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Everything posted by Trapper

  1. Trapper


    When Resistance was released, I've noticed that autodetect in the prereferences set geometry performance and object/shadow LOD higher for the same system specs which resulted in lag. Returning to the CWC values raised my FPS again. All other advanced settings should at least have a minor effect. And don't forget to check that your graphic card driver isn't set on maximum antialiasing or anisotropic filtering.
  2. Trapper

    Burning crews

    That and much more is already included in ECP v1.085 but with OFPEC down I can't tell you were to download it.
  3. Trapper

    Scripts List

    Here are some scripts: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=51453 You just have to use the search function of this board as long as ofpec.com is down. Or depbo any specific mission you want to understand.
  4. I don't know much about addon making but if it's related to fire in it's config it'll always show this obligatory option. Try to find another lamp addon without these option. Depbo both and find the difference. Create your own customized lamp addon. But for me it looks like the "atmospheric glow and flicker" will be bound to fires.
  5. Trapper


    The most tutorials you'll find at <a href="www.ofpec.com" target="_blank">OFPEC</a>. Unfortunately it's still down. Have you seen the options of Triggers in the Editor: Radius, Countdown, Condition, OnActivation, OnDeactivation ect.? A script can do the same things and some more. It's more clearly and flexible for bigger tasks. A script is just a file, ending with .sqs. You edit it with notepad for example. You can use all the commands of the official Command Reference. OFP then reads the script line after line. Helicopters are complicated for mission makers, especially when it comes to landing zones. So to keep it really simple I'll show you something else. Place yourself and a fire in the editor. In the initline of the fire write this exec "fire.sqs". Create a "Radio Alpha" Trigger. In the line OnActivation you'll write switch=true. Save the mission. Alt+Tab to Windows. Now the script. Copy this into a "text" file named fire.sqs - I hope you're experienced and know how to prevent Windows from naming it fire.sqs.txt <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #l1 _this inflame true ~5 _this inflame false ~5 if (switch == true) then {exit} else {goto "l1"} Fire.sqs belongs into your mission directory. (c:\programs\operation flashpoint\user\missions\yourmissionname.island) Alt+Tab back to OFP. When you now preview the mission, the fire is turned on and off at a 5 second interval. After you radio Alpha this will stop.
  6. Trapper

    melee attack?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _player = _this select 0 _enemy = _this select 1 _enemy setdir (((getpos _player select 0) - (getpos _enemy select 0)) atan2 ((getpos _player select 1) - (getpos _enemy select 1))) _enemy playmove "StandStrokeFist" ~0.55 _player setdamage ((getdammage _player) + 0.25) Script call: [player,attacker] exec melee.sqs This simple script turns the ai/attacker towards the player and plays the stroke animation. At around 0.55secs after the punch it reduces player health by 25%. Ai has to be unarmed and careless.
  7. Trapper

    .pbo files in maps?

    If your anti cheat addon is a compilation of scripts only, incorporate them directly into the missions.
  8. Trapper

