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Everything posted by stilton

  1. Overall, game looks prettier... Feels less polished. The inventory system is improved... But why does the gun and body create 2 different 'piles' that are hard to take stuff from when you can clearly see it lying on the ground?? Please Fix picking up objects, using inventory. dare i say it.. Dayz has implemented a 'radius' around your character where you can quickly take objects from... You should be able to grab a gun if you are standing on it, regardless of which pile of inventory you are looking at. 3 Reasons vehicles feel cheap: - No driver 3d cockpits still? : It wouldn't be so bad, if head-tracking was enabled and you had the same or even smaller amount of lateral head movement you have in the hummingbird, whilst driving tanks.. Then you could move your head around slightly and use the tiny viewing window as a 'keyhole' for driving -- then there would be no need for 3rd person and the driver of a tank wouldn't be so completely blind and helpless whilst turned in..... It would be a slight improvement... - Fix SLI flickering PIP : Driving in first person in a vehicle with mirrors, you are begging for a seizure. [guess not a problem if you don't have SLI] - Fix Vehicle physx : A Heavily armored jeep loaded with ammunition, and passengers -- Should not flip over when making a very shallow turn at high speed? Or should it?
  2. stilton

    The Nvidia DLC

    Is it satire? or just stupid? I thought satire was supposed to be 'mocking' something, considering there is nothing comparable that BIS are doing.. And their only recent foray into DLC'ing would be an optional go-kart addon... I dont see the parallel. Also if this goes through.. I want to the first to request a Cape-dlc for my soldier, offloaded to my graphics card please. The all important cloth simulation. That or final-fantasy-hair DLC.. rendered on my GPU ofcourse.
  3. stilton

    We need worse weapon systems

    How about some suggestions then? 'get rid of tab-lock' isn't so much a suggestion, as a criticism, unless you provide a very thorough explanation/breakdown of your proposed system to replace it... As it stands, buildings and cover sometimes obscure vehicles from the radar... This could be increased, so things are more easily obscured. Othertimes, you can pick up every empty vehicle for 10km when you're flying at 500m. Strictly as a player (with no real life soldiering experience) but with far too much time playing competitive online games -- i agree with everything posted so far, there is a very low-skill ceiling when the radar /weapons do everything for you... ...A quick fix, otoh, - Nerf the radar, change the effective range/ general effectiveness of onboard vehicle radars / weapon radars - nerf the AT / ATGM missiles maneuverability (im not sure what their current range is... And to be completely honest... You could keep the tigris as it is, you can dodge its missiles without flares.) Change the AA missiles so they're not fire-and-forget ... AARAM? that's probably not right. (Whats the type where you have to keep your nose / on board radar pointed on the target to keep the missile guided) These 3 suggestions would raise the skill-ceiling for vehicular warfare, and reduce (a little) the overpowered nature of the radar / tab-lock system - But id be interested to hear any suggestions on how to replace tab-lock with a more difficult system without it becoming -- watch 5 tutorials on how to tune in your plane's radio, once you're in touch with ATC we'll discuss how you deploy your weapons for the next 40 minutes... :) Oh you wanted to fly? Not today. :D Sorry i'm waiting for them to fix the COMPLETELY USELESS (doesnt even create any light) flares-fired-from-mortars -- don't want to spread the votes around too much :D
  4. stilton

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    Your version is infact less-intrusive than the arma2 version.. Meaning there is even LESS incentive for people to buy DLC. Therefore? why would they change it to this at all, unless they wanted to make less money. ---------- Post added at 11:48 ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 ---------- Wow... This would do it for me. My only real beef with the current system is the worry of adverts breaking immersion. I'd go further than BIS has already, lock out the vehicles completely ... Maybe allow people to ride as cargo (maybe) but its enough to be able to play in the same server as DLC items.. That's what other games do.. They allow everyone to see and play -against- DLC items... Thereby giving incentive for people who don't have it. I can't think of any other games where people get a 'lite' version of Paid-DLC items for free with all the features? Because that's madness. (A very kind and charitable madness... But madness none-the-less ) I'd like to give the community the benefit of the doubt and assume that... If you give a big 'stop bugging me' button... 99.9% of community members (who havent bought the DLC) will be well aware the reason why they are restricted from getting in these vehicles... without needing to be constantly reminded... I wonder if i'm giving the average player too much credit. ...But i feel that's the difference between an effective system and an annoying one. They're cheap, not stupid :)
  5. stilton

