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About TheOberleutnant

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Guns, Bombs, Weaponry, Explosives, FIRE (mmm)  Computers, Cryptography, Etc etc

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  1. TheOberleutnant

    Celebrity boxing..

    TinkyWinky Vs La La (from the Teletubbies)
  2. TheOberleutnant

    Helicopter pilots

    before i saw a way of making normal soldiers wear ghillie suits so they look like snipers. I was wondering is there any way i could make black ops look like helicotper pilots eg with pilot helmets on, cos normal army pilots dont look right in my mission, neither do civillians.
  3. TheOberleutnant

    Military Humor

    This shows general stupidity of air cadets: In 200 in summer camp, we were doing dry training with the L98A1 Cadet GP Rifle. Well they were saying about how important it is to check barrel for rounds when unloading etc. THis goes on for about 45mins cos some dull sods were leaving magazines on and then trying to check the weapon is clear etc. Well after this, all the drill rounds we were practising with were collected in, and conted, and one was missing. We were sent to look for it...outside in grass, outside on concrete, inside the barrack block, everywhere. 2 hours later someone finds it....it was in the barrel of a rifle just left on the floor with the safety catch off in the main corridor.... Shows how stupid some people are
  4. TheOberleutnant

    What music are you listening to?

    Im listening to the Red Army Choir singing the USSR national anthem and Meadowlands......
  5. TheOberleutnant

    Lets have the "jap" debate again

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">PS isnt calling a japanese person a jap a bit like calling a pakistani a paki?<span id='postcolor'> I think yes. Anyway, in the UK, Scots is short for Scottish, there is nothing for english, except maybe "Englander" as in WW2 films, eg, Halt, Englander! and what for welsh? The most insulting i must have heard is "Welshman"!
  6. TheOberleutnant

    Kolgujev hit by meteorite!( or nuked!)

    It is a patch of radiation damage, caused by the same UFO's that terrorised Malden earlier this month. (Reported inn the Malden Express)
  7. TheOberleutnant


    Its easier to use a briefing creation program that does the html for you. Then you can jsut stick the files in the right folder and your're done.
  8. TheOberleutnant


    Its best to aim LOW when using a machine gun cos the recoil causes the barrrel to "climb"
  9. TheOberleutnant

    Which island in OFP is your favorite and why?

    Malden Malden Malden! (Guess what I voted for?) Its soooooo much nicer than Everon
  10. TheOberleutnant

    Next Patch Issues?

    The choppers need fixing. Anyone noticed that if you land in water gently, you can go under, then come up again quite easily?
  11. TheOberleutnant

    Can Anyone Help A Newbie?

    OFP Editing Center Lookee Here
  12. TheOberleutnant

    cheats are damn fun

    This is what should happen to cheats. Use your imagination when looking at this pic. Eg think "Desert Eagle" or "Glock 17" CHEATERS.... MUST DIE Heh.
  13. TheOberleutnant


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I always used the top ^ to aim, and almost never miss<span id='postcolor'> Thats probably because you were engaging targets at less than 250m. Further and youmust elevate rifle to compensate for bullet drop due to gravity
  14. TheOberleutnant

    Edit Textures

    I wanna make a firing range mission, as realistic as possible, but the only targets are "Target E" in Civillian Objects. Could you edit the textures of this to create more, and if so how?
  15. TheOberleutnant


    EASY RANGING USING DRAGUNOV SIGHT Click this link for a simplified diagram explaining how to use it. Also follow Heinrich's example of educated guesses.