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Everything posted by Trapper

  1. I don't know about the chopper boarding, but your trigger condition is bad from the start. count units hostagegrp always returns the alive members only. Dead units are deleted from their group. Your trigger seems to work perfect because of the slight delay before someone in the group notices "X is down!". After that alive _x and [/i]count units[/i] becomes equal again. So your condition has to be "({not alive _x} count units hostagegrp) == 9" or whatever to be failure proof. If your hostage count could vary, then work with a global variable: "({not alive _x} count units hostagegrp) == actualcount"
  2. Trapper

    Music as a sound?

    Absolutely. This OFPEC tutorial will give you a good overview: http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depo....&res=55 Stick to the sound part of it, that is what you're looking for. Afterwards I would tend to use the say command and a script to play this sound from the desired object. btw: If your sound seems to be everywhere and not coming from your chosen position, reduce the dB value in the description.txt until it's working. Don't forget that you've got to reload the mission for any description.ext change to take effect.
  3. Trapper

    New here

    Hi! When the campaign starts to feel bad, you better switch to multiplayer earlier because we were all tricked to believe it'll become better in the end but it doesn't.
  4. Trapper

    sound card problem

    Is the sound chip on your motherboard activated besides a plug-in sound card? Did you install the latest driver for your sound card? Did you chose the right ArmA settings for your sound card? (EAX, Hardware Acceleration)
  5. Trapper

    porting missions

    Could it be then that you overlooked one of the invisible rifleman units before repboing? I remember bardosy writing he debugged a save/CTD mission by removing units in the mission one by one, until he found the single unit which caused it. It was some kind of soldier.
  6. Trapper


    He'll be editing in the in the Xbox version.
  7. Trapper

    porting missions

    No shit. Make sure to clear the addons and autoaddons section of the old mission.sqm completely before. Then the mission will load with all objects which classnames are present in arma. Every other object will create an config.bin error message and is replaced by an invisible rifleman on the editor map. You can avoid this by changing their classnames to an arma unit before loading the mission.sqm.
  8. Trapper

    porting missions

    Well, like moving a mission in OFP to a different island by changing the folder name to the new island. The objects will be spread in their old proportions somewhere over Sarahni island. Everon, Malden and Kolguyev are not included in ArmA, but there is already an user made Everon around, though it doesn't match with the detail quality of Sarahni.
  9. Trapper

    porting missions

    There are already some topics like this around, try to search. The most demotivating point for me was that there are so many original OFP units missing without good equivalents. So you've got to change most of the class names in your old mission.sqm and there are some minor changes in scripting also.
  10. Trapper


    Saitek P380 Dual Analog Pad for (helicopter) flights and keyboard + mouse for everything else. Unfortunately one of the small gamepad joysticks lacks precision after two months of playing now.
  11. I have a dead end after defending the pilot as specop, too. Probably as always missions are broken after new patches. Though I've never played the mission that far before 1.08. Can't tell you if it finished before.
  12. Trapper

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Well, Farmland is(/was?) a mod about "horror". They always tried to create their own horror campaign for OFP, but only finished some addons for this goal which were released one by one: An island, some special buildings, civilians, horror movie objects and later they hosted Scott Tunstall's Unified Zombie Mod. Many of these addon's where used for horror missions by other users, without farmland ever being finished. Zombie1, a mod member, did a number of campaigns and missions but none of them became the "official" Farmland campaign. Later he released the horror pack 3 zombies, which I doubt came with all the scripting possibilities of the old Unified Zombie Mod but looked more like zombies and could be set to run when on chase. Other mod members not mentioned above are MiG, and Dave. The mod almost vanished more than once. At last I saw it's homepage hosted on ofp.info
  13. Trapper

    Arma restarting pc

    Pretty sure there is a blue screen. Do what Kode wrote, Arma is very likely to cause heavy system crashs that trigger the automatic reboot of Windows if it's enabled.
  14. Here's a question that anybody over at OFPEC wasn't able to answer so far: Maybe anyone from BIS would tell us for sure?
  15. Trapper