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    To be fair, that's basically what i was asking on behalf of passengers in my DLC chopper.. :D That's a pretty decent idea. It's just a worry that it'll start going in a horrible direction. I'm not so much against a new way to incentivize payment... as i am against rampant cheap/classless advertising :) That sort of thing actually has the opposite effect on me... I can see it working for the go-kart race but not so much for the guns and 'propoganda posters' though.. and again, i cant really see it being done in such a way without it being a horrible immersion-killer for me personally I've tried it out, it's 'ok' on the karts mission, because its a kind of 'fun' little thing with the cute bright-blue reminder in the right, its not too obtrusive... But i would consider a bright-blue icon a bit too obtrusive if that was an actual 'arma mission'. Still, hopefully BIS aren't thinking of including that in the 'real' DLCs? - I mean its blue/fugly. And it's not even completely locked out or rather, there's no real 'incentive' there to buy the karts thing? It's basically the same as a donate button at the moment... which isn't really a step forward as much as a step sideways in my opinion.
  6. stilton

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    How can i see the effects of this ingame? As i said already, i'm all for this... I understand a polite warning if you try and pilot a DLC vehicle for example - People should only have access to things they've bought. But i dont like the idea of riding in the back of a chopper... and having a big advertisement come up in the screen? Seems like it would be a kind of classless way to ask for more money... I trust the devs are more subtle than having something that would so obviously break immersion in a game that tries to be, in some respects, minimalistic with intrusive interface(s) Please god tell me there are not any prompts popping-up asking you to shell out money whilst you're actually playing the mission.
  7. stilton

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    Given their track record BIS is one of the few, if only games development studios i actually trust/expect to continue to support a product with meaningful updates long after release... The old Arma 2 dlc system was awesome too, because it meant more people to play with: but i never thought of it from the 'business' perspective. I have quite a few game breaking issues with Arma3, but i'm hopeful they will get fixed in the long run and if the new dlc system will help BIS getting paid, so they can keep rolling out updates. More power to them. tldr? I voted yes. But i also didnt buy the karts dlc :D because go-karts are not my thing -- helicopters though, im there.
  8. Honestly, i don't have major noticable 'problems' with the current sound system... I feel like (no offence BIS) the system isn't (doesn't feel) all that different from Arma2/OA. The benefit being - it worked there, it works now? -- maybe i've just gotten used to it over the years -- If I'm being shot at... I'm pretty confident i can wiggle my head about and use the gunfire to locate his position 'roughly' . If we're talking about just one person though... The problem comes in when there's lots of gunfire, it's a lot harder to pick the direction -- But then i imagine a battle would be confusing? I can't speak from experience. I haven't noticed the centre speaker being quieter. When things are directly infront of me, they are loudest, when things are behind me.. they are quiet and come out my back speakers... If they are on the side, they come out the side speakers :) I've not noticed any real glaring 'errors' when it comes to positional audio of effects... I've also never noticed the 'reload bug' though ... I'm not denying it, maybe i'm not paying attention :) I'm not trying to argue with anyone, just giving me experience with my setup -- I am all for an upgrade though! It doesn't seem broken to me, it seems 'fine' -- but it's still not exactly 'vibrant'. If they were taking sound 'suggestions' mine would be: - Increase the sound of your own gear/footsteps in all stances a little... Decrease the heavy breathing a lot. We get it.. he's tired : But ...Its loud, it gets old fast. You can be running for 10-15 minutes with nothing but serious mouth breathing... - Add more ambient sounds. - Give direct chat some love...
  9. stilton

