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Everything posted by SnR

  1. on the end of the shortcut target line (replace x and y values with desired resolution) It launched, and it worked, but i must say that I'm not very impressed. I was expecting to be able to run it with all details on maximum settings (I can play FSX and Crysis on max detail settings @ 1920*1200 resolution), but it got pretty choppy when I looked around and when i focused on vegetation. I turned off the post processing effects and that seemed to fix the FPS lag, but then after about 2 minutes of playing, the game froze and I wasn't able to exit or do anything, forcing a system reboot, which I don't like one bit My last resort is now Windowed mode due to 3072mb boot up problems. I have attempted the above to no avail, i need it to fill up my screen. of course unable to drag with mouse Could some one help out this Vista 64 POW Ok fixed the correct way is -window -x=800 -y=600 this aloud me to drag the edge over and still keep my 1280x960 res this vista 64 POW just got chow time
  2. on the end of the shortcut target line (replace x and y values with desired resolution) It launched, and it worked, but i must say that I'm not very impressed. I was expecting to be able to run it with all details on maximum settings (I can play FSX and Crysis on max detail settings @ 1920*1200 resolution), but it got pretty choppy when I looked around and when i focused on vegetation. I turned off the post processing effects and that seemed to fix the FPS lag, but then after about 2 minutes of playing, the game froze and I wasn't able to exit or do anything, forcing a system reboot, which I don't like one bit My last resort is now Windowed mode due to 3072mb boot up problems. I have attempted the above to no avail, i need it to fill up my screen. of course unable to drag with mouse Could some one help out this Vista 64 POW
  3. SnR

    Coop mission pack

    Great idea, good to see default Coops still out there
  4. SnR

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    Well done mate worth the wait, looking forward to future updates from those above suggestions.
  5. SnR

    Problems with ATi 8.9 drivers!

    You know this gets up my goat, i was seriously think about purchasing a Nividia card so i can finally see custom faces and hands in detail. In doing this i am willing to for go the price and power of the 4870 1gb, what a way to decide on a purchase :roll eyes: Also to keep seeing the same Games fixed in ATI's Driver change logs kills me
  6. SnR


    Keeping with the Arma theme inregards to the G15, just going through Mosh's Links i found this guy who has a different love for the keyboard. And of course i had to submit links for him to produce these great Keyboard Overlays G15 - Forums
  7. SnR


    Im interested in the Logitech G15 keyboard gaining appropriate ArmaII Plugins
  8. SnR


    Some Plugin Great links above i found this within the Wiki can anyone work it out Edit: once inside you will find more info on TS,Fraps etc
  9. SnR

    All servers not working?

    No problems here oh yeh i use ArmaLauncher
  10. SnR

    BattlEye problems

    Why would i get constant kicks from one server and not others ive tested with, without addons to no avail. My connection is sound Australian pings of 10+.
  11. Because of the Aus Community and the members i associate with
  12. SnR

    Pic of Sydney

    Again well done to the Aus OGN members that have put there gaming aside for this project
  13. SnR

    Devastation: mission pack

    Cant wait to give em a bash
  14. How does one change the name of the exe. thanks
  15. SnR

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    Mr Burns a must Question What specs please
  16. Great stuff, love your work welcome back
  17. SnR

    Australia 102x102

    Great stuff Cant wait to walk around to my neighbours and shoot there cat or even a quiet fly buy in a Harrier Â
  18. SnR


    Ive been investigating this and found that im not the only one who can also hear this Explosion/Grenade looping sound whilst flying 1st & 3rd person Â
  19. SnR


    Well done with your sounds, when im in or in close proximity to the Cobra im hearing a looping Arty sound or something simular
  20. SnR

    SLA Redux Packs

    Cant seem to download, claims file corrupt
  21. SnR

    Solution for low FPS in 1.14

    i am still testing but its looking promising x1950Pro 2mb ram 2.8 dual core Xp
  22. Thats true but due to most servers requiring keys now, we have no other option to stick with stock  NWD Show me the key Â
  23. SnR

    Lowplants v1.1

    Agree we need a key please
  24. SnR

    Armed Assault videos

    Fantastic Job Albert
  25. SnR

    March 6th Update on Patch Status

    This and for ATI to fix the JPG bug would be great