nextline"}, as scripts do this by default. Use {} instead of "" with then/else, otherwise you could become problems with commands that include their own "". Random 1 should make it more easy for the CPU, and the random chances remain the same.