    Suggestion: AI finding cover

    It sounds to me like you're not playing in Veteran Mode, with a forced minimum ai difficulty setting of 0.75. That doesn't remove the rotating and prowning but the the ai is so fucking fast at doing it in close encounters that I would never call it "he's asking me to kill him".
  16. Trapper

    AI Skill settings

    Yes, the BIKI says slider zero represents 0,2. Moving the slider from zero to 1/4 ("0,25") to the right results in: 0,8 maxskill * 25% = 0,2 selectedskill 0,2 minskill + 0,2 selectedskill = 0,4 actualskill @ofpforum When I read the BIKI and Second's sniper test results I believe skill effects both, skill and precision.
  17. Trapper

    AI Skill settings

    Yeah, gone are the days when we could send the player against some weak guerrillas. @Taurus So a preview in the editor returns different (unchanged) skill values than actually playing the mission. EDIT: Or is it that the slidebar begins at 0.2, and that's why your returned values only seem to be raised? And maybe setskill overrides the difficulty options again. On the other hand it's hard to see the system behind the changed skill values and the difficulty option. But still I've got the same feeling like ColonolSanders, that the AI is always sniping perfectly, no matter which custom mission I play at difficulty setting 0.75. Maybe "skill" isn't even able to return the additionell effect of the difficulty option. EDIT: @Second A good idea how to test this. It's allaying to know that somehow the editor's choice still does have an effect. No matter how pushed the ai is in ArmA now.
  18. Maybe it's because noone knows what kind of OFP/ArmA zombies we're talking about. There are decomposed models included in ArmA, everyone refers to them as "zombies". That ones won't need wounded textures to look like zombies. And as I wrote before, just look into the Unified Zombie Mod addon it does exactly what you're looking for. The zombies look like wounded humans and they are having full health.
  19. I don't really understand your question. foreach works with an array, so _groups is already an array probably including more than one group: [group1,group2,group3,group4,group5] You can add as many groups you like to your array. Then every group executes the test.sqs on it's own and simultaneously. In every script _this select 0 is a different member of the array. If you just want to run the script once and hand over some groups to it: [group1,group2,group3,group4] exec...
  20. Place a unit and kill it in place. Later when you want it to stand up delete the body and createunit the zombie. EDIT: Mh, looks like you've already described that in your first post Anyway all you're thinking about was already done in Scott Tunstall's Unified Zombie Mod for OFP. Maybe Scott is working again on something for ArmA, or he allows you to port the old Mod directly to ArmA for now.
  21. Trapper

    How to add great "immersion"?

    If you want to feel a real battle taking place, then make a real battle taking place. All your many supporting ai groups need their own orders. Some groups conquer a hill to cover your flank, others defend a village and some are waiting to reinforce where needed and so on. Create more than one hot spot possibility, so everything is really dynamic. Do the same objectives for the opposition and then let the ai finish the big battle situation by chance. Now select one of the groups and place the player in it. Add a realistic briefing that covers only the informations the soldier would get. Don't write down the whole ai plot just because you can. Add allies radio chatter messages, cutscenes, change players objectives drastically or any other gimmick you think of... and let them be triggered only when by chance a situation causing it took place. eg the guys attacking the hill are defeated.
  22. Trapper

    Windows in Humvees not bullet proof?

    Which is a good workaround to simulate protection of almost bulletproof glass. I don't think there's something like "destructible shields" that you can add to models. Well, maybe with scripts?
  23. More a bug than a feature: Vehicle chat of a pilot can be/is invisible to the passengers. I've noticed that in Evolution after an advise.
  24. Trapper


    Here's an answer right from the Arma video topic: So probably Bulldozer controls are associated to the camera.sqs freelook mode? I remember in OFP you couldn't set up special keys for that. The keys changed together with the settings for character controls.
  25. Trapper

    Arma -windowed 1024x768

    Maybe your fullscreen settings are set to 800x600 and do interfere?