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Posts posted by sfc.itzhak

  1. i really dont see what you are complaining..

    you can make human solders just take slx_pepole as refrance..

    god know i did it and my soilder works with all the animations..

    do a little research and you will see that you can make everyting without the tools..


  2. ok.

    i looked in the bulletcam script and this is what i ended up with

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_Missile = _this select 0

    ? isNull _Missile : exit

    _Type= typeOf _Missile


    ? isNull _Missile : end

    _dis2=_Missile distance player

    _dis1 = round _dis2

    _str = format["%1 meters",(_dis1)]

    ? ctrlvisible 100 : goto "loop"


    titleText [_str, "PLAIN"];

    setAccTime 1


    but still the maximum distance i get is 80 meters..

    any ideas?

  3. You're getting that number because when the bullet impacts it is deleted. 0.1 seconds is by no means an accurate way to determine when the bullet impacts anyway. It could take less time than that and when it does impact you'll lose the _round variable since the bullet will no longer exist. You need to use a loop that constantly records the bullet's position and exits when the bullet no longer exists, that will give you the most accurate impact position.

    thanks for the fast reply.

    any chance you can give me an example of how to do that?

    or even help with this small part?

    thanks sfc.itzhak

  4. hi..

    i am trying to make an addon that whan it fires the ammunition the script will calculate the distance between the object and the bulit impact point..

    i use this script

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    _mg = _this select 0;

    _ammo = _this select 1;

    _round = nearestobject [_this select 0,_this select 4];


    _dist = _mg distance _round;

    _intdest = round _dist

    _a1 = (_intdest - _intdest mod 10000) / 10000

    _a2 = (_intdest mod 10000 - _intdest mod 1000) / 1000

    _a3 = (_intdest mod 1000 - _intdest mod 100) / 100

    _a4 = (_intdest mod 100 - _intdest mod 10) / 10

    _a5 = (_intdest mod 10)

    _str = format["Distance: %1%2%3%4%5", _a1, _a2, _a3, _a4, _a5];

    titleText [_str, "PLAIN"];

    and sometimes i get numbers that look ok but most of the time i get this value ..


    dunno why it dose this ..

    any idea.


    this is the weapon and ammo sitting if you need it.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgAmmo


    class BulletBase;

    class LaserRangeFinderAmmo : BulletBase


    hit = 0;

    indirectHit = 0;

    indirectHitRange = 0;

    model = "";

    soundFly[] = {};

    hitGround[] = {};

    hitMan[] = {};

    hitArmor[] = {};

    hitBuilding[] = {};

    cartridge = "";

    cost = 0.0;

    deflecting = 0;

    visibleFire = 1; // how much is visible when this weapon is fired

    audibleFire = 0;

    visibleFireTime = 20; // how long is it visible

    timeToLive = 20;

    typicalSpeed = 10;



    class CfgMagazines



    class VehicleMagazine;

    class 1000Rnd_127x99_M2 : VehicleMagazine


    scope = public;

    displayName = $STR_DN_M2_MG;

    ammo = "B_127x99_Ball";

    count = 1000;

    initSpeed = 930;



    class CA_Magazine;

    class LaserRangeFinderCharge : CA_Magazine


    scope = public;

    displayName = "Laser range finder charges";

    ammo = "LaserRangeFinderAmmo";

    count = 1000;

    initSpeed = 1000;



    class CfgWeapons


    class MGun;

    class LaserRangerFinder : MGun


    scope = protected;

    displayName = "Laser ranger finder";

    autoFire = true;

    magazines[] = {"LaserRangeFinderCharge"};

    sound[] = {};

    soundServo[] = {};

    reloadTime = 0.11;

    magazineReloadTime = 15;

    dispersion = 0;

    canLock = LockNo;

    minRange = 1;

    minRangeProbab = 1;

    midRange = 5000;

    midRangeProbab = 0;

    maxRange = 10000;

    maxRangeProbab = 0;

    aiDispersionCoefY = 7.0;

    aiDispersionCoefX = 7.0;





  5. so the solution to this unneeded comments like this one

    Quote[/b] ]Very nice to see that people who post actual ingame WIP pictures are blamed for that huh.gif

    is to make anyone that wants to post here to give a wip??

    i really don't see the purpose of this commants..

    and so my post wont be spam ..




    and stop with this nonsense!

    good day


  6. well said nephilim.

    and i will add 1 more thing..

    all vbs2 stuff are encrypted and cannot be used ...

