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Looking for a zombie script
Trapper replied to UKSubmariner's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING in the on activation field [Zombiegroupname,Triggername] exec "scriptname.sqs"... You're not providing much information Preston, but when you said you did everything exactly like written above... try [Triggername,Zombiegroupname] exec "scriptname.sqs" and it should work. -
Maybe I'm always misunderstanding your motivation? My point was, that writing down the information others collected is not the difficult part of a tutorial. It's like copying homework at school. But now I see you already know about the tricks of the group button. I think you're ready to start writing your tutorial. When you're done, publish it and then ask if someone is missing informations before making it HTML. If you demonstrate such efforts first, then maybe I could've understand you right from the start.
IIRC one of your members asked the same question here a while ago. I would like to post a link, but it seems like the topic for which I read through all the OFPEC tutorials concerning 'group' was deleted. Well, I won't do it again anyway. What really annoys me is, either you guys should know enough to write this tutorial on your own, or you should just wait 'til someone else (who knows enough) will write one. Why are you acting like this question was never asked before, and still try to find others that do the main work for "your" tutorial?
Thx guys, I've updated the first post with your reviews.
Eng1-41 doesn't really need a list, as the sound file names you can read with Binview are obvious, but all the russian sounds are named in russian.
Don't worry flybil. You won't lose anything when you switch between profiles.
Get CoC Binview and look into the original config.bin file for further details. The ambient sounds are defined as CfgSounds and they are named Rus1 up to Rus20 Eng1 up to Eng41 Alarm Explosion1 Explosion2 Fountain Fire player say "Eng11" for example should play something like "Don't Shoot!"
Units keep falling into wedge formation
Trapper replied to majoris's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I don't understand if your units are now keeping formation or not. But have a second look at the custom formation script. Most of the time it's able to keep the formation with repeated dostop commands. And it won't stop them from attacking the enemy. If you're using "Hold Fire.", and want to start the attack, don't use "Open fire. Engage at will." It makes AIs leave the default formation and maybe effects your custom formation, too. Use "Open Fire". If they won't fire at all, I guess your formation is too tight. The AI always trys to not shoot their comrades, and maybe there's somekind of 360 degrees safety distance at close range. -
Need to display and hide weapon
Trapper replied to wass24's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Here you'll find a addaction tutorial -
How to run many script at the same time?
Trapper replied to se@l's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
You can execute as many scripts as you like until ofp freezes. For example, if you've got more than one script for use with the player just write them into his init line:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> this exec "script1.sqs"; this exec "script2.sqs"; this exec "script3.sqs" Like you said, you can also create one trigger with all the needed script calls the same way. Or you create a file called init.sqs in your mission folder, it executes automaticly at mission start. Then you write all the script calls in this file. -
There's a worker in the Farmland Civilians Pack and some oil workers released with DMA Lybia. Everything else hasn't been made I think.
Need to display and hide weapon
Trapper replied to wass24's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Problem is you can only add full magazines if you give the weapon back to the player. That gives a clever player unlimited ammo. -
It should work with all kinds of objects in game when you write the script call in their init line. If not, only minor changes to the script are needed. EDIT: But it's very likely that vehicles will show a strange damage behaviour. Flat tires and broken windows instantly repaired for example. That could confuse ai crews.
I can't use "deadly, moving mist" for a Romero mission Promblem with the legless zombie is that he acts like having legs after attacking someone. It just needs his own attack animation and it must be prevented that he switchs back to standing afterwards. But creating your mist zombie should be possible. I'll mail Farmland Mod about it, maybe they'll include your idea somewhere.
There's a "tougher units" script at
Hide your zombie in a group of zombies. Humans can't choose which of the zombies they attack.
Custom high quality explosions consist of: fire (drop command) smoke (drop command) sparks (drop command) (drops are able to spawn new drops after death, so combinations are possible) debris with longer lifetime (I don't know) light source (defined in confing.cpp and placed in center of the explosion) sound (.wss or .ogg file, defined in config.cpp and played at the explosion site) Most of the needed graphic effects are based on drop command, and Vektorboson's tutorial is the best. To find out how light and debris are done, depbo addons with such effects. Adding sound should be easy.
At the moment I don't know much about mp editing. No idea why the flag doesnt change on all clients, but as always it's very likely to be a client/server scripting problem. When I read the script, I think ?(side _player == west): goto "West" ?((_flag == flag1)and(side _player == west)):titletext["West force control the Flag 1","PLAIN DOWN"] goto "end" should avoid that the wrong side gets the capture information. And OFPEC lists titletext as local command in mp, so that won't be the problem. There is a mistake in updateflag.sqs: ?(flag1stat <span style='color:red'>=</span>= 2):"obj1" setmarkercolor "colorred" and so on...
With a full skilled human character the game soon becomes frustrating, don't you think? Always this work for getting revived after death, and the zombies you (kill/revive) just suicide to continue their game.
Velocity is bugging me out!
Trapper replied to victimchild's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
you'll have to put the lines in a script -
Velocity is bugging me out!