    Lights On All The Time

    There's no special command. But maybe setbehaviour "careless" will help.
  9. Long time ago D.murphy man created the mission Bio Hazard - Apocalypse, featuring the Unified Zombie Mod. In arrangement with him I've created this new topic to prevent confusion. The old topic covering his first and second release can be found here. The mission was never finished. Everyone who's editing for OFP knows how hard it is to find enough time. So when I had some spare time this weekend I decided to work on this special mission, maybe moving it one step further to finalization someday by someone. No promise. With D.murphy man's permission I'm releasing Beta 3 today. Most important update is that it is now possible to complete the mission. Beta 3 changelog: - debugged bio research tree bug in MicrobeResearch.sqs, now it's possible to complete the mission - debugged research actionmenu - debugged M2 deploy script actionmenu - debugged 'bolean scalar' error message caused by Dweather.sqs - added overview.html - added UN payment selection at mission start, for beta testers - added a jeep which becomes unlocked when the chopper is destroyed - added a hint about abandoned towns to briefing - changed research result hints into dialogs - changed line formation of zombie attacks into something more spread out - removed flare magazines and added fires to dark towns (addweapon "flare" was only working in editor) - some typos corrected Required addons: Unified Zombie Mod Beta3 Kegety's Editor Update 102 The mission: Beta 3 Beta tests and Feedback are appreciated for any further work. And please write down how you set up the UN payment. I've pared down my changes to a minimum, only removing bugs stopping the mission flow in the old version. You'll need hours to win this mission. Expect a duration similar to dynamic campaigns. My personal opinion right now (I'm still playing/20000 payment): It's too hard and long, which makes it frustrating and repeative over time. I always have to hurry to the towns but still don't reach them in time. Then I've to make every shot count over hours as effective ammo is too expensive and most of the time at least one of the few civilians dies. Probably I'll have to pause all researchs for at least one day later, just for beeing able to buy enough ammo.
  10. Trapper

    Bio Hazard - Apocalypse (2nd Topic)

    No Dave I'm serious about that. Let's stay on topic now, please.
  11. Trapper

    Bio Hazard - Apocalypse (2nd Topic)

    karantan stop provoking me. My test game ended with a system freeze and a corrupted save game, while I waited for the last research to finish. Maybe my computer just overheated but I guess it was the combination of playing the mission over many hours with ECP and 4x time accelaration. Gameplay (20000 funds payment) 1. Arrival (nvg/weapon research phase) - low on money and ammo, bad weapons, unprofessional defence tactics, overall very hectically. The situation lasted (a bit?) too long, as the only variety were the research results. 2. Control (weapon research completed, starting bio research) - just enough money to set up adaquate defense, uneventful logistics action for way too long when wayting for payment and researches. 3. Never reached the last mission phase, just know it from reading the scripts. Suggestions/Change Notes - A possible problem/bug in the finals will be that the player has to do what he is suppossed to do without hessitation or zombie attacks are out of control. or maybe it's supposed to happen. - player shouldn't become bored/misguided to use time accelaration - the action/defense operations need all variety possible and have to be pooled, while also removing over the top hectiness. on the other hand this feeling of maximum OFP freedom shouldn't suffer from such changes. I think the dynamic missions are a good inspiration for solutions. - maybe the originally 15k payment is really ok if the player knows excactly what to do and is looking for a challenge. 20k played like 'medium' difficulty. But I wouldn't want to spend more time in this long lasting mission for just saving money to continue. - a 'mash' research would be a nice addition. civilans could heal themself if the player sets up such tents - automated flares for the dark towns, or a workaround for the flare weapon problem - the 'zombie sighted' messages have to be turned into real sensors to be usefull - cutrsc HUD for infos on zombie presence and forecast - civil/police count info for every town - the zombie spawnscripts seem to be a temporary solution at the moment EDIT: - new recruits won't be be attacked by zombies, glballtargets update is needed
  12. The image file width and height has to be 2^n to load an image into OFP. (2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024...) Width="128" and height="102" in HTML don't represent the real image dimensions. They are ment to deformate the picture on the fly if needed.
  13. Probably the OFP 3d sound system doesn't know "inside". Every soundCfg positioned on the map will sound like a radio placed somewhere outside. No matter if it's placed inside of an 3d model, or if the player is inside somewhere. This time fading a musicCfg with scripting really is the better option.
  14. These are the commands: onBriefingGear sound onBriefingGroup sound onBriefingNotes sound onBriefingPlan sound I would place them in the init.sqs, but I'm not sure about this. Try this overview.html for your picture, .jpg works. Maybe there's some other syntax error in your ofp html file. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><html> <body> <br><h2 align="center"><a name="Main">My Picture</a></h2> <p align="center"><img src="mypicture.jpg" width="128" height="102"></p> </body> </html>
  15. Thx IceFlyer With such a 3d positioned sound there also should be no need to split the sound file anymore. But Special Ed, you already mentioned the db setting... Keep in mind that you're searching for a 3d FX sound solution, not some ingame background music. Are you really defining your music as CfgSound class? It's the only class in description.ext where db works as virtual reality volume/travel distance. With CfgMusic it's only a "normal" volume setting, because CfgMusic works like virtual headphones.
  16. You need a compatible unit for the command to work and there is none afaik. Only some custom vehicle addons display different number textures that way. So if you find an addon maker that creates the desired spy with two texture sets for you, this could be a solution. Such an addon should be possible for single player.
  17. 1) You can only change the side. To change the player model you'll have to create a mini campaign with two missions. 2) Addaction/removeaction are the commands you need. But don't use them as shown in the comref example. Most of the time it's unnecessary to add the action directly to the player unit. To add the action: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">actPICKP = victim1 addaction ["Grab Purse", "steal.sqs"] To delete the action later: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">victim1 removeaction actPICKP The actPICKP variable will store the actionID you need for removeaction. Victim1 is the name of the unit which shows up the action in your menu when you approach it. EDIT: Steal.sqs is the script that will be executed with this action. You can also detect who was the "button" and who "pushed" it, inside of the script. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">button = _this select 0 PushedBy = _this select 1 But you'll have to try that. Maybe 0 and 1 is vice versa.
  18. _ic = count (list _Trigger) I guess this line doesn't work and _ic is never initalized. You can check this with hint format ["%1",_ic]. Maybe you can start your script from the trigger; onActivation: (count thislist) exec "script.sqs" and edit the _ic line to; _ic = _this Edit: Oh, and of course the others are right about the = / ==.
  19. Trapper

