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Everything posted by sic-disaster

  1. Seeing the teaser trailer immediately had me excited, and I had to do a video on it. This game seems ripe with potential!
  2. Don't see a dedicated subforum yet so I figured I would post it here. Stream is over now, but I show pretty much everything except for MP gameplay because I kept crashing when trying to join.
  3. If you're familiar with my ArmA 3 tutorials from the past, you'll know that for every video I basically assume the viewer has zero knowledge and try to make it as easy to follow and understandable as possible. The new video will have at least 2 or 3 follow-up videos in the future:
  4. I had someone request a tutorial video on how to get a helicopter to drop off an underslung SVD, open up it's ramp, drop a diver team, close the ramp and fly off again, so after 3 years of not touching ArmA 3 I figured it would be a cool challenge. In the end I made it work! 😄
  5. You're welcome! I'm happy people seem to like me coming back to this 🙂
  6. sic-disaster

    Arma3 Videos

    Made another tutorial video after about 3 years 😛
  7. I'm working on a defense mission, and I would really like to enable the player to place his own (limited amount of) fortifications like sandbag walls, objects to block vehicle movement etc. I remember this type of mission from a Red Hammer campaign and always loved it, so I wanted to recreate something similar. Is it possible in ArmA 3?
  8. sic-disaster

    Arma3 Videos

    Another DLC livestream:
  9. I was livestreaming this earlier tonight! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgmE7Z1t7ik
  10. It was good to see this amount of populated servers already! Couldn't resist and jumped into a coop server, and did a livestream of it too:
  11. I've been livestreaming some GB Terrorist Hunt today:
  12. sic-disaster

    Arma3 Videos

    Playing Combined Arms from the OFP:CWC campaign :D
  13. Some more gameplay. With new enemy placement, patrol paths and so on, the game is becoming more unpredictable and tense, just like Rogue Spear used to be for me :)
  14. Some coop on the newest map:
  15. sic-disaster

    Arma3 Videos

    Playing CWC in ArmA 3:
  16. Some online footage of practicing in the Killhouse:
  17. Some more gameplay of the new map:
  18. sic-disaster

    Arma3 Videos

    Some more gameplay on Ruha:
  19. sic-disaster

    Ruha terrain

    Some more gameplay footage from this map, a continuation of the last video I did, starting where that video left off, but now with some tanks added :)