    Crash, Crash and Crash

    I believe the implication is that because its summer-time.. It's hotter, therefore temps have increased. Computers crash when they overheat... Slight increases in ambient temperature (summer time) can result in showing underlying hardware/overclocking issues if you were already stressing the same computer and it worked 'fine' during the winter.
  10. I'm with Angus on this :) There are some people who can just write (probably with lots of practice) very elegant script, just like your examples ProfTournesol. I could maybe write that, but my first few attempts would have a lot of extra brackets and it would take me a lot longer than i imagine any competant scripter... ...It would be -really- beneficial if there was some sort of 'wizard' on the comref that allowed you to drag/drop certain arguements / requirements to form a statement and it would generate you condition-valid snippits... Even something basic, with few commands.. But that could handle foreach / _x -- that would generate working examples quickly would help (people like me). But as i say, i can barely get a mission to work ingame so no chance i'd be able to develop something like that :)
  11. I have a script running on mission start that goes through all units on east side and replaces their loadout with what i want the enemy 'team' to look like... based on their 'rank' So "private" gets a really basic loadout, corporal slightly better.. etc... I was quite proud of this basic and probably quite crude script... It's not elegant but It does the job. My problem is, i also am considering using the sites module (which id rather use to quickly populate the map) in conjunction with the simulation manager... The problem: The units spawn up after the mission and my loadout changer script has run... So they spawn when the player gets close, carrying default gear. I was considering making a script that runs every 5 seconds, like the simulation manager.. and does the loadout script. But as this changes what all east units are carrying every 5 seconds... It's unneccesarily heavy handed and i can forsee it causing problems removing(and re-adding) an enemy ai's gear whilst im shooting at him.. may look a bit odd... even if it happens almost instantly -- I cant see it being beneficial. I'd like, if possible... some way to only affect units that have been recently spawned by the simulation manager, that haven't had their gear changed by scripting already. or at least some way (array? ) to identify/store all units that have been spawned by the simulation manager that i haven't edited yet? ( I bolded that last part, as that's the real question.. i think) Any help anyone can give, as the documentation is pretty sparse.. and i'm a bad coder. would be greatly appreciated! cheers
  12. You could group (not sync) the trigger to the jet... Then in the activation change to 'vehicle' then i think you just change... jet3 IN thislist to 'this' (which checks the conditions of the trigger, ie.. jet vehicle has activated it) And now its specifically only looking for the jet, however i doubt this increases the amount of 'checks per second' or anything... But now, you only need to check the height in condition.. and can remove anything referencing whether the jet is actually in the trigger area... (thisList)
  13. Hi, I'd like an artillery strike / support request to be called via a trigger, not the player.. But i cant seem to find info in the function viewer on how to call an already setup virtual artillery piece - so i get all the included side chat.. There's plenty of stuff on the biki for how to do it in arma2, and it could be very well documented in the function viewer thingy.. But apparently i have no idea where to look :D if anyone can point me in the right direction me love you long time :) I've seen someone else ask this question (but they were interested in helicopter transport) so i did search!
  14. ..and somehow i think i've read every thread in the results apart from that one. somehow? thanks! :) ...Still, that's not really what i'm after in truth... In that example it requires you to have friendly mortars placed on the map, and it wouldn't include the radio chatter that comes with the virtual artillery piece. I'm 99% sure you could do this in Arma2 with the SecOp module and a trigger to call it.. ? I'm just a bit shocked you cant do it in arma3.. considering the support requester / manager feels like an 'improved' version of the secop thingy. ..perhaps you can but i have no idea where to look... I couldn't even find reference to commandArtilleryFire in the function viewer.. Again, i'm not asking for the answer to be handed to me -- if anyone could just point me in the right direction -- like where i can look to find this in the function/config viewer as opposed to just giving me a working script... I'd actually feel more accomplished.
  15. stilton

    Around 50% are roleplaying servers

    ..found my new server name *snicker* Has the OP tried maybe filtering with the word ANNEX? 50% roleplay? really? Last night i looked and it seemed like there were 5-10 altis life servers and double or triple that amount running Invade & Annex Altis (pvp)
  16. stilton

    Reality Check

    Verily.. Personally speaking i'm quite happy with the current state of the unreleased game considering we've been told they will continue to support it over the next few months with updates.. ...And considering they are still updating Arma2 with new beta builds. (probably still are, haven't patched it in a while - the point being, one of the few developers who continue to support products and implement new features / content for FREE as a COURTESY ) Are there things i'd like them to improve... sure But am i dissapointed in the percieved value I'm going to get out of the years i will probably get out of this game? for the price of a takeaway... Not really. ..But i guess i'm a fan boy...Now where's my bottle...
  17. Hi, I remember a while ago there was a sort-of-new feature where if you had a squad, in wedge formation... and ordered 2 (typically a team leader) to advance, he would take his subordinate fireteam with him.... I think it broke regular formation travel and/or started to interfere with player control of squaddies and as such was removed.. but perhaps its just been discretely toned down and is still implemented so ive not noticed it... This is not a complaint or criticism - i was just curious as to whether this was still implemented? I cant even remember now why i was wondering about it.. But incase i do remember i thought i'd post this since i'd written it out :) if its still implemented: what formations does it work with? whats the features more 'official' name? I also have a few unrelated questions regarding micro AI squad control such as... if you tell an AI to 'watch that position' or direction for that matter.. how can you revert them back to their default behaviour? Scan horizon? Is this the same with vehicles.. So if you have a wedge formation of squaddies in APC's travelling along with no specific orders to watch anywhere (they appear to watch whatever flank they're on) - then you specifiy one to watch X... how does this affect the others? (and again, repeating the 2nd part of the same question but now in vehicles - how do you get them to revert back to watching their default direction depending on what flank they're on) Perhaps i shouldnt be asking this as it might spoil the illusion of what limited intelligence the AI already possess :D, but i figure its better to know more about what they're doing than less. I hope i haven't rambled too much and someone out there gets my question(s)! cheers
  18. stilton