    AND like vbs1 it uses a usb key...

    so if you want to see vbs2 stuff you can always buy them..

    OR make them yourself.

    have a good week


  7. hey..

    i have a watch tower with an my created optics.

    i have add 4 section in the optics so they will be used as hidden selctions for the lasing.

    i use this script to get the distance from the watch tower to the bullt..

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    _mg = _this select 0

    _ammo = _this select 1;

    _basename = "\gaza_obj\hud\n"

    _type = _this select 4

    _shell = nearestobject [_this select 0,_this select 4];


    _return =_mg distance _shell;


    ; Break the altitude into integers

    _alt =_return

    _a1 = (_alt - _alt mod 10000) / 10000

    _a2 = (_alt mod 10000 - _alt mod 1000) / 1000

    _a3 = (_alt mod 1000 - _alt mod 100) / 100

    _a4 = (_alt mod 100 - _alt mod 10) / 10

    _a5 = ((_alt mod 10) - _alt % 1)

    _str = format["%1%2.pac", _basename, _a1]

    _mg setobjecttexture[0, _str]

    _str = format["%1%2.pac", _basename, _a2]

    _mg setobjecttexture[1, _str]

    _str = format["%1%2.pac", _basename, _a3]

    _mg setobjecttexture[2, _str]

    _str = format["%1%2.pac", _basename, _a4]

    _mg setobjecttexture[3, _str]

    _str = format["%1%2.pac", _basename, _a5]

    _mg setobjecttexture[4, _str]



    _mg setobjecttexture[0, ""]

    _mg setobjecttexture[1, ""]

    _mg setobjecttexture[2, ""]

    _mg setobjecttexture[3, ""]

    _mg setobjecttexture[4, ""]

    now my q is how do i aplly those hidden selction on the optics?

    if i missed a detail tell me...

    thanks in advance


  8. hey

    i am making an apc and for some reason it shows under car in the editor and non of the animation work even the gunners ows wont work or fire...

    my tank uses almost the same config and it works great...

    the config..

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define TEast 0

    #define TWest 1

    #define TGuerrila 2

    #define TCivilian 3

    #define TSideUnknown 4

    #define TEnemy 5

    #define TFriendly 6

    #define TLogic 7

    #define true 1

    #define false 0

    // type scope

    #define private 0

    #define protected 1

    #define public 2

    class CfgPatches


    class achzrit


    units[] = {};

    requiredVersion = 1.0;



    #include <CfgSkeletons.h>

    class CfgVehicles {

    class Land; // External class reference

    class LandVehicle : Land {

    class NewTurret; // External class reference

    class ViewOptics; // External class reference


    class Tank : LandVehicle {

    driverOpticsModel = "\ca\Tracked\optika_tank_driver";

    commanderCanSee = 30;

    gunnerCanSee = 30;

    class HitHull {

    armor = 1;

    material = 55;

    name = "telo";

    visual = "telo";

    passThrough = 1;


    class HitLTrack {

    armor = 0.15;

    material = 55;

    name = "pas_L";

    visual = "pas_L";

    passThrough = 1;


    class HitRTrack {

    armor = 0.15;

    material = 55;

    name = "pas_P";

    visual = "pas_P";

    passThrough = 1;


    class HitEngine {

    armor = 0.4;

    material = 60;

    name = "motor";

    visual = "motor";

    passThrough = 1;


    weapons[] = {};

    magazines[] = {};

    class Turrets {

    class MainTurret : NewTurret {

    gunnerAction = "ManActTestDriverOut";

    gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\Tracked\optika_tank_gunner";

    gunnerOutOpticsModel = "\ca\Weapons\optika_empty";

    gunBeg = "usti hlavne";

    gunEnd = "konec hlavne";

    memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos driver";

    memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos driver dir";

    class HitTurret {

    armor = 0.8;

    material = 55;

    name = "vez";

    visual = "vez";

    passThrough = 1;


    class HitGun {

    armor = 0.4;

    material = 55;

    name = "zbran";

    visual = "zbran";

    passThrough = 1;


    class Turrets {

    class CommanderOptics : NewTurret {

    proxyType = "CPCommander";

    proxyIndex = 1;


    primaryGunner = 0;

    primaryObserver = 1;

    body = "obsTurret";

    gun = "obsGun";

    animationSourceBody = "obsTurret";