Trapper replied to victimchild's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
There are only three speedmodes in OFP: slow, normal, fast You select it in waypoints or with a command (?speed?) The km/h speed value of slow/normal/fast is determined in the addon/unit, but I'm not 100% sure. Sow your only easy possiblity is trying 'slow'. Really complicated scripting would it be to keep your jet with unending setvelocity commands at 5 speed, facing the right direction and hoping the ai likes it. -
west and east radio channels arrghh
Trapper replied to Commando84's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Complete custom briefings are always difficult. Most of the time it's just about the order or missing </a> ect. I will just show you an init.sqs and briefing.html for multiple sides. Everything working correctly in my mission IIRC. init.sqs<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? side player == west : goto "west" ? side player == east : goto "east" ? side player == resistance : goto "resistance" #east "ori9" setmarkertype "empty" exit #west ;Hide Russian markers from West Player "ori10" setmarkertype "empty" "ori11" setmarkertype "empty" exit #resistance "ori9" setmarkertype "empty" briefing.html<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><html> <head> <title>Titulek</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <h2><a name="Main"></a></h2> <h6> Möglichgemacht durch:<br> <br><br> (besonderer Dank an DevilDawn)<br> <br><br> <br> <br> (c) by Trapper<br> Mitglied des -[uTw]- OFP Squads<br> email: </h6> <hr> <h2><a name="piloinfos"></a>Zusatzinfos</h2> <br> <p> Die Speznaz sind als Everon-Wiederstandskämpfer verkleidet.<br> <br> Wenn der direkte Anflug der Basis zu viele Risiken birgt, setzen sie das Einsatzteam alternativ auf der kleinen <a href="marker:ori10">Nachbarinsel</a> ab.<br> <br> Das feindlich Radar wird ca 10 bis 25 Sekunden fuer eine erfolgreiche Identifizierung benötigen.<br> <br> Auf keinen Fall darf Ihr Hubschrauber zerstört werden! Der Feind darf nicht erfahren wer hinter diesem Angriff steckt.<br> <br> Sie sind der einzige der die Speznaz, den Hubschrauber und damit alle Beweise zurück nach Kolguyev bringen kann! </p> <hr> <hr> <h2><a name="speznazinfos"></a>Zusatzinfos</h2> <br> <p> Ihr Speznazteam ist verkleidet als Everonfreiheitskämpfer. Der Feind darf keine Beweise dafür haben, das wir die Angreifer sind. <br> Wenn der direkte Anflug der Basis zu viele Risiken birgt, kann sie der Pilot "SEEMOEWE" auch auf einer <a href="marker:ori10">Nachbarinsel</a> absetzen. Dort hat ein Kontaktmann ein gestohlenes, amerikanisches Boot für sie bereitgestellt. Es ist in schlechtem Zustand, und der Treibstoff wird auch nicht bis nach Kolguyev reichen. Es sollte aber im Stande sein sie von der kleinen Insel bis zur US Basis und wieder zurück zu bringen.<br> <br> Auf keinen Fall darf der Hubschrauber zerstört werden! Der Feind darf nicht erfahren wer hinter diesem Angriff steckt.<br> Auch der Pilot darf nicht verloren gehen, ohne ihn werden sie es nie zurück schaffen und als "Beweise" enden.<br> <br> Evakuieren sie ihr gesamtes Team. Lassen sie niemand zurück!<br> <br> Hat ihr Team mehr als 50% Verluste (3 Tote) gilt der Einsatz als gescheitert. <br> </p> <hr> <hr> <h2><a name="sekundaer"></a>Sekundärziele</h2> <br> <p> Ist es unmöglich dem Feind durch Zerstörung eines der Treibstoffdepots zu schaden, zerstören sie zwei Sekundärziele um seine Moral zu schwächen.<br> <br> Sekundärziele <a href="marker:ori2">Inst</a>:<br> - Ein oder mehr Fahrzeuge auf dem Gelände (auch viele Fahrzeuge gelten nur als 1 Sekundärziel)<br> <br> Sekundärziele <a href="marker:ori4">Hafen</a>:<br> - Ein oder mehr Fahrzeuge auf dem Gelände (ausgenommen Treibstofflaster, zählt zum Depot)<br> - Ein oder mehr angelegte Boote<br> <br> Sekundärziele <a href="marker:ori5">Kaserne</a>:<br> - Die Autowerkstatt oder der LKW </p> <hr> <hr> <h2><a name="ausruestung"></a>Verfügbare Waffen</h2> <br> <p> Munitionskisten (groß/klein) in den Wachlokalen:<br> 10/5 M16 Magazine<br> 2 M60 Ketten<br> 4/2 Granaten<br> 1 LAW mit 2 Patronen<br> 15 Leuchtgranaten<br> 5 Leuchtgranaten, Signal Gelb<br> <br> Ausrüstung auf den Jeeps (groß/klein):<br> 6/4 M16 Magazine<br> 1 M60 Kette<br> 15 Leuchtgranaten<br> 5 Leuchtgranaten, Signal Gelb </p> <hr> <hr> <h2><a name="einteilung"></a>Wachen</h2> <br> <p> Wachlokale befinden sich hier:<br> <a href="marker:ori2">Inst/Kaserne</a><br> <a href="marker:ori4">Hafengelände</a><br> <a href="marker:ori5">Kaserne</a><br> <br> Jede Gruppe befindet sich an einem Wachlokal, und bewacht ihren Bereich der Basis.