    Font size

    Headline, that's right. Try the different <h > commands to switch the font/size.
  20. You can run unlimited multiple scripts like this. Of course, it will affect the game performance proportional. Make sure that especially scripts including loops are exited as soon as possible.
  21. Trapper

    Quick onmapsingleclick problem ECP 1.085

    I didn't know this before, but I can confirm it. My mission doesn't include a helo so ECP_public 50 didn't kick in and ECP_public 36 was already disabled for other reasons.
  22. Trapper

    Quick onmapsingleclick problem ECP 1.085

    My Zombie Outbreak Simulation is ECP compatible and uses onmapsingleclick. The command is used between 0 to 17 times and never failed. <s>Main difference will be that I'm disabling the command after the map click input is recieved and reactivate it when needed.</s>
  23. Trapper

    Sound/Music Script Question

    What you're really looking for is the creation of an engine based sound effect with dynamic range, not a script. 1. Lets say your custom sound is radiomusic.ogg. If you want to create more than one, think about normalizing all of the files. 2. You'll need this part in your description.ext<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgSounds { class radiomusic{name = "";sound[] = {"radiomusic.ogg", db-55, 1.0};titles[] = {0};}; }; The most important part in this case is the db value. It represents virtual db's in OFP's island world. Start with 0 and adjust it to the positive or negative by trial and error in game. The lower the value the less it's gone to be heared over distance. Important: When you make changes to the description.ext, you have to reload the mission in the editor for the changes to take effect. Btw when you make use of name = "radiomusic" you can find your own sound easily in the trigger effects menu, too. 3. Place an object somewhere that emits the sound. For now I'll name it radio. Or use objectID to let any tree ect be the source. 4. Create a script to loop your sound.<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> #l1 if (player distance radio < 100) then {radio say "radiomusic"} ~10 goto "l1" This script will also stop playing the sound when the player is too far away to hear anything (100 meters). ~10 has to be the lenght of radiomusic.ogg in seconds. If you don't need a looped sound the simple command line radio say radiomusic will play it once.
  24. Be careful with these backslashes, you definitely don't need a leading one for accessing subfolders in the mission directory. \Flags\flagname.jpg should access a pbo named flags in the games addon folder.
  25. That's a more general editing question. Search the board for the join command or maybe start a new thread.