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Everything posted by TYsiEK

  1. TYsiEK

    Configure .rtm animations

    Nooooooooooooooooo !!!!!! BIS camel have only rtm's from proxy positions !!!!! I mean new animations, new moves for my osprey. But there's only proxy rtm's.
  2. TYsiEK

    Commander mg

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Soul_Assassin @ Dec. 30 2002,23:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">o dont think its possible<span id='postcolor'> It isn't possible ? I think this should be tell some guy from BIS, not U.
  3. TYsiEK

    V-22 osprey project

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Vixer @ Dec. 30 2002,15:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i think they already known that  <span id='postcolor'> Vixer think about it in every time . I have done my animations and i don't need translated program. I need some define in config.cpp to run my new rtm animation by press some action in game .
  4. TYsiEK

    Animation editor is out!

    Look: i have two actions scudLaunch="scudlunch.rtm"; scudStart="scudstart.rtm"; Where can i configure scudLaunch action (configure displayname of action and etc.) and add some script for it ? I think it should be possible.
  5. TYsiEK

    V-22 osprey project

    I have done some animation in .rtm but i can't test it because i haven't lines from config.cpp to define animation in .rtm played by press new action. And for this moment i don't know if my new .rtm is working with velka vrtule and mala vrtule selections .
  6. TYsiEK

    Animation editor is out!

    Hmmm i didn't find config for that what i need. There's only configs for soldier moves, not actions. This animations is only activated by press "W" key etc.
  7. TYsiEK

    Animation editor is out!

    Are this animated gate is include animations in .rtm ?
  8. TYsiEK

    Animation editor is out!

    And can somebody tell me how i can test my new animation in OFP !!! What must i write in .cpp to see my animation after press some new action ?
  9. TYsiEK

    Animation editor is out!

    So can someone write us a line from .cpp to config some new animation ?. I don't mean proxy position in .rtm files. I mean some new animation with new action.
  10. TYsiEK

    Multiple animations

    The config for animations is very easy. You can read some lines from .cpp in this topic .
  11. TYsiEK

    Animation editor is out!

    Can someone make a VIDEO tutorial for green newbie's ? . Like some guy who's maked tutorial about making roadway in O2.
  12. TYsiEK

    Multiple animations

    No. But try to make animation in new editor.
  13. TYsiEK

    Animation editor is out!

    Hmmm looking good but for this moment we havent some guys who's can make some new animation. I'm newbie and i need some animations for my Osprey .Are someone is know this editor ?
  14. TYsiEK

    Multiple animations

    Yes, it's thats like in Osprey. I can't configure that animation for engines from Osprey because it's just limitation. We talking about two animations for two different selections grouped to third selection.
  15. TYsiEK

    Multiple animations

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ Dec. 23 2002,20:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You can have multiple animation running the same time, but they can access only different selections. You can open the left door and at the same time you can retract an antena. You cannot animate any single part of the model by two or more animations at the same time.<span id='postcolor'> Yeah right but someone from BIS had told me about add multiple animations in 1.91 OFP version. So, it's very funny because i can't see this feature. Are someone from BIS is working on this important problem (for add-on makers) ?
  16. TYsiEK

    Multiple animations

    Multiple animations is unavailble in OFP engine. It's just limitation and we must wait for delete this limitation .
  17. TYsiEK

    Thermal ambush

    OK, if nobody understand me i will tell somethink for easy understand: i mean fire flares from vehicle by new weapon .
  18. TYsiEK

    Vtol + horizontal flight

    Right. I can't relase it because OFP engine have some limitation for multiple animations. And i waiting for some new VTOL script.
  19. TYsiEK

    Vtol + horizontal flight

    Hello. I making a V-22 Osprey but i can't relase it. Because Multiple Animations is unavailble in OFP. I can't animate engines with rotors .
  20. You mean this is a line from config.cpp ? If yes, i can use VTOL script in "INIT" . Cool.
  21. Hi. I need to write some good condition to work my action. I can't explain this in the perfect english because my english is too bad . I will write some like a this: Condition: if someone from named group (group1) have dammage 0.20 Â (someone, not all, someone) Action: medic_chooper move getpos officerr officer = officerr from group1 Can someone understand my stupid english ? . P.S. I have tried search engine .
  22. Someone from BIS told me about add Multiple animation feature in the 1.91 OFP version. It isn't in 1.91 OFP. In multiple animations i mean grouping new selections with standard heli rotor selections. Like in the V-22 Osprey engines.
  23. TYsiEK

    Multiple animations unavailble

    Yes of course, but i have sent this bug report one month ago and i have got a reply message about "due bug in 1.91 OFP version" . So, i can't see this fix. I don't know why BIS haven't care about add-on makers who's need features like harrier class or important fixes for 3d models.
  24. TYsiEK

    Respawn with pistol

    You need to use a command like: respawnunit1 removeallweapons ; respawnunit1 addweapon "beretta" ; respawnunit1 addmagazine "berettamagazine" You mean this ?
  25. TYsiEK

    Multiple animations unavailble

    Oh, thanks for help and fucking understand .