    animationSourceGun = "obsGun";

    animationSourceHatch = "hatchCommander";

    soundServo[] = {"", 0.00316228, 1.0};

    gunBeg = "";

    gunEnd = "";

    minElev = -4;

    maxElev = 20;

    initElev = 0;

    minTurn = -360;

    maxTurn = 360;

    initTurn = 0;

    commanding = 2;

    outGunnerMayFire = 1;

    inGunnerMayFire = 1;

    gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\Tracked\optika_tank_driver";

    gunnerOutOpticsModel = "\ca\Weapons\optika_empty";

    gunnerOutOpticsColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 1};

    gunnerOutForceOptics = 0;

    gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 0;

    memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "commander_weapon_view";

    memoryPointGunnerOptics = "commanderview";

    memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos driver";

    memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos driver dir";

    memoryPointGun = "gun_muzzle";

    selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1";

    class ViewOptics {

    initAngleX = 0;

    minAngleX = -30;

    maxAngleX = 30;

    initAngleY = 0;

    minAngleY = -100;

    maxAngleY = 100;

    initFov = 0.6;

    minFov = 0.6;

    maxFov = 0.6;


    class ViewGunner {

    initAngleX = 5;

    minAngleX = -30;

    maxAngleX = 30;

    initAngleY = 0;

    minAngleY = 0;

    maxAngleY = 0;

    initFov = 0.7;

    minFov = 0.6;

    maxFov = 0.7;






    soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\OldRolling_Treads1", 7.94328, 0.8};

    soundEngine[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\OldIdle1", 10.0, 1};

    soundCrash[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\crash2", 31.6228, 1};

    soundGear[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\Gear_Trans1", 0.01, 1};

    soundDammage[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\alarm_loop1", 1.0, 1};

    getInAction = "GetInmedium";

    getOutAction = "GetOutmediun";

    supplyRadius = 1.5;

    simulation = "tank";

    class ViewOptics : ViewOptics {

    initAngleX = 0;

    minAngleX = -30;

    maxAngleX = 30;

    initAngleY = 0;

    minAngleY = -100;

    maxAngleY = 100;

    initFov = 0.9;

    minFov = 0.9;

    maxFov = 0.9;



    class achzrit : tank


    displayName = "achzrit";

    model = "\achzrit\achzrit.p3d";

    selectionLeftOffset = "pasanimL";

    selectionRightOffset = "pasanimP";


    side = 1;

    accuracy = 0.8;

    picture = "\ca\tracked\Data\ico\M1_abrams_CA.paa";

    Icon = "\Ca\tracked\Data\map_ico\icomap_m1a1_CA.paa";

    mapSize = 7;

    armor = 900;

    nameSound = "APC";

    maxSpeed = 60;

    hiddenSelections[] = {""};

    hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {""};

    transportSoldier = 7;

    hasCommander = false;

    unloadInCombat = true;

    crew = "SoldierWB";

    class TransportMagazines {};

    transportAmmo = 0;

    supplyRadius = 1.7;

    cost = 150000;

    canFloat = 0;

    typicalCargo[] = {"SoldierwCrew", "SoldierwCrew"};

    viewCargoShadow = 1;

    threat[] = {0.7, 1.0, 0.3};

    soundGetIn[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\metal_door2", 0.01, 1};

    soundGetOut[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\metal_door2", 0.00316228, 1};

    soundEnviron[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\M1A2_track_v2", 5.01187, 1};

    soundEngine[] = {"\ca\Tracked\Data\Sound\Brdm_engine_3", 7.94328, 0.9};

    driverAction = "BMP2_DriverOut";

    driverInAction = "BMP2_Driver";

    memoryPointTrack1L = "Stopa ll";

    memoryPointTrack1R = "Stopa lr";

    memoryPointTrack2L = "Stopa rl";

    memoryPointTrack2R = "Stopa rr";

    cargoIsCoDriver[] = {0};

    cargoAction[] ={"Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","Stryker_Cargo01","BMP2_Commander"};

    driverForceOptics = 0;

    class Turrets


    class MainTurret : NewTurret


    body = "OtocVez";

    gun = "OtocHlaven";

    animationSourceBody = "mainTurret";

    animationSourceGun = "mainGun";

    animationSourceHatch = "hatchGunner";

    class HitTurret


    armor = 0.8;

    material = 55;

    name = "vez";

    visual = "vez";