    Ambient Civilians with jobs and waypoints?

    Gotta feel sorry for BIS.. It started off as a simple war game. Soon people will be wanting traffic lights, traffic wardens, indicators and parking tickets. Nah i jest - has anyone played that crazy hitman contracts level where you're at mardis gras and there's massive streaming crowds of civilians. That would be cool lol. Wrong game?
  19. stilton

    Zone restriction

    Pretty sure i did read on the biki or somewhere that the Zone Restriction keeps spawning AI that hunts the player until hes dead, because you are trying to deny an area to a unit through death or the fear of death i guess.. So i think they do know where the player is. ACM sounds more like what you're after CarlosTex. I have just bumped the ACM topic as it goes.. its in this forum [Ambient Combat Module]
  20. stilton

    Ambient Combat Module

    This guys info is taken from ths wiki/biki... Where the example up there is wrong.. which is misleading and probably leads to quite a few problems.. Just saying, someone needs to edit that info on the biki really -> http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager After the blue writing, two lines ref one ACM module, the rest reference another ACM module. If its meant to be that way fine, but its confusing to some people and if it was described as configuring 2 ACM's it would be clearer.
  21. [edit - Damn this was intended for the arma2 forums :s ] Hi, I managed to make a mission that had a rooftop littlebird insertion with some AI, onto a building that has movement-routes or whatever the official term is for it.. But on disembarking the littlebird the AI's ability to keep up and recognise where it is seems hit and miss.. the first guy who gets off the chopper usually walks down the stairs but the rest seem to just take the closest route to the ground, over the edge.. I was just curious if anyone else had experienced this and knew of a way to get around it? Also i was considering playing with the unitcapture command but if the AI's then going to go lemmings-style off the edge of the roofs there's no real point in choreographing lots of cool looking rooftop landings lol.. Other than the fun :) cheers if anyone has any ideas!
  22. Hi, is it possible to run ace without the updater, im having trouble getting the updater to actually run on my XP machine without crashing.. when i copy the mod folders, or even try and run ace on my main machine using a shortcut (-as in not using the updater) both versions gives a missing XEH extended event handlers not found error.. I imagine this stuff might be answered somewhere but on searching about i couldnt even see reference to anyone else having this problem.. ..im surprised though as im sure i did everything the same as i did installing the last version, and that worked with and without the six updater.
  23. Hi, Sorry to necro this thread but it seemed like the most relevant to help my situation, hopefully someone is watching it. Firstly - Finding this info and the detailed explanation is great so thanks for explaining it all and having it all well laid out for people like me :) Is this way compatible in multiplayer if you to run the setneighbors script on each player? or would doing that infact cause problems :) cheers if anyone knows
  24. Playing a the simplest of missions with the latest patch, OA.. over a LAN. Locally hosting the server on one of the PC's.. There is no option to configure bandwidth usage, so the game takes full advantage of the massive amounts of bandwidth to deliver decent warpfree gameplay. Some sort of autoconfiguration or just options would be great. -- You can run a dedicated server on the hosting/editing machine.. i guess.. and edit the files as you would do, if you were constantly running a dedi... ...but its a bit much for just 2 player quick and easy coop. The game could default you using really high settings if you're running it in 'lan mode' surely? or you could have options? or commands you could type ingame? (( If im wrong, and this isnt the game and others dont experience it.. Ok, sorry, my bad.. If not, surely im not the only one that thinks arma could still use a bit more -basic- options support... Viewdistance would be another one.. )) I mean Yes, you can change it using scripting.. But is it really necessary to turn viewdistance down to the terrible amount it goes down to when you host a new multiplayer game?