<br> Anderes Vorgehen in Sonderfällen.<br> <br> Die Wachtürme sind alle mit Posten Besetzt.<br> Es gibt auch einen Wachturm außerhalb der Basen:<br> <a href="marker:ori9">Inselzunge</a><br> </p> <hr> <hr> <p><a name="plan.east"></a><br> [Fiktives Ereignis, einen Tag vor der US Operation "Flashpoint"]<br> <br> Pilot "SEEMOEWE"<br> <br> Dieser Einsatz ist der erste Teil unserer großen Offensive.<br> <br> Befehle:<br> Unterfliegen sie das feindliche Radar. Maximale Flughöhe dafuer ca 25m.<br> Bringen sie das Speznazteam "CHAMAELEON" möglichst unbemerkt auf die große <a href="marker:ori4">US Militäranlage</a> bei Malden.<br> Verhalten sie sich dann so unauffällig wie möglich, bis sie den Befehl zur Evakuierung des Teams erhalten.<br> Kehren sie mit Ihrer Fracht wieder <a href="marker:ori11">zurück</a> (Sektor H0 - J0).<br> <br> <a href="#piloinfos">Zusatzinfos</a> </p> <hr> <p><a name="OBJ_EAST_1"></a>Evakuierungsbefehl erhalten</p> <hr> <p><a name="plan"></a><br> [Fiktives Ereignis, einen Tag vor der US Operation "Flashpoint"]<br> <br> Sondereinheit "CHAMAELEON"<br> <br> Dieser Einsatz ist der erste Teil unserer großen Offensive.<br> <br> Befehle:<br> Infiltrieren sie den großen <a href="marker:ori4">US Militärkomplex</a> bei Malden.<br> Zerstören sie eines der beiden Treibstoffdepots. Grobe Position: <a href="marker:ori4">hier</a> oder <a href="marker:ori5">hier</a>.<br> Ist das unmöglich zerstören sie zwei <a href="#sekundaer">Sekundärziele</a>.<br> Danach evakuieren sie Ihr Team mit dem Hubschrauber "SEEMOEWE", und kehren wieder <a href="marker:ori11">zurück</a>.<br> Zeitansatz: 25min<br> <br> <a href="#speznazinfos">Zusatzinfos</a> </p> <hr> <p><a name="OBJ_guer_1"></a>Einsatzziel erfüllt. Evakuieren sie!</p> <hr> <p><a name="plan.west"></a><br> [Fiktives Ereignis, einen Tag vor der US Operation "Flashpoint"]<br> <br> Sie schieben Wache in der US Basis, Malden.<br> <br> Halten sie die Augen offen und bewachen sie den Stützpunkt.<br> <br> Nur die drei Gruppenführer sind mit einem Nachtsichtgerät und Granatpistole (Leuchtgranaten) ausgerüstet. Sie müßen im Fall eines Angriffes mit ihrer Gruppe zusammenarbeiten.<br> <br> Jede Gruppe verfügt über einen Jeep.<br> <br> In jedem der drei Wachlokale befindet sich eine Munitionskiste mit Ausrüstung für Sonderfälle.<br> <br> Besondere Vorkommnise: Die Beleuchtung im Instbereich macht Probleme.<br> <br> <a href="#ausruestung">AUSRÜSTUNG</a><br> <a href="#einteilung">EINTEILUNG</a> </p> <hr> <hr> <p><br> </p> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End1"></a></h2> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p> <hr> <p><br> </p> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End2"></a></h2> <p><br> </p> <p><br> </p> <hr> <p><br> </p> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End3"></a></h2> <p><br> </p> <p>PopisTextEnd3 </p> <p><br> </p> <hr> <p><br> </p> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End4"></a></h2> <p><br> </p> <p>PopisTextEnd4 </p> <p><br> </p> <hr> <p><br> </p> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End5"></a></h2> <p><br> </p> <p>PopisTextEnd5 </p> <p><br> </p> <hr> <p><br> </p> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End6"></a></h2> <p><br> </p> <p>PopisTextEnd6 </p> <p><br> </p> </body> </html> Radio commands are global, but you can determine players who are able to activate them and those who aren't. Don't ask me how. Maybe... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (radio1 && player == soldier2) then {...} Also there was a topic lately, on how to create local radio commands. That should be exactly what you're looking for. -
Request: group order's Radio sound
Trapper replied to garnett21a's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
That's not supposed to happen. You don't have to switch the group radio sound "on" when creating a mission, it's just there as always. Enableradio would switch hearing and seeing at once. showradio is for the 3D Radio on the mapscreen. I don't know what you could do. -
Well, I've seen this before. It's one of the easier problems. The convoy vehicles are almost indestructable, and you're able to repair your HMMWV if it breaks down. - So if they're stuck, try to drive against them until the AI knows how to drive.
Are you talking about your soldiers?