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Everything posted by Trapper

  1. Flags\Flagname.jpg should work when flags is a subfolder. Don't know if it will work like this with a sub .pbo You could also depbo the flag addon, copy only the flags you need into your mission folder, and set them just by filenames.
  2. IIRC the ?new? official flag pack was included in a patch longtime ago, so everyone should have got it by now.
  3. Btw, did you remember that mission editor "exporting" is possible only once per OFP session? All following exports won't overwrite the first export.
  4. Trapper

    Creating Missions

    All BIS Missions have one advantage, which always makes them feel so realistic and fun, even if they're not sensational. They're all official pioneers: - They're all based around the big CWC campaign. No need for a new big background story, CWC is a good one. - All units and islands are perfectly fitting these scenarios. No need to think about addons. And they're balanced. - Most players won't question the plot and realism, because they believe the mission was made by the "gods". Official missions officialy continue the story. Missions by fans always have to take criticism to be just fiction. - BIS made full use of the simple OFP possibilities with all of there missions, before any users could think about creating their own. So all obvious military mission plots and tutorials have already been made. - Everyone who wants to create an unique and excellent mission afterwards has to work twice as hard and strain the OFP engine with advanced tasks. Unofficially CWC sequels without new features or superb story will stand in the shadows of the originals for beeing just another "attack that town" misison.
  5. Always keep the number of Zombies and glbAllTargets as low as possible. - You can always update them any time in the mission. Speed: They're running without weapons and that's just how it's like in OFP. Some hills they can only walk. Near their targets they stop running. Circles: First the scripts select a target. Then they order a zombie to move up to it's position. From there the ai controls the moving. This operation updated with small delays (around 1sec) to lower the CPU usage. High CPU usage results in a higher delay. The most perfect approach you will see on stationary targets. Stop: A bug. More likely to happen when there's much going on. - Or just a feature: Apathetic Zombies
  6. Farmland Mod hosts the last release.
  7. Trapper

    Good airborne missions?

    Not long ago "When The World Ends" was presented on this board. I've modified Hunter-Killer a long time ago. You'll need the BAS Kiowa Addon.
  8. Maybe it's a feature of the last (beta3) release. For my solution you will have to create your own napoleonic zombie soldier addon. It's not that difficult, but if an older unified zombie mod version spawns "zombie" models (bloody all over) on the fly from any addon unit, then this would be easier.
  9. You'll have to use the gblHuman2ZombieMap array. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblHuman2ZombieMap = gblHuman2ZombieMap + ["medic","z_medic"] This example spawns z_medic units as Zombies when a medic unit class dies. But the unit supposed to be spawnend has to be a real zombie unit.
  10. Trapper

    Insert BW-Mod Units in existing MiniBF-Maps (MP)

    Probably the helicopter's class name in the respawn script is not the right one.
  11. Probably the helicopter's class name in the respawn script is not the right one.
  12. It can be caused by two incompatible addons or like you guessed by using too many addons at once. -nomap -nosplash is the first step, but also search this board for how to create mod folders. They will help you to organize your addons better. SBlives under WinXP are known to cause sound bugs in OFP.
  13. Trapper

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    I don't want to change the readme in the uploaded archives only for this and confuse the players with it. Here you'll find updated links for all addons: http://ofp.fansn.com/mission.php?item=61 PS: Oh and ofpchaos the first post was already updated with the new Missiondatabase links before. No spamming, please.
  14. Trapper

    COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

    It's just like honchoblack wrote.
  15. Trapper

    COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

    Ok that are makeshifts but it's not nice to annoy the average mission player with them. Many of them are even easily offended if a modfolder is necessary.
  16. Trapper

    When The World Ends mision

    The coast approach in the second part is not easy but try to think of sneaking from bush to bush near an enemy camp on foot while doing this. Don't use your helicopter like a helicopter in this moment. Find good hiding spots in the coastline and update the drone infos all the time, to get a good idea of the patrol boat movements. Then you adapt your timing.
  17. Trapper

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    Thanks for your suggestion Zorbtek. ZOS is now mirrored at Fansn's OFP Mission Database. See updated first post for a direct link. I've no objections on that condition UKSubmariner.
  18. Trapper

    Abandoned Armies 1.4

    Finished your final release now. After playing the leaked beta before I already thought it's one of the best OFP missions. Knowing some situations from my first visit, I've to ask a (SPOILER) question: <span style='color:white'>I felt forced to be very helpless in many situations. First I save Tatjana then she just runs into her death. When I visit the sick woman a second time, she was killed. And I could swear the village was abanndoned all the time in between. Then in Stamonov's villa I tried to be fast or sneaky to save the two women, but they always die. I would've also liked to try sniping him from the watch tower before entering the building but unfortunetly a tank destroyed it. I was just wondering while replaying the mission now. Aren't there solutions to change the outcome of these situations?</span>
  19. Trapper

    ZOS/Zombie Outbreak Simulation

    Thank you! It's always nice to read the first impression of players that got into the right mood. I'm working on another download mirror.
  20. Trapper

    COMBAT! HMMWVs 1.2 Release

    I absolutely refuse this decision. There's already no consistency when you start doing this after releasing versions before. Maybe you help newbs with this new procedure to have high quality soldiers in high quality HMMWVs but the majority of peoples really depending on your work, knows how to replace the crews by themself if needed. A sad example: I've created my mission ZOS with HMMWV pack V1.0 and had no problems to use HMMWVs V1.1 for my final release. Now after the OFPEC crash, I've just uploaded the file to another mirror and checked the addon links btw. Your page only hosts the newest V1.21 HMMWVs, of course. OFPinfo still hosts V1.0, too. V1.1 seems to have vanished already. Over time players will be forced to use the newest HMMWVs V1.21 with my mission. My mission's addon count was already ~37MB heavy, with your new requirements it reaches ~97MB for nothing.
  21. Trapper

    When The World Ends mision

    Have you ever tried to reduce your view distance to the 900m norm? I can't stand it that always the mission makers are blamed by players with high end systems when they realize that they are spotted to early.
  22. Trapper

    Is it me, or is there...

    Monks chanting? Sounds like you're hearing the ECP chant sound effect for churchs but too far away.
  23. Trapper

    Sabot or High Explosive?

    Additional game engine info: I'm no addon maker, but afaik OFP calculatates SABOT/kinetic rounds with a high direct hit damage value and an almost not existing surrounding explosion radius damage. The other way around for HEAT rounds.
  24. Trapper

    State of multiplayer?

    The [LOL] clan has a free for all COOP server. There always seems to be someone playing. Maybe the missions aren't perfectly realistic but playing most of them with around 10 players was always fun for me. They only ask you to download the missions and addons from their page before you join the server. The addons also prevent that troublemakers join the games. http://www.nakedsquid.com/
  25. Trapper

    Operation Farmland Mod

    That's just the Unified Zombie Mod addon. It's bugged and displays this missing addon error often when returning to the main menu.