    passThrough = true;


    class HitGun


    armor = 0.4;

    material = 55;

    name = "zbran";

    visual = "zbran";

    passThrough = true;


    weapons[] = {M240_veh};

    magazines[] = {"1200Rnd_762x51_M240"};

    soundServo[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun_elevate", 0.001, 1.0};

    minElev = -4;

    maxElev = 33;

    minTurn = -360;

    maxTurn = 360;

    gunnerAction = "BMP2_GunnerOut";

    gunnerInAction = "BMP2_Gunner";

    forceHideGunner = 0;

    gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\Tracked\optika_M1A1_gunner";

    gunnerForceOptics = false;

    gunnerOutOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";





    the CfgSkeletons.h

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSkeletons


    class Tank; //Define base class.

    class achzritBones : tank



    skeletonInherit = ""; //Inherit all bones from class Car.



    "levy predni","",

    "levy dalsi","",

    "levy prostredni","",

    "levy zadni","",

    "pravy predni","",

    "pravy dalsi","",

    "pravy prostredni","",

    "pravy zadni","",






















    class CfgModels


    class Tank; //Declare base class.

    class achzrit: tank


    sectionsInherit = "";

    sections[] ={"pas_P","koll1","koll2","kolp1","kolp2","koloL1","koloL2","koloL3","koloL4","koloL5","koloL6","kolP1","koloP1","koloP2","koloP3","koloP4","koloP5","koloP6","pravy zadni","pasanimL","pasanimP","levy zadni","L svetlo", "P svetlo"};

    skeletonName = "achzritBones";

    class Animations


    class OtocVez


    type = "rotationY";

    source = "mainTurret";

    selection = "OtocVez";

    axis = "OsaVeze";

    memory = true;

    sourceAddress = "loop";

    minValue = rad -360;

    maxValue = rad +360;

    angle0 = rad -360;

    angle1 = "rad 360";


    class OtocHlaven


    type = "rotationX";

    source = "mainGun";

    selection = "OtocHlaven";

    axis = "OsaHlavne";

    memory = true;

    sourceAddress = "clamp";

    minValue = "rad -4.5";

    maxValue = "rad 35";

    angle0 = "rad -5.5";

    angle1 = "rad 35";


    class achkoloL1


    type = "rotationX";

    source = "wheelL";

    selection = "kolol1";

    axis = "";

    memory = true;

    sourceAddress = "loop";

    minValue = 0;

    maxValue = 1;

    angle0 = 0;

    angle1 = "rad -360";


    class achkoloL2 :achkoloL1


    selection = "kolol2";


    class achkoloL3 :achkoloL1


    selection = "kolol3";


    class achkoloL4 :achkoloL1


    selection = "kolol4";


    class achkoloL5 :achkoloL1


    selection = "kolol5";


    class achkoloL6 :achkoloL1


    selection = "kolol6";


    class achkoll1 :achkoloL1


    selection = "koll1";


    class achkoll2 :achkoloL1


    selection = "koll2";


    class achkolop1


    type = "rotationX";

    source = "wheelr";

    selection = "kolop1";

    axis = "";

    memory = true;

    sourceAddress = "loop";

    minValue = 0;

    maxValue = 1;

    angle0 = 0;

    angle1 = "rad -360";


    class achkolop2 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolop2";


    class achkolop3 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolop3";


    class achkolop4 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolop4";


    class achkolop5 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolop5";


    class achkolop6 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolop6";


    class achkolop7 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolop7";


    class achkolop8 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolop8";


    class achkolop9 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolop9";


    class achkolp1 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolp1";


    class achkolp2 :achkolop1


    selection = "kolp2";


    class mkDrivingWheel


    type = "rotationZ";

    source = "drivingWheel";

    selection = "volant";

    axis = "osavolantkon";

    memory = true;

    sourceAddress = "mirror";

    minValue = -1;

    maxValue = 1;

    angle0 = "rad -35";

    angle1 = "rad 35";





    thanks in advance..

  9. i want to simulate the tracks goes off its place

    i will explain..

    if a atank turns in the spot he will "loose" his track because it can slip out of place

    so i want to calculate how meny degrees did the tanks hull did without moving 1 meter

    so is it possible?



  10. is it possible to calculate who many degrees did the tank (not the turret) did??

    like a script that will calculate how many degrees did the tank hull did and how meny meter did he move in that time..

    i know it seems impossible but is there a way??


